[News] Addameer Holds Israeli Occupation Responsible for the Recent Escalation in Occupied Palestine

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Mon Oct 26 10:43:37 EDT 2015

*Addameer Holds Israeli Occupation Responsible for the Recent Escalation 
in Occupied Palestine*

Ramallah- 25/10/10/2015- Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights 
Association holds Israeli occupation authorities responsible for the 
recent escalation in the West Bank and 1948 territory. The practices and 
violations by Israeli occupation and Israeli settler in addition to the 
provocation at Al-Aqsa mosque are the main reasons for the recent 
deterioration and escalation. Israeli practices of collective punishment 
and daily violations including house demolitions, arrests, extrajudicial 
executions and assaults on Palestinians in addition to confiscating 
Palestinian land for settlement and overlooking settler violence –the 
most recent of which was the arson of the Dawabsheh family in Duma south 
of Nablus have all factored to fuel the current escalation.

Since the beginning of the Palestinian popular uprising that started 
this October, the occupation authorities carried out mass arrests in the 
West Bank and 1948 territory. Addameer’s statistics show that since the 
beginning of October and until the afternoon of 25 October 2015, 942 
Palestinians including 144 children were arrested as follows; 790 were 
arrested from the West Bank including 247 from occupied Jerusalem and 
152 were arrested from 1948 territory. The total number of Palestinians 
in Israeli detention thus rises to approximately 6300 Palestinians 
including 270 children and 36 female prisoners. Israeli occupation 
authorities have also issued 60 administrative detention orders since 
the beginning of the month, 43 of which were new orders and the 
remaining 17 which were renewals. These statistics are alarmingly 
increasing on a daily basis.

The recent wave of mass arrests has resulted in a severe overcrowding in 
Israeli occupation prisons and detention and interrogation centers and 
in exacerbating their already poor conditions. Addameer’s lawyers 
documented during recent visits the suffering of prisoners and detainees 
who testified they were not receiving enough food, hygiene products, 
clothes, mattresses or pillows in addition to the overcrowing in cells 
and other inhuman and degrading detention conditions.

IOF have also resorted to using live ammunition and lethal force against 
Palestinian demonstrators and against anyone upon suspicion. Since the 
beginning of October, the Palestinian Ministry of Health has reported 
that 58 Palestinian were killed by IOF including 12 children. 
Furthermore, over 2245 Palestinians were injured by IOF including 645 
with live ammunition and 1600 with rubber coated bullets. Over 4200 
other Palestinians were hurt as a result of teargas inhalation.

Israeli occupation authorities have further escalated their oppressive 
measures against Palestinians and have resorted to holding the bodies of 
22 Palestinian who were suspected of allegedly attempting stabbing 
attacks, despite little evidence to support such suspicions. The 
families of these individuals were also targeted and harassed as several 
of them were arrested and some received punitive house demolition 
orders, all being policies and acts of collective punishment and reprisal.

Israeli practices aim at creating facts on the ground by imposing and 
validating the status quo of settlements, displacing Palestinians from 
occupied Jerusalem and Area “C” of the West Bank in addition to 
isolating Jerusalem from the West Bank and harassing Palestinian 
civilians. Israel’s practices will only result in further deteriorating 
the current situation and escalating it.

*Grave Violations against Palestinians*

IOF have gravely escalated their human violations in response to the 
recent uprising in the occupied territory. IOF have arrested dozens of 
wounded Palestinians and took them for interrogation regardless of their 
medical condition. Furthermore, IOF have kidnapped and arrested wounded 
Palestinians from ambulances (4 cases have been documented) and from 
hospitals. The IOF has broken into the Specialized Arab Hospital in 
Nablus and kidnapped one of the patients there, Karam Al-Masri (23 years 
old) and have also broken into several hospitals in Jerusalem, searched 
ambulances and obstructed their work.

Addameer further monitored several punitive arrests and harassment of 
family members of Palestinian youth suspected of allegedly attempting 
stabbing attacks. So far seven family members of suspects were arrested 
including two who were placed under 6 months administrative detention; 
the father of Thaer Abu Ghazaleh and the brother of Shuruq Dwaiat both 
suspected of stabbing attacks.

Addameer also documented an escalation with arrests of Palestinians 
accused of allegedly inciting violence and racism through social media 
outlets including Facebook. So far, Addameer has documented the arrest 
of 30 Palestinians charged with incitement 25 of whom were placed under 
administrative detention without charge or trial. Such arrests are a 
major blow to freedom of expression and a violation of international 
human rights norms. It is noteworthy that Israeli occupation authorities 
have not arrested an Israelis under such allegations.

The majority of those arrested face all forms of physical and 
psychological abuse and illtreament by Israeli occupation forces and the 
undercover Mustaribin forces. Addameer has documented an upsurge in 
brutal assaults during arrest and interrogation since the beginning of 
the recent events earlier this month. Among the cases that Addameer has 
documented was that of 18-year-old Mohammad Burqan who was shot with a 
rubber bullet in his left eye by Israeli occupation forces in Al-Turi 
Neighborhood in occupied Jerusalem. The injury resulted in the loss of 
eyesight in Burqan’s left eye. Following his injury, Israeli special 
forces physically assaulted him and repeatedly punched him on his head 
and kicked him on his stomach. Burqan was later transferred to Hadasa 
Ein Karem hospital where his left eye had to be surgically removed.

Israeli occupation forces transferred Burqan to interrogation 4 days 
after the surgery, despite the fact that he had already been subjected 
to an interrogation in the hospital. During his 4 days at the hospital 
Burqan was chained to the hospital bed at all times. A charge sheet was 
presented against Burqan despite his critical medical condition. Burqan 
informed Adv. Farah Bayadsi from Addameer during a visit in Mascobiyya 
detention center that he suffers from severe headaches and dizziness. He 
was not able to eat for days as he could not open his mouth due to the 
pain in his jaw and he has been bleeding from his nose at night which 
has prevented him from sleeping. Adv. Bayadsi confirmed that Burqan was 
not receiving medication or medical treatment since he was transferred 
to Mascobiyya detention center despite his critical medical condition.

Addameer further documented the arrest of Ahmad Hamed, a 21 years old 
student at Birzeit University who was brutally assaulted by the 
undercover Mustaribin unit and shot at point-blank range in his thigh 
before being arrested and transferred to the settlement Beit El near 
Ramallah. Hamed was left to bleed for over an hour while his hands were 
tied with plastic handcuffs. Hamed informed Adv. Samer Sama’an from 
Addameer during a visit that he was taken into interrogation a day after 
his arrest despite his medical condition. He could not walk and had to 
be taken with a wheelchair. He suffers from severe pain in his legs and 
all over his body. Hamed was charged with allegedly throwing stones and 
assaulting the undercover Mustareb policeman.

Addameer confirms that the Israeli occupation practices and 
ill-treatment against Palestinians violate International Humanitarian 
Law which strictly bans acts of collective punishment and reprisals 
against protected persons living under occupation as provided for under 
Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention applicable in the occupied 
Palestinian territory.

*Excessive Use of Force and Extrajudicial Executions*

Since the beginning of the current events, IOF has resorted to excessive 
use of lethal force against Palestinian civilians and those allegedly 
accused of attempting stabbing attacks. Footage and several eyewitnesses 
have confirmed that the Israeli occupation’s forces have use lethal 
force against unarmed Palestinians upon suspicion without them posing 
any direct threat or harm which would justify opening fire. Furthermore, 
IOF have also used live ammunition and rubber bullets aimed at the upper 
body of protesters during demonstrations and clashes. This dangerous 
escalation has resulted in the death and injury of many Palestinian youth.

The excessive use of force against suspects has resulted in the death of 
28 Palestinian youth and the injury of several others. These numbers 
suggest the deliberate use of lethal force against Palestinians in 
violation of international law and human rights norms which limit the 
use of lethal force to cases where a suspect poses serious threat. Even 
in the cases where Israeli occupation claimed the suspect held a knife, 
international law norms prohibit the use of lethal force and instead 
allows the use of force to wound following warnings and apprehend a 
suspect, not to shoot to kill. This recent trend constitutes a grave 
breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention as provided for under Article 147 
and a war crime as provided for under Article 8 of the Rome Statute.

Among the most notable cases of extrajudicial executions committed by 
IOF in the past month was the killing of 19-year-old Fadi Alloun, who 
Israeli police claimed held a knife and attempted stabbing an Israeli 
settler in Jerusalem. The circumstances of the alleged stabbing are 
still not clear; however footage has emerged which shows that Alloun was 
unarmed when he was shot and was actually trying to take cover from a 
group of Israeli settlers who tried to lynch him, and who subsequently 
asked the police to shoot Alloun claiming he tried to stab someone. The 
footage clearly shows Alloun did not pose a threat to anybody or to the 
officer who shot him, and therefore his extrajudicial killing was not 
legally justified. Following Alloun’s unlawful killing, Israeli 
occupation authorities held his body for close to week in violation of 
ethical and democratic values as well as domestic and international law 
and human rights norms. Israeli insistence on holding the body of Fadi 
Alloun despite the family’s pleas to recover the body and bury him even 
under the Israeli occupation’s terms, clearly indicate that holding the 
body is simply an act of collective punishment.

Addameer demands the following:

  * That the United Nations and UN Security Council to fulfill their
    obligation to stop the crimes and violations by the Israeli
    occupation and provide protection for the Palestinian population.
  * That the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention
    fulfill their obligation of protecting Palestinian protected
    persons, civilian objects and places of worship in times of war.
  * That the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to
    immediately initiate an investigation into these crimes committed by
    the Israeli occupation against Palestinian people.

*Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association*

P. O. Box: 17338, Jerusalem
3 Edward Said Street
Sebat Bldg.
1st Floor, Suite 2
Ramallah, Palestine
Tel: +972 (0)2 296 0446 / 297 0136
Fax: +972 (0)2 296 0447

Email: info at addameer.ps
Website: www.addameer.org


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