[News] Temer's Holiday Gift to Brazilian Workers: More Work, Less Pay

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Dec 23 12:20:23 EST 2016


  Temer's Holiday Gift to Brazilian Workers: More Work, Less Pay

December 22, 2016

Brazilian senate-imposed president Michel Temer announced Thursday a 
labor reform that expands workdays from 8 to 12 hours, cutting lunch 
time to half an hour and reducing holidays.

The project will increase workload but won't increase overtime pay, and 
will stay under the limit of 44 hours per week and 220 hours per month. 
The bill will also limit the time given to workers for lunch to just 
half an hour instead of an hour and will cut back on days off for holidays.

As Temer announced the reform, that will need to be approved by the 
lower house of congress, he said that this proposal was a "beautiful 
Christmas present."

"I hope that starting from this Christmas it will be possible to unite 
all Brazilians," said Temer.

Temporary contracts, with less benefits and securities than regular 
contracts, which are currently up to 90 days will be expanded to 120 
days. These contracts could potentially be approved indefinitely.

Contracts under the country's "Safe Job" program will include a wage 
reduction of 30 percent and less working hours to avoid layoffs. The 
bill also proposes that vacations be divided into three different 
periods, instead of only one vacation period.

This labor reform is one of the three austerity economic proposals by 
the coup-imposed government of Michel Temer. The first was the approval 
of the constitutional reform, PEC 55 which limits the public spending in 
social programs for the next 20 years, and the second is the pension 
system reform which is currently under discussion in Brazil's lower house.

Temer said that although his measures are unpopular, and he is strongly 
criticized in Brazil, he will not resign, not even after the recent 
scandals involving him and members of his cabinet in the corruption 
scheme inside the state-run oil company Petrobras.

A recent poll by the Brazilian Institute of Opinion, Ibope, published 
last Friday, revealed that 46 percent of Brazilians think that the 
government of Michel Temer is "bad" or "extremely bad."

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