[News] Cuba’s first American Embassy Secretary in 50 years visits Bay Area

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Mon Feb 29 12:16:40 EST 2016


  Cuba’s first American Embassy Secretary in 50 years visits Bay Area -
  El Tecolote

February 25, 2016

/Miguel Fraga, the first secretary of the newly reestablished Cuban 
Embassy in Washington D.C., will be touring the San Francisco Bay Area 
from March 7-11, engaging audiences as he speaks on Cuban-U.S. 
relations. El Tecolote had the pleasure of asking Mr. Fraga various 
questions regarding his job post, and upcoming tour./

*Mr. Fraga, what is your job as the secretary of the Cuban Embassy in 
Washington D.C.?  And what do you hope to accomplish as the embassy’s 
first secretary?*

First of all I’d like to thank you for the opportunity to talk about the 
work we do in this country as Cuban diplomats. I’d also like to take 
this moment to say hello to all of El Tecolote’s readers.

On the topic of my work, I can say that I’m a Cuban diplomat who has the 
highest duty of representing my government, which fortunately is offset 
because it comes hand in hand with the great honor of representing my 
people. Cuba is the result of its people, the daily effort of human 
beings who live in a society that seeks justice for its children, and 
which contains equal opportunities for all of its citizens in its 
premises. Cuba is not perfect, but displays with humility what millions 
of people in this world aspire.

It’s the Cuba with a life expectancy of 79 years. With an infant 
mortality rate of 4.3 per thousand live births. With virtually 100 
percent of it’s people being literate. The country, which according to 
the United Nations’ Human Development Index, ranks 44th among 187 
countries. It’s the nation that has met most of the Millennium 
Development Goals set by the U.N. itself. But it’s also the people who 
believe and preach solidarity. Our country today has more than 50,000 
health workers in 68 countries. More than 68,000 students from 157 
countries have graduated from schools in Cuba. I could cite many other 
examples, but the important thing is that we know through our work we 
have been able to win the affection, respect and admiration of millions 
of people worldwide.

For those and other reasons I consider it a privilege to be a Cuban 
diplomat. Specifically here in the United States we work to achieve the 
results that demonstrate what we all know, that with respect and will, 
Cuba and the United States can have normal relations.

*What is the purpose of your tour? And what drew you to the San 
Francisco Bay Area?*
The purpose of my visit to San Francisco is to exchange the current 
relations between Cuba and the United States. Right now there is major 
interest in learning about Cuba. I think there is a lot of 
misinformation about Cuba that exists. Cuba is much more than the 
headlines and what is superficially reflected my most media. However, 
despite the misinformation, almost all opinion polls in the U.S. show 
that most Americans support the reconciliation between our two 
countries. We’ve felt the affection for Cuba in the U.S. and we can say 
that despite more than 50 years of differences, in Cuba there is no ill 

*With the reopening of diplomatic relations between the United States 
and Cuba, in what ways is U.S. policy towards Cuba changing? And what 
does that mean for the Cuban people?*
This is precisely part of what I want to explain during my exchanges. 
Cuba and the United States have restored diplomatic relations but we 
don’t have normal relations. The embargo, which we call a blockade, 
remains. The U.S. cannot travel freely to Cuba. Despite the great 
interest that exists in boosting bilateral trade, numerous obstacles 
remain under U.S. law. To cite just one example, it is forbidden by law 
that the United States grant credits to Cuba for the purchase of 
agricultural products.

In another major issue, Cuba cannot exercise full sovereignty over its 
entire territory as the United States maintains, contrary to the will of 
the Cuban people, the territory of the Guantanamo Naval Base.

Cuba has reiterated its willingness to work for the normalization of 
relations, but it’s necessary to address and find solutions for these 
important and pending issues.

*We’ve all heard how stories about the impact the blockade has had on 
the Cuban people. How do you think the lives of Cubans in both countries 
will be affected by reestablishing diplomatic relations?*
According to the United States Census, this country has 2 million Cuban 
Americans. It’s an integrated community over various generations. Cuban 
migration to the United States didn’t come just with the Revolution of 
1959, it predates it. Most of this community also favors that better 
relations exist between our countries.

Regarding the impact of the blockade, I believe that unfortunately there 
is no real understanding of the ravages. The blockade mainly affects the 
people of Cuba and can be classified as an act of genocide. The blockade 
is an economic war. The blockade is not the cause of all our problems 
but it’s the main obstacle to Cuba’s economic development. This isn’t a 
bilateral issue between Cuba and the United States. The U.N. General 
Assembly has called for the lifting of the blockade for the last 24 
years. Last year there was a record vote where 191 countries voted in 
favor and only 2 against. During my presentations I also want to 
elaborate on this topic. More than 70 percent of the current Cuban 
population knows no other reality than living under the impact of the 
blockade. Although the president of the United States can minimize the 
effects of the blockade, only Congress can remove it. This is important 
for the American people to know. Today both in the Senate and in the 
House of Representatives, there are favorable proposed laws towards 
bilateral relations that would help end the blockade.

We firmly believe that the normalization of relations between Cuba and 
the United States provides opportunities for both countries and that 
both peoples want it. To achieve this, we will continue working with 
professionalism. That is the commitment.

I invite you to join me on this tour of San Francisco and reiterate my 
gratitude for this opportunity.

/*Monday, March 7:*/

/7 p.m. Sonoma State University, 1801 E Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park, CA 
(Room TBA) /

/*Tuesday, March 8:*/

/12 p.m. Chabot College 25555 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA (Room 804) /

/4:10 p.m San Francisco State University, 1600 Holloway Ave., San 
Francisco, CA (Room TBA) /

/*Wednesday, March 9:*/

/12 p.m. Merritt College 12500 Campus Drive, Oakland, CA (Room A 206) /

/*Thursday, March 10:*/

/11:10 a.m. College of Marin, Fusselman Hall 206, 835 College Ave., New 
Academic Center (Room 240) /

/* Friday, March 11*/

/7 p.m. Madeline F. Whittlesey Community Room, 325 Civic Center Plaza, 
Richmond, CA Adjacent to Richmond Public Library/

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