[News] Israel Demolished 188 Palestinian Homes In 2014

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Jan 2 11:13:29 EST 2015

  B'Tselem: "Israel Demolished 188 Homes In 2014"

author Friday January 02, 2015 06:10author by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC News 
Report post 

    The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied
    Territories (B’Tselem) has reported that the Israeli authorities
    demolished, in the year 2014, 188 Palestinian homes in the West Bank
    and East Jerusalem, rendering 882 persons, including 463 children,

B’Tselem said the “Civil Administration” office, run by the military in 
the occupied West Bank, and the Jerusalem Municipality “have 
deliberately avoided drafting master plans that would meet the needs of 
Palestinian residents.”

It added that Israel uses the absence of such plans to deny construction 
permits filed by the Palestinians, leading to “extreme housing 
shortage,” in addition to impacts of these policies on the Palestinians 
who lack public buildings, including schools, hospitals and clinics, and 
community centers.

In addition, B’Tselem said that, faced by the absence of legal means 
that enables them to construct homes and other facilities, the 
Palestinians have no choice but to build without construction permits, 
and in turn; the Israeli Authorities demolish a large number of the 
constructed buildings.

The Israeli human rights group said Israel demolished 141 Palestinian 
homes in Area C of the occupied West Bank, under full Israeli civil and 
military control, rendering 715 Palestinians, including 386 children, 

It added that Israel demolished 47 homes in occupied Jerusalem alone, 
rendering homeless 167 persons, including 77 children.

---- Area C covers 60% of the West Bank and is home to an estimated 
180,000-300,000 Palestinians and to a settler population of at least 
325,500 living in 125 settlements and approx. 100 outposts.

Israel retains control of security and land-management in Area C and 
views the area as there to serve its own needs, such as military 
training, economic interests and settlement development.

Ignoring Palestinian needs, Israel practically bans Palestinian 
construction and development.

At the same time, it encourages the development of Israeli settlements 
through a parallel planning mechanism, and the Civil Administration 
turns a blind eye to settlers’ building violations. B’Tselem
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