[News] Millions of Deaths from America’s ‘War on Terror’ Have Been Concealed

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Jun 30 11:09:09 EDT 2015

June 30, 2015

*Evil Cover Up*

  Have Millions of Deaths from America’s ‘War on Terror’ Been Concealed?


/How many days has it been
Since I was born?
How many days
‘Til I die?/

/Do I know any ways
I can make you laugh?
Or do I only know how
To make you cry?/

/― Leon Russell, Stranger in a Strange Land/

The mass media in the US have covered up the most important fact in 
America’s ongoing wars: the number of people slaughtered. Even before 
the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, the mainstream media served as 
cheerleaders for the bloodshed, spreading the major lies that led us to war.

As a combat vet still shocked by what I saw almost 50 years ago in 
Vietnam, where we earlier slaughtered millions in another war based on 
lies, I decided to look into what is happening in the current wars. I 
discovered that as many as seven million innocents may have been 
slaughtered in Afghanistan and Iraq.

I say “innocents,” because even most combatants American forces have 
killed were merely defending their homelands from invasions by 
foreigners (that is us). The invasion of Afghanistan was avoidable ― the 
Taliban had offered to give up bin Laden if the USA would show them 
proof that he was responsible for the 9/11 attacks.
The invasion of Iraq meanwhile violated international law and was little 
more than genocide.

I first looked for government or mainstream media reports in researching 
this article, but found little help there, forcing me to conclude they 
are not at all interested in counting victims. Anything they’ve put out 
to date is so simplistic that it should be ignored by anyone seeking 
facts. They wouldn’t even report on or take seriously a 2006 report by 
the respected UK medical journal, the /Lancet/ 
<http://brusselstribunal.org/pdf/lancet111006.pdf>, which, based upon 
household surveys and other data, concluded that between the March 2003 
US invasion of Iraq and the beginning of 2006, Iraq had suffered over 
650,000 war-related deaths, representing an astonishing 2.5% of the 
country’s population.

It should go without saying that nobody has a completely accurate count 
of the dead. But over the years, the impact of a corporate media and 
National Security State have taken their toll on the truth, warping it 
to imply that relatively few people have died in America’s phony “War on 

The charge of a cover-up by the mass media seems obvious, as it is 
unconscionable that major media, a multi-billion dollar industry, could 
not find the numbers if they made even a feeble attempt. It seems 
obvious as well that such numbers would shock the public and turn them 
against the wars, which probably explains the silence of the mainstream, 
which is in line with their avid war support and simply echoes the words 
of General Tommy Franks that “We don’t do body counts.”

As far as the people of Iraq are concerned, the Iraq war is now 25 years 
old. It began in 1990 with deadly economic sanctions imposed on Iraq, 
followed by a 1991 attack by President George HW Bush against Iraqi 
forces. The sanctions after the hot war ended, continued during a 
subsequent hot war with President Clinton’s Operation Desert Fox, and 
continued until sanctions were finally lifted in 2003 as the illegal US 
invasion of Iraq was launched by George W. Bush. A variation of the 
continued assault on Iraqis crawls forward under the banner of war on 
ISIS, a violent group the USA is largely responsible for spawning in an 
attempt to bring down the government of Syria.

In 2001, Iraqi Cultural Minister Hamid Yusuf Hammadi, speaking at a 
conference against the UN embargo, estimated that 1.7 million Iraqis 
died as a result of the sanctions and other violence directed against 
Iraq by the USA 
<http://www.globalpolicy.org/component/content/article/170/41919.html> up to 
that time under presidents GHW Bush and Clinton.

Before that, in 1996, Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark estimated 
that 1.5 million Iraqis died 
<http://www.twf.org/News/Y1997/Ramsey.html> as a result of the 
sanctions, while attempting to bring war crimes charges against the USA 
and others for genocide.

While the corporate US media ignored it, even Clinton Secretary of State 
Madeline Albright, in 1996, acknowledged studies showing that over half 
a million Iraqi children had died 
<http://fair.org/extra-online-articles/we-think-the-price-is-worth-it/> because 
of US sanctions on Iraq between 1990 and 1996 (mostly a result of the 
inability of Iraq to import chlorine to purify public water supplies), 
and concluded that this horrifying and genocidal slaughter was “worth it.”

But all of that was before 2003’s Shock and Awe attack on Iraq.

In 2007, Opinion Research Business of London estimated the number of 
Iraqis killed in the 2003 invasion of that country and following war up 
to that time to be 1.2 million 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ORB_survey_of_Iraq_War_casualties>, based 
on face to face interviews with 1,720 adults aged 18+ throughout Iraq 
(1,499 agreed to answer the question on household deaths).

Taking these numbers from the invasions, sanctions and occupation of 
Iraq alone, we are already over 2.5 million dead.

And then there is the Afghanistan affair.

In 2001, President George W. Bush authorized an invasion of Afghanistan, 
where, we were told at the time, seven million people were being fed by 
NGO’s because they were on the verge of starvation, meaning they would 
die in a short time without emergency food.

Noam Chomsky reported in 2002 
<http://www.chomsky.info/articles/20020201.htm> on the time of the 
invasion, “A spokesman for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees warned 
that ‘We are facing a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions in 
Afghanistan with 7.5 million short of food and at risk of starvation,’ 
while aid agencies leveled ‘scathing’ condemnations of U.S. air drops 
that are barely concealed ‘propaganda tools’ and may cause more harm 
than benefit, they warned.”

No one has counted how many Afghans starved to death as a result of the 
invasion, but clearly the NGOs who had been feeding people on the verge 
of starvation had to withdraw because of the bombing. Those starving 
people who were being fed by those departed NGOs were among the poorest 
on earth, lacking birth and death certificates, so we may never know 
what happened by searching records.

Some good people have tried to use newspaper accounts to come up with 
numbers of Afghan dead, but this doesn’t take into account the massive 
numbers of rural Afghanis who likely died of hunger away from cities 
while fleeing the massive bombing for several months without food.

Australian scientist Gideon Polya did a study of the effect of war on 
the Afghanistan population and concluded that as a result of the 
invasion and occupation up to 2009,”This carnage involving 4.5 million 
post-invasion violent and non-violent excess Afghan deaths 
constitutes an Afghan Holocaust and an Afghan Genocide as defined by 
Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention.”

So if this estimate is correct, there are 4.5 million dead in 
Afghanistan as a result of the invasion and occupation. Combined with 
the 2.5 million who died from war and sanctions in Iraq, we arrive at 
the rough figure of 7 million dead.

But if 7 million people died, why is it that few seem aware of these 
numbers? After all, anyone you ask on the street can tell you 6 million 
Jews died in the Holocaust. Why aren’t 7 million Muslims important 
enough to notice?

One may speculate that the truth is offensive to a National Security 
State that would be embarrassed by its involvement in two major genocides.

The owners, board members and advertisers of our mainstream press are 
interlocked in “defense” contracting investments, and the wars in Iraq 
and Afghanistan are the most lucrative in history, with, at times, more 
contractors in both Iraq and Afghanistan than there were troops. The 
National Priorities Project estimates that well over $1.5 trillion has 
been spent on these Wars since 2001 
<https://www.nationalpriorities.org/cost-of/category/military/>. Some 
figures place the total cost of the War on Terror at over $3 trillion.

Our politicians’ own “defense” investments as well, and their political 
campaigns, often depend on contributions from “defense” industries, at 
great expense to taxpayers who wind up, as a direct result, buying 
weapons systems even the Pentagon doesn’t want. Many Members of Congress 
legally vote for “defense” projects which personally enrich them because 
of their investments.

Even though the majority of the public oppose the wars 
and want our troops to come home, it is imperative to the corporate 
media and corporate government, and those above them (the ruling Forces 
of Greed) that as much public support as possible be maintained to keep 
the wars going.

If the public were informed that as many as 7 million people may have 
been slaughtered, more war supporters might fall off the bandwagon, 
making it harder to keep the bloodshed flowing for the billions in 
profit, just as a point was reached during the Vietnam War when the vast 
majority of Americans opposed the war and it could no longer be waged 
without risking rebellion.

Violence has become the primary diplomatic tool of our government, 
enabled by propaganda spread by corporate media. Gandhi said “I object 
to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only 
temporary; the evil it does is permanent.”

Our government and mass media are still covering up the evil, but it may 
be permanent for as many as seven million.

/*Jack Balkwill* is an activist in Virginia./

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