[News] Colombia Rebels Warn 'Dirty War' on Activists Threatens Peace

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Wed Nov 23 13:07:26 EST 2016


  Colombia Rebels Warn 'Dirty War' on Activists Threatens Peace

23 November 2016

Colombia’s second largest guerrilla army 
teetering on the brink of formal peace talks with the government for 
months, has weighed in on the wave of violence against social leaders 
and activists in the country, warning that a new “dirty war” is holding 
Colombia back from its much-awaited era of peace.

The National Liberation Army, also known by its Spanish acronym ELN, 
released a statement late Tuesday blasting “political persecution” 
targeting human rights defenders and social movements, particularly the 
Marcha Patriotica, a big-tent movement bringing together some 2,000 

The rebel group criticized the government’s failure to provide adequate 
protection to those facing threats of violence and “false accusations,” 
pointing to a culture of stigmatization and violence.

“The extreme right has promoted and implemented terror against the 
people and practices — as part of the dominant regime — a policy of 
double jeopardy,” reads the statement. “On one hand they promise 
security, property, order and false peace; on the other, they deny basic 
political rights, repress mobilization, criminalize popular protest, 
stigmatize, displace, disappear and assassinate.”

The strong words come in response to a surge in violence against rural 
leaders and social activists in recent months despite the historic 
rapprochement between government forces and the FARC. The breakthrough 
deal has been heralded as bringing an end to the longest-running war in 
the Western Hemisphere. But as blood continues to run in rural 
communities, the promise of peace is still distant.

The Marcha Patriotica reports that at least 124 of its members have been 
assassinated since it was founded in 2012, the same year peace 
negotiations kicked off between the FARC and the government. A slew of 
attacks on movement members 
have happened in the past week alone, including three murders and two 
attempted assassination in the span of just 48 hours, according to the 
organization. Leaders have warned of a resurgence of illegal 
paramilitary activity. In the north of Cauca, one of the areas hardest 
hit by the armed conflict, community members have launched an unarmed 
security watch force called the Campesino Guard in the face of rising 
threats, the online platform Pacifista reported.

The recent attacks mirrior a bloody spate of systematic violence that 
exterminated the left-wing political party Patriotic Union 
beginning in the 1980s. The ELN slammed the spike in violence, saying it 
“seeks to limit the construction of a just Colombia in peace for all” 
and derail the peace process, aimed at finding political solutions to 
more than half a century of armed conflict.

“We are exploring paths to dialogue for the construction of a new 
country,” wrote the ELN, which is poised to begin a peace process with 
the government. “However, we continue to see these strong signs of war, 
which will only stopped with pressure exerted by society.”

The ELN was scheduled to launch formal peace talks with the government 
last month in a process paralleling the peace negotiations with the 
FARC, but the meeting was called off by the government at the last 
minute. The two sides had differing interpretations of preliminary 
agreements on the release of hostages, sparking a deadlock.

The FARC, which already finalized a historic peace agreement with the 
government after four years of talks, released a similar statement 
earlier this week 
calling on the government to acknowledge and address far-right interests 
in prolonging the war and the wave of violence it has enabled.

President Juan Manuel Santos said earlier this week that the government 
is meeting with local politicians to address the security situation in 
high-risk areas.

“We are not going to allow the violent ones to put the advances of the 
peace process at risk,” he said during a press conference Tuesday.

Santos and FARC leader Rodrigo Londoño, alias Timoleon Jimenez or 
Timochenko, are scheduled to sign a revised version of the peace deal on 
<http://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/FARC-and-Colombian-Government-to-Sign-New-Peace-Deal-Thursday-20161122-0042.html> in 

Colombia’s 52-year civil war has claimed the lives of some 260,000 
people. Paramilitaries are estimated to be responsible for at least 80 
percent of civilian deaths.

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