[News] Puerto Ricans are being used as medical guinea pigs… again

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Oct 27 12:27:48 EDT 2016


  Puerto Ricans are being used as medical guinea pigs… again

Throughout the 20^th century Puerto Ricans – particularly Puerto Rican 
women – were used as lab rats in “clinical trials,” with experimental 
drugs that harmed their health. The contraceptive pill was “tested” and 
“refined” in Puerto Rico. Over three decades nearly 200,000 women had 
their fallopian tubes cut, without being told.

Now, in 2016, Puerto Ricans are being used as guinea pigs again…to test 
a so-called “Zika vaccine.”


Fox News is proudly announcing a clinical trial in Puerto Rico of a 
Zika vaccine. The “DNA-based” vaccine is being developed and tested by a 
company named Inovio.

According to Inovio, “there are no approved vaccines or therapies for 
Zika virus infection…only Inovio and a US government 
research center have started human clinical studies.”

These “human” studies involve the experimental gene-altering drug 
“GLS-5700 administered with Inovio’s CELLECTRA^® -3P device.”

Inovio also announced that “in preclinical testing, this synthetic 
vaccine induced robust antibody and T cell responses – the immune 
responses necessary to fight viral infections – in small and large 


In other words, and in plain English…the US government and Inovio have 
tested GLS-5700 on animals. And now, the first human beings they will 
test it on are…Puerto Ricans.

Also in plain English, a “DNA-based” drug is one which *_alters_ _your_ 
_DNA_*. It causes some of your cells to grow and replicate differently, 
from the way that nature intended. This is not very far removed, from 
the definition of *cancer*.

So in plain English, a gene-altering drug which may cause cancer, is 
being tested on Puerto Ricans.

Not surprisingly, the _Inovio _website <http://www.inovio.com/> shows 
that they are primarily a cancer research company.


The *_fact_* of medical experimentation – not the rumor – is well-known 
and well-documented. It has been reported in our national press.

Of course, when /Time/ magazine reports that millions of “us” are being 
turned into lab rats, it does _not_ report who constitutes their “us.”

“Us” does not include the blond woman on the cover of /Time/, who is a 
paid model.

She is not “us.”

“Us” are the black and Latino children in Washington Heights who are 
killed in lethal AIDS drug trials…and become known as the Guinea Pig 

“Us” is the Black Box warning 
that Genentech adds to its “cutting edge” drug Xolair, *_after_* it has 
killed unsuspecting Latino women suffering from asthma.

“Us” are the nine years of contraceptive drug trials in Humacao, PR, 
foisted on tens of thousands of unsuspecting women, which resulted in 
blood clotting, strokes,_heart attacks, and death_ 

In general, “us” does not include the writers and editors of /Time/ 

It is the vulnerable and relatively powerless populations of this 
nation, who invariably become “us.”

/Time/ magazine, and most of its readers, should stop whining. They will 
never be “us.” They don’t even know what “us” is.


The DNA drug trials on Puerto Ricans were cleverly engineered.

Inovio’s own web site 
admits that the Zika virus was first identified in Uganda and 
“subsequently spread to equatorial Asia, the South Pacific, Hawaii, 
South America, and Central America.”

The epicenter of Zika in Latin America is Brazil…where the epidemic is 
so advanced, that the Zika virus is now found in common house mosquitoes 
throughout the country.

Despite this, the US press willfully and knowingly mis-reports the Zika 
situation in Puerto Rico…going so far as to announce, in large 
headlines, that “Puerto Rico is__Ground Zero for Zika Outbreak.” 

The same racism and ignorance that resulted in a Zika fumigation 
of Washington Heights and no other neighborhood in Manhattan, is now 
clearing the way for experimental drug trials in Puerto Rico…

With DNA altering drugs, that may lead to cancer.


To the victims of this “DNA drug trial” in Puerto Rico, please be 
careful what you sign.

Do *_not_* sign any “waiver and release” forms, which would shield 
Inovio from legal liability for any harm caused by their “cutting edge” 
DNA drugs.

Notice how the press release on their own website ends with a 503-word 
legal disclaimer 

The disclaimer ends with this statement:

/“There can be no assurance that any product in Inovio’s pipeline will 
be successfully developed or manufactured, that final results of 
clinical studies will be supportive of regulatory approvals required to 
market licensed products, or that any of the forward-looking information 
provided herein will be proven accurate.”/

In other words, *_even_ _Inovio_* is flying blind.

They freely admit…

That they do not know _what_ their drugs will do…what help or harm they 
might cause.

The only thing they _do_ know, is that they will alter your genetic 

So naturally they test it…in Puerto Rico.


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