[News] Encuentro at the US Mexico Border - October 7-10, in Nogales, Sonora/ Arizona & Tucson - demand a shift in US policies

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Sep 30 13:23:19 EDT 2016

Freedom Archives is endorsing the SOA Watch Convergence at the Border 
and we encourage you to join the October 7-11 vigils, protests and 
workshops at the Eloy Detention Center, in Tucson, and in Nogales, 
Arizona/ Sonora at the border wall. Visit the convergence webpage for 
more information: http://SOAW.org/border 

It is important that we have a strong showing of activists from 
throughout the U.S. and Mexico in the lead-up to the November elections. 
We are going to take a stand for justice and demand fundamental change 
in US policies that goes beyond elections. Come out and amplify the 
demands of the convergence:

  * An end to the destructive U.S. military, economic, and political
    interventions in the Americas.
  * De-militarization of the borders. We need to build bridges with our
    neighbors, not walls.
  * The dismantling of the racist and sexist systems that steal from,
    criminalize, and kill migrants, refugees, natives, gender
    non-conforming people, communities of color, and others throughout
    the hemisphere.
  * Respect, dignity, justice and self-determination for all
    communities, especially the poor and most vulnerable
  * No more profits over people! Private military, prison, oil, mining,
    and other corporations should not determine our future or that of
    the earth, the people should.

For the full schedule of October 7-11 events, visit 

Featured speakers and musicians at the bi-national rally and the vigil 
at the US/Mexico border wall: 

Workshops on Saturday, October 8 in Nogales, Arizona, USA: 
Workshops on Saturday, October 8 in Nogales, Sonora, Mexico: 

People of Color Space in Tucson, Arizona: 

See you at the Border!
Freedom Archives


*Schedule of Events*

*Friday, October 7*

  * 9:15am Exhibition of Ten Quilts
    Memorialize Lives Lost by Migrants Crossing the Desert in the Tucson
    Sector. This event will take place in the Tucson and Catalina Rooms
    of the University of Arizona’s Student Union (1303 E. University
    Blvd., Tucson, Arizona)
  * 5pm - 7:30pm - *Vigil and rally at the Eloy Immigrant Detention
    Center, and Opening of the Convergence Weekend, Welcome, and Know
    Your Rights Information* (1705 E Hanna Rd, Eloy , AZ, 85131)*++*
  * Welcome and Peña Celebration in Nogales, Mexico, 6:00pm-8pm at the
    Art Museum (Av. Adolfo Lopez Mateos No. 120, Nogales 84000, Mexico)
  * 7pm - 11pm - Concert in Tucson
    Arizona at Club Congress, a benefit for No More Deaths. For all that
    are interested, including People of Color Space participants, and
    those unable to travel past the Border Patrol checkpoint to Nogales
    (7pm-11pm, Club Congress, 311 E Congress St, Tucson, AZ)*++*

*Saturday, October 8*

  * 8:30am - 9:30am *Veteran-led march
    in Nogales (Sonora/Arizona)* kick off on the U.S. side: Hotel
    Americana, 639 N Grand Ave, Nogales, AZ 85621 kick off on the Mexico
    side: Plaza Ochoa, Nogales, Son., Mexico
  * *9:45am - 11:45am - Rally at the border wall in Nogales, Sonora /
    Arizona* *with speakers and musicians
    from across the Americas* featured speakers will include Michael
    McPherson of Veterans for Peace; Hector Barajas, the founder of
    Deported Veterans Support House in Tijuana, Mexico; Shena Gutierrez,
    from the Border Patrol Victims Network, Mexico, human rights
    activist and Green Party vice presidential candidate Ajamu Baraka;
    Isabel Garcia from the Coalicion de Derechos Humanos, Indigenous
    Community Defender Nestora Salgado; Maudí Tzy from the Alliance to
    Break the Silence and End Impunity from Guatemala, SOA Watch Field
    Organizer Maria Luisa Rosal and Father Roy Bourgeois, SOA Watch
    founder Live music performances by Pablo Peregrina, Emmas
    Revolution, Colleen Kattau, Olmeca, the Peace Poets, Natalia Serna
    La Muna, Son Jarocho musicians, and the SOA Watch Musicians Collective
  * *TUCSON - 9 AM - 8 PM - People of Color Space
    & Youth of Color Space Workshops, Break-Out Groups, and Plenary
    *addressing mutual solidarity, racial and gender justice. For more
    information on the *POCS workshops, please click here
    /If you are planning on attending the 10/8 POC Space in Tucson,
    please fill out this/ *Registration/RSVP form
    (9am-8pm, Dunbar African American Culture Center,
    W 2nd St. Tucson, AZ 85705
  * *Workshops at Hotel Americana*
    (639 N Grand Ave, Nogales, AZ 85621) in Nogales, Arizona (United
    States), 1:15pm-7:50pm
  * *Workshops in Nogales, Sonora*
    (Escuela Primaria Abelardo L. Rodriguez, Fenochio 23, Fundó Legal,
    Nogales, Mexico), 1:15pm-7:50pm
  * Nosh & Reflection: A lunch gathering for Jewish activists and allies
  * *Anniversary Vigil for José Antonio Elena Rodríguez in Nogales*,
    Sonora: starting with a march at 4 pm from the Plaza de las Palomas
    in Nogales, Sonora to the site where Jose Antonio was killed and a 5
    pm mass with the Nogales Bishop, inauguration of the installation of
    a painting of Jose Antonio, followed by a cultural/musical event
  * *Interfaith Ceremony at the border wall & candlelight vigil*,
  * *Cross-border concert at the Mexico/U.S. border wall*,
    8:00pm-10:30pm with Charlie King, Colleen Kattau, the Peace Poets,
    emma's revolution, Natalia Serna La Muna, Olmeca, Pablo Peregrina,
    and Son Jarocho

*Sunday, October 9*

  * *9am - 1:30pm - */*¡No Más! No More! & Presentes*, /musicians,
    protest, and art at the border wall We will commemorate those whose
    lives were lost as a result of state violence. Speakers
    will include Shannon Rivers, a member of the Akimel O'odham tribe;
    Padre Prisciliano Peraza, coordinator of CCAMYN in Altar, Sonora;
    Carlotta of People Helping People from Arivaca; Hector Aristizabal,
    Colombian human rights activist and torture survivor; Mariela Nájera
    Romero and Uriel Gamaliel Guzmán, Las Patronas; Marleny Reyes
    Castillo, Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of
    Honduras (COPINH), Maria Guadalupe Guereca Betancourt and Araceli;
    Carlos Garcia, Puente; Frier Tomás González Castillo coordinator of
    La 72, Hogar Refugio para Personas migrantes y refugiadas, en
    Tenosique, Tabasco; George Paz Martin, peace and justice and climate
    activist and educator; and there will be musical performances
    by Francisco Herrera, Natalia Serna La Muna, Gabino Palomares and others
  * TUCSON - Informal gathering/continuation of work from previous day's
    POC Space for those that cannot or choose not to travel to Nogales
    (time & location TBA)*++*

*Monday, October 10*

  * Vigil for José Antonio Elena Rodríguez (time & location TBA)
  * 10am Block Party - Indigenous People Day 2016 at the Global Justice
    Center in Tucson, Arizona (225 E 25th St., Tucson, AZ 85713).
    Barrio Mindz, live art, dancers, and music in Resistance + Respect.*++*

*Featured speakers and musicians at the #ConvergenceAtTheBorder:*

Freedom Archives 522 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA 94110 415 
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