[News] “For the Love of Palestine:” New booklet highlights stories of Palestinian women prisoners

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Nov 10 12:29:43 EST 2016


  “For the Love of Palestine:” New booklet highlights stories of
  Palestinian women prisoners

November 10, 2016


Members of the Prison, Labor and Academic Delegation to Palestine 
working with The Freedom Archives, have developed and released a new 
booklet focusing on the struggle of Palestinian women prisoners. “For 
the Love of Palestine: Stories of Women, Imprisonment and Resistance 
<http://www.freedomarchives.org/Pal/womenprisoners.pdf>” highlights the 
cases of ten present and former Palestinian women prisoners and the 
continuing struggle of Palestinian women for justice, return and liberation.

The booklet was edited by Diana Block and Anna Henry, and the front 
cover features a 1989 drawing by former U.S. political prisoner Laura 
Whitehorn, drawn in the DC jail in 1989. The booklet was produced in 
partnership with Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association 
and Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network.

The booklet includes an introduction by the editors, Block and Henry, a 
map of prisons and detention centers in occupied Palestine, a glossary 
of important terms, a reflection by Whitehorn about mutual struggle and 
a resource guide, as well as presenting the stories of specific 
Palestinian women and solidarity messages from US political prisoners.

The booklet includes the cases of Dareen Tatour, Khalida Jarrar, Dima 
al-Wawi, Lina Jarbouni, Mona Qa’adan, Ihsan Dababseh, Natalie Shokha, 
Lina Khattab, Hana Shalabi and Rasmea Odeh; it also includes solidarity 
messages by Herman Bell, Jalil Muntaqim and David Gilbert.

The book was published by the Freedom Archives 
<http://www.freedomarchives.org> and is available for download: 

Freedom Archives 522 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA 94110 415 
863.9977 www.freedomarchives.org
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