[News] Beaches of Puerto Rico are sold to US billionaires…by Puerto Rican government traitors

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Jun 27 12:42:43 EDT 2016


  Beaches of Puerto Rico are sold to US billionaires…by Puerto Rican
  government traitors

On Friday June 24, with only one “No” vote, the Legislative Assembly of 
Puerto Rico overwhelmingly approved PC 2853: a bill which transfers 
beaches in huge coastal areas – including Vieques, Culebra, Condado, 
Isla Verde, Isabela, Lajas, Cabo Rojo, Guánica and Rincón – into 
“private” ownership.

If this bill becomes law, all “private” beaches in these areas will be 
closed to the Puerto Rican public. But the DEEPEST significance of this 
bill, is that the politicians of Puerto Rico are 
knowingly…intentionally…doing the DIRTY WORK of the Financial Control 
Board, before they even arrive on the island.

The POLITICS of this bill are important to understand. Please note the 


It was introduced in *_the very last days_* of the legislative session. 
This allowed little time for public review, debate or amendment. 
Probably, many legislators did not even _read_ it.



The near-unanimity was striking: *_both_* parties approved it, with only 
*_one_* of the 51 representatives (José Luis Báez Rivera) voting against 
it. This is *_especially_* shocking, since it involves the controversial 
selling of public beaches…which should belong to _everyone_.

The sale of just *_one_* beach to a Marriott Hotel in Carolina, has met 
with years of fierce opposition.


Yet here, the politicians transferred *_dozens_* of them in a great 
*_hurry_*…with no floor debate and a *_near-unanimous vote_*.


The author of the bill, who also introduced it, was Angel Matos 
García…the PPD representative from CAROLINA.

Carolina is where Tito Kayak/, Playas P’al Pueblo/ and hundreds of 
environmental activists have demonstrated against the Marriott Hotel 
take-over of their public beach…the /Balneario de Carolina/.…for over a 






They’re even calling the mayor of Carolina a “traitor,” and heckling him 
at all his speeches.

That is why Carolina, PR was *_specifically excluded_* from the beach 
give-away bill. By pre-arrangement, the PPD allowed Matos García to 
become a “local hero” in his district…by making sure that nine *_other_* 
beach areas got hit, but not his home district of CAROLINA.

By doing this, the PPD also avoided a confrontation with an entrenched 
and organized opponent (the activists of Carolina) which could discredit 
the entire PPD.


The government buried the odor of their beach scam, beneath many layers 
of sugar-coated frosting.

They trumpeted $470 million for “contributions to the pension system,” 
$80 million for “non-profit and cultural organizations,” $40 million for 
a cancer care center, $25 million for a medical center, and a $30 
million supplement to the teacher’s retirement system. There was no 
mention of their “privatization” of Puerto Rico’s beaches.




Aside from all of the following:

  * The sale of public beaches to US billionaires, in nine major coastal
  * The legislative end-of-session cover-up
  * The collaboration of _both_ the PPD and PNP
  * The near-unanimous vote
  * The lack of public hearings or public input
  * The appearance of /bribery/ behind the scenes

There is one thing even *_more_* disturbing than all of these: and that 
is, the entire government of Puerto Rico just did the Financial Control 
Board’s dirty work.

*_If the Financial Control Board_* stormed into Puerto Rico and did this 
– grabbed Puerto Rico’s beaches and handed them to US billionaires and 
their hotel chains – there would be demonstrations all over the island.

*_The whole world_* would see the naked colonialism of the US.

But in the midnight hour, very quietly, the *_government of Puerto 
Rico_* just did it *_for_* them.

Why would they do this?

What possible motive could they all have, for betraying the entire island?


Here are some possible motives.

 1. A U.S. billionaire named John Paulson owns the *Condado
    Vanderbilt Hotel*, the *San Juan Beach Hotel*, the *St. Regis Bahia
    Beach Resort*, *La Concha Rennaisance Hotel,* a $500 million
    condominium complex on *Dorado Beach*, and a $250 million luxury
    condo development in *Palmas del Mar*. He has spent close to $2
    billion in Puerto Rico, and he also owns 8.6% of *Banco Popular*.
 2. Another U.S. billionaire named Nicholas Prouty built the largest
    marina in the Caribbean, *Marina Puerto del Rey*, at a cost of $450
    million. He also spent another $108 million on *Ciudadela*, a luxury
    condo and shopping complex in Santurce.
 3. The 3,000 acre *Roosevelt Roads* complex will soon announce a
    “Master Developer” who will construct high-rise office buildings, a
    shopping center, shops, restaurants, a cruise port area, a marine
    terminal for speedboats, golf courses, and “multiple entertainment
 4. The Financial Control Board will soon designate many more
    “construction” and “Public Private Partnership” projects, all over
    the island.
 5. Acts 20 and 22, passed by this same Puerto Rico legislature, will
    bless all these real estate deals with 20-year tax exemptions on all
    dividend, interest, and capital gains income. On the island, a
    popular business pamphlet reads: “/Sol, arena y cero impuestos/…Sun,
    sand and zero taxes.”


Both the PNP and PPD have large party machineries (78 mayors & 
mayoralties!) They need _heavy_ patronage sources, in order to survive 
as political parties.

Now that ELA has collapsed, they /desperately /need to find, and tap 
into, a new income stream.

These billion-dollar empires growing all over the island, will be the 
/new/ source of contracts, consultant agreements, and jobs for their 
family and friends.

And so, the two parties got together, and did what corrupt politicians 
will always do.

They will sell the beaches of your island.

They will yank the sun and sea…give them to John Paulson…and make us all 
pay to see them , or feel them on our faces.

They will do it by a huge majority vote…both PPD and PNP…working 
together… showing their complete loyalty to the billionaires… while the 
FBI tells the rest of us to “remain calm” and “report any suspicious 

The only suspicious activity that *_I_* can see, is the theft of Puerto 
Rico by its own “political leaders.”

Always remember this: the PPD and PNP are like Jaws…an eating 
machine…they run on patronage, not principles.

Not even beaches…or the wind, sand and stars… are sacred to them.

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