[News] Right of return is the heart of Palestine's struggle

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Tue Sep 6 19:39:10 EDT 2016


  Right of return is the heart of Palestine's struggle

Mohamed Mohamed <https://electronicintifada.net/people/mohamed-mohamed> 
6 September 2016

A friend of mine recently shared an image meant to show solidarity with 
Palestine. At first glance, I thought it was nice: it depicts a heart 
that is outlined with the word “Palestine,” is filled with the names of 
many Palestinian cities and is decorated with the colors of the 
Palestinian flag.

Naturally, I tried to find the city of Safad 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/safad>, which is near the 
birthplace of my grandparents. I couldn’t find it, but I also couldn’t 
find other nearby cities such as Akka 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/akka>, Haifa 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/haifa> or even Nazareth 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/nazareth>. Then it became clear: 
none of the Palestinian cities seized by Zionist forces during the 1948 
Nakba <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/nakba> were included in this 
Palestine heart.

As a descendant of Palestinians from a village in what is now known as 
Israel, the barrage of Israeli propaganda attempting to bury the history 
of our existence is not surprising. One can expect no less from a state 
that was created through the expulsion and subjugation of an existing 

Discrimination against Palestinians is not perpetrated solely by the 
Israeli state; it is endemic to Israeli society itself. A recent Pew 
indicates that almost half of Israeli Jews believe that Palestinian 
/citizens/ of Israel should be expelled from the country and 79 percent 
believe that Jews deserve preferential treatment in Israel.

Yet the heart image, which ignores a key injustice perpetrated against 
Palestinians, presumably originated from a supporter of Palestine. It is 
just another picture among millions being shared online, but it serves 
as a reminder of how the plight of Palestinians dispossessed in 1948 has 
in many ways been forgotten, even by those who are supportive of the 
Palestinian cause.

    A non-negotiable right

The right of return <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/right-return>, 
a cornerstone of the Palestinian struggle, is the principle that 
Palestinian refugees have an inalienable right to return to their 
homeland. This includes those who fled or were forced to flee in 1948 as 
well as in 1967, along with their descendants.

The right of return is also enshrined in international law. The UN 
General Assembly in December 1948 adopted Resolution 194 
which called for the return of Palestinian refugees to their homes. In 
June 1967, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 237 
calling on Israel to facilitate the return of refugees, thereby 
including those forced out by Israel’s seizure of land days earlier.

Israel continues to violate its obligations under international law. It 
has no intention of correcting or addressing the historic injustices 
that created the Palestinian refugee problem, and the right of return 
has been one of the main issues preventing a just settlement of the 
conflict. In the rare instances that Israel even considers Palestinian 
statehood, it regards the right of return as out of the question 

Although the original refugees of the 1948 ethnic cleansing are 
declining in number, their descendants number more than five million 
<http://www.unrwa.org/palestine-refugees>. Even if a fraction exercised 
their right to return, this could potentially upset the balance of power 
within the Israeli political system in a dramatic way. Considering that 
Israelis have long been warned of the “demographic threat 
to the “Jewish state,” and that the entire Zionist project relies on 
maintaining Jewish demographic domination, it is no surprise that they 
are unwilling to accept the right of return.

As a result of its entrenched political, economic and military power, 
Israel has no incentive to accept responsibility for its crimes or make 
any reparations. On the contrary, the Israeli propaganda machine 
actively tries to normalize 
<http://mondoweiss.net/2016/06/palestine-oppressed-normalization/> the 
country’s dark history and its ongoing oppression of Palestinians.

In other words, the expectation is that repeated human rights 
violations, including ethnic cleansing and dispossession, become 
accepted as normal if given enough time. This normalization influences 
the perceptions of international audiences, the Israeli public and even 
Palestine supporters who have become disheartened by the poor prospects 
for a fair resolution.

    Game of patience

The first conference of the Zionist movement took place more than 50 
years before 1948; the colonization of Palestine has long been a 
maneuver of patience, backed by overwhelming violence and international 

This is still the case today, 68 years after the Nakba. Israel is likely 
betting that after the first-generation refugees die off, the following 
generations will gradually forget their claims to historic Palestine.

In the meantime, the trees planted by the Jewish National Fund 
will continue to grow and conceal the evidence of Palestinian villages 
destroyed by Zionists.

It is imperative that supporters of Palestinian rights never forget the 
refugees of 1948. Palestine solidarity movements continue to call for 
the right of return, but for strategic reasons much of their activism 
focuses on issues such as settlement activity in the West Bank, 
including East Jerusalem, and Israeli aggression against Gaza.

The Palestinian-led boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement 
calls for the boycott <https://bdsmovement.net/faqs> of “all of the 
Israeli companies and institutions that are involved in its violations 
of international law,” but it acknowledges 
<https://bdsmovement.net/get-involved/what-to-boycott> that the most 
prominent campaigns target companies that operate in illegal Israeli 
settlements in the West Bank. Campaigns against settlement activity in 
the so-called Occupied Palestinian Territories are simply more likely to 
gain broad international support than those calling for the right of return.

This reality of what powerful nations — and even some activists — will 
support is a testament to the persistence and effectiveness of Israeli 
propaganda. Despite uprooting hundreds of thousands of people in 1948, 
occupying their lands and subjugating those who remained, major world 
powers view Israel as a legitimate state, a “bastion of democracy.”

To them, Palestinian lands captured in 1948 are not perceived as 
occupied in any way. The “Occupied Palestinian Territories” refer to the 
West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, and Israel’s 
official position is that they are “disputed 
not occupied. History is written by the victors here.

Furthermore, supporters of Israel are notorious for answering valid 
criticism of state policy with accusations of anti-Semitism. They equate 
the Palestinian right of return with the denial of Jewish 
self-determination and this discourages others from speaking out.

    Remaining steadfast

The core issue here is that the Zionist founders of Israel expelled the 
native Palestinian population and seized their lands. Israel’s very 
foundation rests on occupation and oppression.

In Lebanon, stateless Palestinians continue to live in overcrowded and 
underserved refugee camps with few rights, while Israelis — effectively 
squatters — live comfortably on the lands of these Palestinians’ parents 
and grandparents, only tens of miles away. Their rightful homes and 
lands are undoubtedly occupied.

No peace agreement can ever void this right of return because individual 
rights cannot be abrogated by any peace deal. Israel arrogantly claims 
sovereignty over the Palestinian lands that it stole in 1948, and it 
would like nothing more than to receive official sanction of this claim. 
Any Israeli willingness to recognize Palestinian statehood would be 
contingent on that.

In the meantime, Israel will continue to methodically malnourish 
stunt and limit the caloric intake of Palestinians in Gaza and suppress 
Palestinians in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, 
<http://www.btselem.org/topic/freedom_of_movement> in the hope that 
protracted suffering and humiliation will lead them into submission.

The Palestinian people have remained steadfast in the face of such 
Israeli tyranny. Sixty-eight years of displacement and repression have 
not broken their will and resilience.

But as Israel’s propaganda continues to distract from the truth of its 
foundation, and when even the supposed chief representative of 
Palestinians indicates his willingness to cede 
his claims to his hometown, it becomes more important than ever for 
Palestinians and their supporters to reaffirm the right of return. 
Otherwise, the true extent of the occupation of all historic Palestine 
will be forgotten.

/Mohamed Mohamed is the Finance, Grants and Development Associate at The 
Jerusalem Fund and Palestine Center in Washington, DC./

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