[News] Haiti Action Committee Denounces The Stolen Election in Haiti

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Nov 12 10:19:52 EST 2015

Haiti Action Committee Denounces The Stolen Election in Haiti
Stop The Terror Against Those Who Fight For Democracy

Update Monday 11/9: A large demonstration demanding a fair vote count in 
Delmas 2, Port-au-Prince encountered a pick up truck with officially 
certified voting station tally results. Suspecting fraudulent activity, 
marchers surrounded the truck until a justice of the peace could arrive. 
Police attacked the crowd with tear gas, batons, and gunfire. At the 
head of the protest, Dr. Maryse Narcisse, presidential candidate of the 
Fanmi Lavalas Party founded by former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, 
got caught in the police repression. In a broadcast statement on the 
scene, she condemned this latest example of the on-going electoral fraud 
and that as a woman, mother, and physician she was shocked at the 
brutality of the police assaults on peaceful demonstrators and community 
residents. She affirmed the right of the people to demonstrate in 
support of their vote.

On November 5th, the Provisional Electoral Council of Haiti (CEP) 
imposed a functionary of current President Michel Martelly’s PHTK Party, 
Jovenel Moise, as the top vote-getter in the October 25th Presidential 
election. Fanmi Lavalas has officially contested the results, which 
other major candidates also rejected as fraudulent. Tens of thousands of 
Haitians have taken to the streets to denounce the election as a fraud 
and an assault on democracy. The party had mobilized masses of people 
for the election, and they know that if there were an accurate count, 
their candidates will win.

The Martelly government had already corrupted the first round of 
elections, for Parliament, on August 9th through voter suppression and 
violence. Nevertheless the United States, the United Nations occupying 
forces, and the Organization of American States (OAS) sanctioned that 
election and this one as well, despite documented fraud, disappearance 
of ballot boxes, vote-buying, and so-called “bureaucratic delays” in 
pro-Lavalas communities that prevented voters from voting. Pro-Martelly 
election officials were seen voting repeatedly, at the same time 
observers from other parties were excluded from the polls.

With little or no coverage in the mainstream U.S. media, there is now a 
terror campaign directed against those calling for democracy in Haiti. 
Supporters of opposition parties have been shot and killed, and police 
have attacked demonstrators with tear gas, batons, and live and rubber 
bullets. In one incident, caught on camera, a unit of the Haitian police 
called BRI attacked two young men in the area of Rue des Remparts in 
Port-au-Prince. Below is the link to a graphic and very upsetting video 
of this crime.

The U.S. now appears to be ready to endorse five more years of 
Martelly’s party’s dictatorial rule. This is not surprising, since the 
U.S. State Department played a major role in placing him in office in 
the first place. In 2011, Martelly was originally announced as third in 
the first round vote for president, until then Secretary of State 
Hillary Clinton went to Port-au-Prince to meet with the C.E.P, and the 
order of candidates was miraculously reversed. Martelly was placed 
second, and he then won the “run-off.” Martelly has ruled by decree 
since January 2015, after refusing to hold elections for local offices 
or Parliament since 2011.

Haitians have demonstrated continuously against the government’s 
repression and corruption, and for free and fair elections. It is only 
because of this pressure that elections even took place. As Haitians 
fight for their votes to be honored, it is critical to demand that the 
U.S. State Department and the UN occupation, which have endorsed this 
charade, be held accountable for the terror taking place in Haiti. 
Haitian lives count. Enough is enough.

WHAT TO DO: Contact Kenneth Merten, Office of the Haiti Special Coordinator
Phone: 202-647-9510
Fax: 202-647-8900
Email: HaitiSpecialCoordinator at state.gov 
<mailto:HaitiSpecialCoordinator at state.gov>
Tweet to @JohnKerry

Call your Representatives and Senators: 202-224-3121

Video of police assaulting 2 young men:

The videographer wrote "What did this poor man do for the police to 
brutalize him so badly? A youth who stated 'I am not going to lose my 
vote, I voted for mother, give me my mother'. Look at what the PINK 
POLICE has done to him."   Note: “mother” refers to Dr. Maryse Narcisse. 
“Pink Police" refers to the Haitian police that people in Haiti believe 
are functioning as Martelly's private army. Pink is the color 
representing Martelly's political party.

Sent by Haiti Action Committee
www.haitisolidarity.net <http://www.haitisolidarity.net> and on FACEBOOK.
Follow us on twitter @HaitiAction1
<mailto:action.haiti at gmail.com>

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