[News] Venezuela's President Maduro Hopes US Saved from Opposition-Style Fascist Hate

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Wed Aug 23 11:55:49 EDT 2017


  Maduro Hopes US Saved from Opposition-Style Fascist Hate

August 22, 2017

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has deplored the major damage caused 
to the country during months of opposition violence, comparing the 
right-wing protesters to the white supremacist rioters who rampaged 
across Charlottesville, Virginia, on Aug. 12.

Speaking at a press conference at the Miraflores Presidential Palace in 
Caracas, the head of state deplored how the “fascist groups” attacked 
people based on their observable ethnic characteristics, comparing it to 
the recent riots that rocked Charlottesville.

“When I see the images from Charlottesville, I say, 'I hope the people 
of the United States will be saved from fascist hate',” he said. 
“Because in Venezuela, 29 people were set on fire only because they were 
perceived to be Chavistas, or because of the color of their skin – like 
mine, mestizo – Black, or by their social position of seeming to be poor.”

Maduro accused the foreign-backed elements of attempting to advance a 
seditious plan to defeat the Bolivarian Revolution and roll back the 
gains achieved by the people of Venezuela, especially those that 
benefited the most marginalized.

"In the four months of violence, of human damage, with more than 100 
dead, more than 2,000 injured and ... material damage ... hospitals, 
schools, libraries, urban living centers were attacked," the president said.

“More than 500 buses were burnt, the most modern in the system. More 
than 30 large shops, which are administered by the CLAP (Local Food 
Production and Provision Committees), were looted and burnt,” he added, 
in reference to the country's low-income food distribution program.

“Four million families were affected by these burnings, the national 
electric service was affected and attacked,” he said.

Maduro also noted the hypocrisy of global media outlets that have 
remained silent about the well-documented and widely-reported hate 
crimes committed by the opposition.

“Of course, since it was the right and the anti-Chavistas that did it, 
they kept it quiet,” he noted.

“If it had been reversed – the hypothesis would have been negated – 
because we do not set human beings on fire, we don’t injure people.”

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