[News] Why Is America Ignoring The Murder Of Three Young Sudanese-Americans?

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Thu Mar 3 11:37:06 EST 2016


  #OurThreeBrothers: Why Is America Ignoring The Murder Of Three Young

Jaimee A. Swift March 2, 2016

The violent murders of three young African men last Wednesday in Fort 
Wayne, Indiana have prompted accusations from family members that both 
national media outlets and American Muslim organizations are ignoring 
the murders because of the victims’ origins.

“They are not promoting it as much because they were of African 
descent,” *Ibrahim Dahab*, a cousin to two of the victims tells 

The three victims, members of a predominantly Muslim community from 
Africa’s eastern Sahel region, were found with multiple gunshot wounds. 
23-year-old *Mohamedtaha Omar*, 20-year old *Adam Mekki* and 17-year-old 
*Muhannad Tairab* were shot “execution-style” 
inside a building which police dubbed as a “party house.” Although the 
house was under surveillance by police for gang and violent crimes, Fort 
Wayne Police Chief *Garry Hamilton* ruled that the victims were not a 
part of any gang affiliations. Two of the young men’s funerals were held 
over the weekend.

“There is definitely a reason why my cousins and friend are not getting 
as much media coverage, and it is because they were black,” Dahab says, 
in an exclusive interview. “There is discrimination in the Islamic 
community on who is really a legitimate Muslim and there is a belief 
that if you are not from the Middle East, you are not as Islamic as 
someone from Saudi Arabia for example,” he continues.

According to The Washington Post 
the city’s public safety director told investigators they do not believe 
that the triple-murders were motivated by the victims’ religious beliefs 
or are that of a hate crime. Indiana Governor *Mike Pence* has yet to 
make any comment 
on the murders.

Hundreds have flocked to social media to address the lack of media 
coverage on the death of the young men. While reports emerged that all 
the victims were Muslim, *Motasim Adam*, the founder and president of 
*Darfur People’s Association*, told the Associated Press 
that Omar and Tairab were Muslim and Mekki was Christian. Outraged by 
the lack of transparency on their deaths, people took to Twitter using 
the hashtags *#OurThreeBoys* and *#OurThreeBrothers*, interchangeably. 
Now, the hashtag that is being used is #OurThreeBrothers.

The hashtags are a take on *#OurThreeWinners 
<http://ourthreewinners.org/>* — a campaign that led after the tragic 
shooting deaths of three Muslim students, *Deah Shaddy Barakat*, *Yusor 
Muhammad Abu-Salha*, and *Razan Muhammad Abu-Salh* in Chapel Hill, North 
Carolina last year. In February 2015, *Craig Hick* shot the three 
after supposedly a long-running dispute about parking, but his Facebook 
on the condemnation of religion suggested otherwise.

Thousands used the #OurThreeWinners hashtag all over the world to call 
out the heavy anti-Muslim and Islamophobic sentiments looming in America 
and beyond. However, with the recent case in Indiana, many are 
questioning why both Muslims and the media are not rallying behind the 
tragic shootings of Omar, Mekki and Tairab, just as they did with the 
unfortunate events at Chapel Hill.

According to the New York Times 
<http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/02/us/02indiana.html>, the first 
Darfurian families to come to Fort Wayne, Indiana was in the late 1990s; 
by-passing the urban-city life for more of the rural atmosphere in hopes 
to garner industrial jobs. However, since the Darfur genocide in western 
Sudan — which started in early 2003 and is still ongoing — it has been 
that several hundred thousands of Sudanese have died and that some 3 
million have been internally displaced or are refugees. Fleeing from the 
violence and seeking to start a new life, many Sudanese people came to 
Fort Wayne, increasing the already sizeable Sudanese immigrant community 
that resides there.

“We all came here to find peace and security…we’re from war zones,” said 
*Abdelaziz Hassab*, who is a relative of Omar and Tarib, in an interview 
with WANE-TV 

While common misinterpretations 
<http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/02/us/02indiana.html> of cultural values 
and norms have persisted between the Sudanese community and other Fort 
Wayne residents, for the most part, community relations have been fairly 
peaceful — until the shooting deaths of Omar, Mekki and Tairab last 
week. Vigils were held 
<https://twitter.com/AfrixaAF/status/704471223225298945> for the 
Sudanese men, with participants raising #BlackLivesMatter signs as a 
means to show solidarity with the movement.

Speaking on how Omar, Tarib and Mekki were kind-hearted, pillars in the 
Fort Wayne community, Dahab also highlighted how the murders of his 
cousins and friend are unifying people all over the world.

“We all grew up together in Fort Wayne and they were big-brother figures 
in the community,” Dahab said. “And it is not just the Fort Wayne 
community that is rallying behind their deaths. At their funerals, there 
were people there from New York City, from Washington D.C., to Utah to 
California. This issue has united many people all over the country.”

“It is a unifying issue and it is opening people’s minds on what is 
really going on with our youth,” he said.

Calling for a comprehensive police investigation and concrete answers 
about their deaths, many took to Twitter to commemorate their legacies 
and call to actions for the Fort Wayne police to bring full transparency 
on the murders. A Facebook 
<https://www.facebook.com/our3boys?pnref=story> page was created to 
honor and remember the three young men. An online petition 
<http://act.mpowerchange.org/sign/justice-ourthreeboys/> also came about 
to demand for justice and accountability.

Check out more tweets on #OurThreeBoys and #OurThreeBrothers below:

    Demand accountability & Justice for Ahmed Mekki, Muhannad Tairab,
    Mohamed Taha Omar. #OurThreeBoys
    <https://twitter.com/hashtag/OurThreeBoys?src=hash> #IndianaShooting
    pic.twitter.com/vvowtr8TVS <https://t.co/vvowtr8TVS>

    — Linda Sarsour (@lsarsour) February 28, 2016

    Why didn’t the killing of the 3 Sudanese American boys urged the
    same outrage as the Chapel Hill shootings?!! #OurThreeBoys
    <https://twitter.com/hashtag/OurThreeBoys?src=hash> — Nad!aa
    (@Nadiaalie) February 28, 2016

    Shots from todays vigil remembering the three Sudani
    pic.twitter.com/5pUhMEttek <https://t.co/5pUhMEttek>

    — Different Somali™ (@AfrixaAF) March 1, 2016

    Muslim-American men’s murders barely cause a ripple
    https://t.co/zjJFK93zzE #OurThreeBoys
    <https://twitter.com/hashtag/OurThreeBoys?src=hash> — Johnetta Elzie
    (@Nettaaaaaaaa) February 28, 2016

    Black Muslim males are easily stereotyped as “former thugs turned
    converts” as if Islam wasnt instilled in us since birth.

    — Mohamed (@FreshcutMo) February 29, 2016

    This is just sickening. The fact that I wouldn’t have learned about
    this if it wasn’t for Twitter #OurThreeBoys
    <https://twitter.com/hashtag/OurThreeBoys?src=hash> — Jay
    (@Gresham_Major) February 28, 2016

    Muslims are only newsworthy when villains. Not victims.

    RIP. #OurThreeBoys
    pic.twitter.com/gASTZVW1GM <https://t.co/gASTZVW1GM>

    — Khaled Beydoun (@KhaledBeydoun) February 28, 2016

    Disgusted. Not only by what happened, but by how little we are
    talking about this. #OurThreeBoys
    pic.twitter.com/f9mlyzfa56 <https://t.co/f9mlyzfa56> — Hana Khalil
    (@hkhalil91) February 28, 2016

/Jaimee Swift is a journalist, activist and is obsessed with 
Pan-Africanism and the African Diaspora. You can follow her on Twitter 
@JaimeeSwift <https://twitter.com/jaimeeswift>./

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