[News] Palestinians in Gaza Rally Behind Venezuela, Reject US Imperialism

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Tue Mar 31 12:07:30 EDT 2015

  Palestinians in Gaza Rally Behind Venezuela, Reject US Imperialism


By Lucas Koerner

*Caracas, March 30, 2015 (venezuelanalysis.com 
<http://venezuelanalysis.com/>) –* Scores of Palestinians rallied 
in  Gaza City this past weekend in solidarity with the Bolivarian 
Revolution, expressing their categorical rejection of President Barack 
Obama’s Executive Order branding Venezuela a “national security threat” 
<http://venezuelanalysis.com/news/11261> earlier this month.

This latest instance of U.S. aggression has provoked an international 
outcry with Palestinians joining a plethora of other nations, including 
important multilateral blocs such as the CELAC, the Non-Aligned 
Movement, and the G77+China <http://venezuelanalysis.com/news/11298>, in 
demanding the immediate repeal of the White House decree.

The rally, which was organized by the leftwing Popular Front for the 
Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), featured numerous representatives of 
popular organizations in the Gaza Strip, who could be seen waving 
Palestinian and Venezuelan flags, displaying posters of President 
Nicolas Maduro and the late president Hugo Chávez, and vigorously 
chanting slogans opposing U.S. aggression against Venezuela.

The Gaza Strip is home to over 1.8 million Palestinians who have since 
2007 lived under illegal Israeli siege 
<http://imeu.org/article/putting-palestinians-on-a-diet-israels-siege-blockade-of-gaza> and 
recurrent massacres, <http://imeu.org/article/operation-cast-lead>the 
most recent of which this past summer 
<http://imeu.org/article/50-days-of-death-destruction-israels-operation-protective-edge> claimed 
the lives of well over 2100 people. More than two-thirds of the deaths 
were civilians.

Nonetheless, despite these grave conditions of Israeli siege and 
occupation, which have been likened to those of an “open prison” 
<http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2010/jul/27/david-cameron-gaza-prison-camp> and 
condemned as “genocidal” 
<http://ijsn.net/nafa/survivors-and-descendants-letter/>, the 
Palestinian people do not hesitate to stand behind the people of 
Venezuela, explains Ishaq Khury, PFLP spokesperson in Venezuela.

“Although the Palestinian people in Gaza live in the largest 
concentration camp in the world, they are free and dignified people who 
always stand up to defend other peoples who suffer the same 
imperialist/Zionist aggression".

“The Palestinian people, the Venezuelan people, the peoples of Latin 
America have common objectives, common enemies, so we are united in the 
struggle for liberation, for freedom, for independence, and beyond that, 
for an alternative world, a socialist world,” Khury told Venezuelanalysis.

Under late President Hugo Chávez and his successor Nicolas Maduro, 
Venezuela has emerged as one of the most vocal champions of the cause of 
Palestine solidarity worldwide, leading 
<http://venezuelanalysis.com/news/10788> the diplomatic charge against 
Israeli war crimes internationally and forging important diplomatic and 
economic ties <http://venezuelanalysis.com/news/10692> with the 
Palestinian Authority, including oil 
<http://venezuelanalysis.com/news/9967> deals, emergency aid 
<http://venezuelanalysis.com/news/10998>, and scholarships 
<http://venezuelanalysis.com/news/11012> for Palestinian medical students.

However, for Susana Khalil, a Palestinian-Venezuelan whose family was 
ethnically cleansed from the territory now known as Israel in 1948, this 
solidarity goes beyond a strategic alliance.

“The Palestinian people feel deeply connected to the Bolivarian process 
in which they feel closely involved as participants".

“The Palestinian cause, the Bolivarian process are causes of our times. 
They are the cries of freedom, liberation, justice, dignity, of people’s 
democracy against the colonialist and imperialist anachronisms,” 
explained Khalil, also a spokesperson for the Canaan Association of Aid 
to the Palestinian People, to Venezuelanalysis.

Published on Mar 31st 2015 at 10.54am

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