[News] Three Palestinians killed on Saturday; 42 Palestinians Killed This Month, Including 7 Children

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Sat Oct 17 12:48:16 EDT 2015

  Three Palestinians killed on Saturday; 42 Palestinians Killed This
  Month, Including 7 Children

author Saturday October 17, 2015 13:06author by IMEMC Staff - IMEMC News 
& Agencies

Names of all 42 dead after text

    Two Palestinians were killed in the southern West Bank city of
    Hebron and another youth was killed in Jerusalem by Israeli live
    gunfire in three separate incidents on Saturday. According to the
    Palestinian Ministry of Health with the three youth killed on
    Saturday the number of those killed since October 1, have now
    reached 42 Palestinians. 

Moreover, the ministry reported that 1300 Palestinians have been injured 
since October 1st during ongoing clashes in Gaza, the West Bank and 
Jerusalem, including 550 that were hit by Israeli live gunfire. In 
addition Since the beginning of October, more than 650 Palestinians have 
been abducted and imprisoned by the Israeli army, according to political 
prisoners rights groups. An earlier report by the Ministry of Health 
showed that since the start of October, 5000 residents were treated for 
the effects of tear gas inhalation fired by Israeli troops targeting 
Palestinian protesters.

In Hebron, a right-wing Israeli paramilitary settler shot and killed on 
Saturday morning, a Palestinian teenager Saturday morning on Shuhada 
Street in the center of Hebron, in the southern part of the West Bank.

Video footage captures the immediate aftermath of the shooting, in which 
an Israeli paramilitary settler dressed in white holds two guns and 
directs the Israeli soldiers toward the body of the boy he killed. The 
18-year old victim was identified as Fadel al-Qawasmi, 18. Paramedics 
with the Palestinian Red Crescent were denied access to the dying teen, 
and Israeli troops took the body away without allowing any medical 
personnel or family members near the body.

Just few hours later Israeli troops shoot and killed a Palestinian young 
woman in Hebron old city, until the time of this report name was not 
released to media.

Also on Saturday morning, Israeli soldiers shot and killed, on Saturday, 
a Palestinian teen close to the Armon Hanetziv illegal colony, built on 
Palestinian lands in Jabal al-Mokabber neighborhood, in occupied East 
Jerusalem. The slain Palestinian has been identified as Mo'taz Ahmad 
Hajes 'Oweisat, 16 years of age, the Wadi Hilweh Information Center in 
Silwan (Silwanic) has reported.

Between the week of Saturday October 10, to Friday October 16, at least 
15 Palestinians were killed three in Gaza and 12 in the West Bank by 
Israeli troops gunfire. Meanwhile a Palestinian political prisoner died 
while being held by the Israeli army. Moreover a Palestinian farmer was 
killed after being attacked by Israeli settlers and soldiers as he was 
harvesting his olive trees.

The names of those killed by the army in October:

West Bank and Jerusalem:

1. Mohannad Halabi, 19, al-Biereh – Ramallah.
2. Fadi Alloun, 19, Jerusalem.
3. Amjad Hatem al-Jundi, 17, Hebron.
4. Thaer Abu Ghazala, 19, Jerusalem.
5. Abdul-Rahma Obeidallah, 11, Bethlehem.
6. Hotheifa Suleiman, 18, Tulkarem.
7. Wisam Jamal, 20, Jerusalem.
8. Mohammad al-Ja’bari, 19, Hebron.
9. Ahmad Jamal Salah, 20, Jerusalem.
10. Ishaq Badran, 19, Jerusalem.
11. Mohammad Said Ali, 19, Jerusalem.
12. Ibrahim Ahmad Mustafa Awad, 28, Hebron.
13. Ahmad Abedullah Sharakka, 13, Al Jalazoun Refugee camp-Ramallah.
14. Mostafa Al Khateeb, 18, Sur-Baher – Jerusalem.
15. Hassan Khalid Manassra, 15, Jerusalem.
16. Mohamed Nathmie Shamassnah, 22, Kutneh-Jerusalem.
17. Baha’ Elian,22, Jabal Al Mokaber-Jerusalem.
18. Mutaz Ibrahim Zawahra, 27, Bethlehem. Hit with a live bullet in the 
chest during a demonstration.
19. Ala’ Abu Jammal, 33, Jerusalem.
20. Bassem Bassam Sidr, 17, Hebron.
21. Ahmad Abu Sh’aban, 23, Jerusalem.
22. Ibraheem Dar-Yousif, 46, Al Janyia village Ramallah( Killed while 
harvesting olives)
23. Fadi Al-Darbi , 30, Jenin – died in Israeli detention camp.
24. Eyad Khalil Al Awawdah, Hebron.
25. Ihab Hannani, 19, Nablus.
26. Fadel al-Qawasmi, 18, Hebron.
27. Mo'taz Ahmad 'Oweisat, 16, Jerusalem.
28. Young woman in Hebron, her name was not available up until the time 
of this report.

Gaza Strip:

29. Shadi Hussam Doula, 20.
30. Ahmad Abdul-Rahman al-Harbawi, 20.
31. Abed al-Wahidi, 20.
32. Mohammad Hisham al-Roqab, 15.
33. Adnan Mousa Abu ‘Oleyyan, 22.
34. Ziad Nabil Sharaf, 20.
35. Jihad al-‘Obeid, 22.
36. Marwan Hisham Barbakh, 13.
37. Khalil Omar Othman, 15.
38. Nour Rasmie Hassan, 30.
39. Rahaf Yihiya Hassan, two years old.   - killed along with her mother 
in an Israeli airstrike
40. Yihya Farahat, 23.
41. Shawqie Jaber Obed, 37.
42. Moahmed Ehmeed, Age unknown.

Israeli casualties during the same time period:

10/13 - Yeshayahu Kirshavski, 60, bus shooting in East Jerusalem
10/13 - Haviv Haim, 78, bus shooting in East Jerusalem
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