[News] Minnesota special ops now in militarized gang of police and mercenaries assaulting Native Americans

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Oct 25 11:56:18 EDT 2016


*/Minnesota special ops now in militarized gang of police and 
mercenaries assaulting Native Americans praying for the water/*
By Brenda Norrell*- October 24, 2016
*Censored News*

Minneapolis was the third city in the United States to pass a resolution 
of support for Standing Rock Sioux Nation and its fight against the 
Dakota Access Pipeline. Now, the Hennepin County Sheriff has sent 
Special Operations units, which Lakotas say are part of the militarized 
police assault which is terrorizing women, children and elderly.

The Hennepin County Sheriff claims they are responding to an emergency. 
Standing Rock water protectors say the only emergency is their human 
rights and civil rights are being violated by a violent, out-of-control, 
militarized police gang.

Native Americans and allies are under attack by a militarized police 
operation -- with public funds and services co-opted by a private 
pipeline -- which violates their human rights, and civil rights, with 
every violent attack by police.

In recent weeks, Morton County Sheriff's deputies, National Guard, 
Highway Patrol and DAPL private security have engaged in a reign of 
terror -- with increasing violence.
Water protectors in prayer have been pepper-sprayed repeatedly in the 
eyes, grabbed by the neck and thrown to the ground, beaten with batons, 
and terrorized with loaded assault weapons and shotguns pointed at them, 
while surrounded by armored vehicles.
They have been bitten by vicious dogs.

Morton County has strip-searched women and men and then jailed them 
without credible charges, victimizing them with false imprisonment.

Further, one Lakota woman was strip-searched and left naked in a jail 
cell all night, with no credible charge. She is the daughter of LaDonna 
Brave Bull Allard who owns the land where Camp of the Sacred Stones is 

Minneapolis was the third city to pass a resolution in support of the 
Standing Rock Sioux Nation's fight to halt the Dakota Access Pipeline. 
The Cities of Seattle and St. Paul previously passed resolutions in 
support of halting the pipeline that threatens the water source, the 
Missouri River, of the Dakota, Lakota and Nakota peoples.

Members of the Minneapolis City Council and St. Paul City Council 
delivered the resolutions on Sept. 5, 2016.

Minneapolis said in its resolution, "The Dakota Access pipeline – a 
project also financially supported by the Enbridge company – has 
received weeks of resistance from the Oceti Sakowin, or the Seven 
Council Fires comprised of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota Nations."

"The Oceti Sakowin established the Sacred Stone Spirit Camp in Cannon 
Ball, North Dakota to halt the project due to its lack of environmental 
review and consultation with Tribal leaders."

"If built, this line would carry as many as 570,000 barrels of fracked 
crude oil per day for more than 1,100 miles from the Bakken oil fields 
of North Dakota to Illinois," Minneapolis said.

Now, the huge militarized vehicles of Hennepin County, where Minneapolis 
is the county seat, have arrived to terrorize Standing Rock.

Here is the statement from Hennepin County:

/“At the request of the Governor of the State of North Dakota, and as 
approved by the State of Minnesota, on Sunday, Minnesota Sheriff’s 
Deputies from the Hennepin, Anoka, and Washington Counties’ Sheriff’s 
Offices were deployed to assist in Morton County, North Dakota. These 
deputies are part of a larger contingent of hundreds of law enforcement 
officers from around the Country who have responded to the request made 
through the Emergency Management Assistance Compact, (“EMAC”), a 
nationally adopted system for sharing personnel and resources via 
state-to-state aid agreements. /
/These Minnesota peace officers will assist in maintaining the public’s 
safety, preserve the peace, and protect the constitutional rights of 
protesters. These Sheriff’s deputies train and prepare to respond to 
emergency calls throughout the region, state and nation following any 
declaration of a state of emergency./

/Reimbursement for all expenses related to providing this service will 
be made through the State of Minnesota. The EMAC system was ratified by 
Congress and has been adopted as law in all 50 states -- to ensure no 
sheriff, no deputy, and no state stands alone in the state of an 


Deputy Shane Myre #533
Intergovernmental Relations
Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office
612.543.0694 (office)
612.223.4951 (cell)
shane.myre at hennepin.us <mailto:shane.myre at hennepin.us>

Posted by brendanorrell at gmail.com

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