[News] Oakland - Friday: Protest Against Urban Shield

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Sep 10 12:07:52 EDT 2015

Friday: Protest Against Urban Shield


      *Protest against Urban Shield at the Alameda County Sheriff
      Office! <https://www.facebook.com/events/794487760649123/>*

      الدرع الحضري": هو مثال للعنف الدولة"

    4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
    Alameda County Sheriff's Office
    [FACEBOOK] <https://www.facebook.com/events/794487760649123/>

Urban Shield will be holding its annual “police-training and weapons 
expo” this Friday – Sunday in the SF Bay Area.
_*What is Urban Shield?*_

Urban Shield is a federally-funded program militarizing every aspect of 
society. With a budget of over $2 million, it hosts over 200 local, 
federal and international agencies, from health workers to law 
enforcement, for both tactical equipment sales and on-the-ground SWAT 
training operations. The four day convention features the latest in 
surveillance technology and weapons trade show which is followed by two 
days of war game training exercises throughout the Bay Area, from 
airports, maritime ports, to rapid transit. Urban Shield's budget comes 
from the Urban Areas Security Initiative, a program in the Department of 
Homeland Security.

The Urban Shield convention not only attracts law enforcement from the 
local and national police departments and agencies, but also a hand fill 
of foreign law enforcement agencies from Israel, Bahrain, Qatar, Guam, 
South Korea, and Singapore. According to the Urban Shield website, the 
term "nexus to terrorism" is included for each training exercise.

_*Why Should the Arab and Muslim Community Oppose Urban Shield?*_

Urban Shield Urban Shield is the largest urban SWAT competition in the 
country and represents the massive military industrial complex financing 
and training of local law enforcement with “counter-terrorism” tactics 
and racial profiling methods. The majority of Urban Shield training 
scenarios involve responding to “terrorist” attacks and always include 
scenarios that involve stereotypes of Arabs and Muslims. The 
glorification of Anti-Arab and anti-Muslim sentiment is in fact central 
to the logic of Urban Shield.

Local law enforcement has been aggressively buying military grade 
equipment to 'counter' a potential "terrorism" scenario. The use of 
"terrorism" by convention promoters is aimed at constructing a narrative 
of fear of Arabs and Muslims to justify the massive spending on 
surveillance and tactical equipment and further criminalization of Black 
and Brown people.

The FBI, Department of Homeland Security, Joint Terrorism Task Force, 
and other law enforcement agencies have increasingly targeted Arabs and 
Muslims since 2001. This targeting has resulted in police and FBI 
harassment, detention, deportations, and criminalization of Arab and 
Muslims. Equipping law enforcement with military weaponry and tactics 
makes such already targeted communities that much more susceptible to 
State violence.

*_What are we fighting for at this rally?_*

Last year, AROC and other grassroots organizations as part of the Stop 
the Urban Shield Coalition organized actions to demand that the city of 
Oakland stop hosting Urban Shield, and we won 
But there is more work to be done. Alameda County continues to host 
Urban Shield and dozens of agencies from across the Bay Area and 
California continue to participate. AROC remains 
committed to challenging surveillance, militarization, and 
repression. We are steadfast in demanding an end to all of Alameda 
County’s participation in the Urban Shield program, an end Urban Shield 
once and for all, and to end to all collaborations with Apartheid Israel.

Join us <https://www.facebook.com/events/794487760649123/> as we protest 
the convention being held on September 11th to build with other 
communities to demand an end to the Urban Shield program as whole. No to 
policing, surveillance and militarization! No to State violence from 
here to our homelands!


  " الدرع الحضري": هو مثال للعنف الدولة


يعقد في كل عام في خليج سان فراسيسكو معرض السلاح و تدريبات مكافحة الارهاب 
المعروف باسم "الدرع الحضري". يستهدف هذا المؤتمر تدريب الشرطة المحلية و 
الفدرالية بمنهج عسكري طبقاً لتكتيكات مكافحة الإرهاب. ويهدف هذا الحدث الى 
مواصلة عسكرة الشرطة إلى جانب قطاع الخدمات الاجتماعية الواسع بما في ذلك 
الرعاية الصحية والعاملين بالطوارئ مثل رجال الاطفاء.
يعقد المؤتمر بمشاركة وكالات خاصة من الاحتلال الاسرائيلي والأنظمة القمعية 
الأخرى فضلاً عن الحكومة الاتحادية. "الدرع
الحضري" هو مثال صارخ على عنف الدولة وممارسات الشرطة القمعية والحرب.

*Hosted by The Stop Urban Shield Coalition*

*For more information *
email: stopurbanshield at gmail.com
call: 415-861-7444
Facebook Page: https://goo.gl/TZChuU

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