[News] Haiti Emergency: donate now to save lives

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Oct 11 15:54:02 EDT 2016


As we write this, Hurricane Matthew slammed into Haiti, killing at least 
900 people and leaving thousands without shelter or food. The hurricane 
has devastated the city of Les Cayes and many villages in the 
Southwestern part of the country, destroying crops and livestock and 
reversing the gains in food production made by women’s agricultural 
cooperatives and other local farmers. The torrential rains and winds 
have also hit the capital, Port-au-Prince. With massive flooding comes 
the increased danger of water-borne diseases, particularly cholera 
(brought to Haiti by UN troops), which has already reached epidemic 

We ask that all friends of Haiti donate as much as they can to the Haiti 
Emergency Relief Fund. Your donations will go directly to grassroots 
organizations in Haiti which are saving lives by helping people on the 
ground access water, food and shelter, and reconstructing their lives. 
Unlike the big NGOs which were accused of profiteering from the billions 
donated by a generous public after the earthquake, HERF pays no wages 
and takes no cut. All our work is done by volunteers and all the money 
we collect goes directly to those who need it, starting with women – the 
primary caregivers in every community.

The hurricane hit Haiti just days before the recalled October 9th 
elections were due to take place. People had worked very hard for over a 
year, risking their lives to demand free and fair elections after the 
2015 electoral results were declared fraudulent. Elections have now been 
postponed. Popular organizations in Haiti are hard at work trying to 
ensure that families and communities can survive and rebuild, and that 
when a new election date is set every vote counts and is counted.

This is a critical time for all friends of Haiti to step up our 
solidarity. Please donate on line 

Or to:
Haiti Emergency Relief Fund
c/o East Bay Sanctuary Covenant
2362 Bancroft Way
Berkeley, California 94704
herf1804 at hotmail.com <mailto:herf1804 at hotmail.com>

All donations are tax-deductible.

Thank you so much for your generous support,

Haiti Emergency Relief Fund Board of Directors:
Walter Riley, Maureen Duignan, O.S.F., Pierre Labossiere, Marilyn 
Langlois, Robert Roth

East Bay Sanctuary Covenant is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, tax 
ID# 94-3249753
Tel: +510-595-4650

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