[News] Amid International Outcry, Venezuelan Officials Allege Blackwater, U.S. and Canadian Links to Thwarted Coup

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Tue Feb 17 08:30:58 EST 2015

*Amid International Outcry, Venezuelan Officials Allege Blackwater, U.S. 
and Canadian Links to Thwarted Coup *

Feb 16th 2015, by Lucas Koerner

Caracas, February 16, 2015 (Venezuelanalysis.com 
<http://venezuelanalysis.com/>) - New revelations  in Venezuela have 
linked U.S. private security firm Blackwater, now known as Academi, to 
the aircraft that was to be used as part of Thursday's thwarted "Blue 
Coup" attempt.

The four-stage plan included economic war, an international media 
offensive against the Venezuelan government, political destabilization 
fomenting ungovernability, and finally the use of a Super Tucano 
aircraft to strike "tactical targets" in the capital, such as the 
Presidential Palace, teleSur, and military intelligence

The coup was planned for the one-year anniversary of violent opposition 
protests known as the Guarimba and was to come one day after a public 
statement by leading opposition leaders calling for a "transition".

According to U.S. aviation records, the EMB-314B1 or "Super Tucano" 
aircraft in question was acquired  from Brazilian manufacturer Embraer 
by the firm Blackwater Worldwide in 2008 allegedly for the purpose of 
pilot training. Registered under the serial number N314TG, the aircraft 
is, moreover, the only one of its kind sold by the Brazilian firm to a 
private company.

The Super Tucano is a light, highly agile Brazilian aircraft designed 
principally for pilot training and counterinsurgency operations. The 
aircraft has an operational range that extends from the U.S. to any 
point in Colombia, and has been widely used in Colombian 
counterinsurgency operations, including in the 2008 assassination of 
FARC second-in-command Raul Reyes in violation of Ecuadorian sovereignty.

While Venezuela does have its own fleet of 12 Super Tucanos, all 
aircraft are currently grounded and undergoing major repairs, stated 
President Nicolas Maduro, whilst offering further evidence regarding the 
foreign origin of the aircraft.

Blackwater has a checkered human rights record. Several of its 
contractors have been indicted in U.S. courts for their role in the 2007 
massacre of Iraqi civilians, and Jeremy Scahill, national security 
correspondent for the Nation, has documented the firm's role in the 
CIA's global assassination program. 

*National Assembly President Accuses Canadian and UK Officials of 

On Friday, National Assembly President, Diosdado Cabello, alleged that 
officials at the Canadian and British embassies had links to the failed 
coup attempt, in a new round of revelations surrounding the attempted 

Cabello claimed that a Canadian official by the name of Nancy Birbek was 
investigating the contingency plans of the Arturo Michelena airport in 

"On Monday, together with another Canadian embassy official, this woman 
identified as Nancy Birbeck, was inquiring about the capacities of that 
same [airport] for special cases. Is this woman asking about the 
capacities of the airport for cases of contingency?"

The National Assembly President went on to indicate that he also had 
evidence that an official from the British embassy as well as a staff 
member of the U.S. embassy charged with overseeing visas had links to 
the thwarted coup plot.

For his part, President Nicolas Maduro has alleged that the U.S. 
government is behind the coup, accusing U.S. embassy personnel of 
attempting to "bribe" Venezuelan armed forces officials. The Venezuelan 
head of state also claimed that one unnamed U.S. official was 
responsible for authoring the "script" that was to be publicly broadcast 
by military officials on the day of the coup claiming that the armed 
forces had risen up against the government.

*International Outcry *

In the wake of Thursday's foiled coup plot, the Bolivarian government of 
Nicolas Maduro has received a raft of messages of support from regional 
leaders and civil society organizations alike.

On Saturday, the Latin American Parliament, a regional consultative 
assembly representing the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, 
issued a statement condemning the thwarted coup attempt. President of 
the regional body, Angel Rodriguez, called for a comprehensive 
investigation by Venezuelan prosecutors and advised Venezuelan citizens 
to remain "alert" in the face of destabilization efforts by "extremist 
groups" which he indicated were backed by the United States.

Moreover, the Secretary General of the Union of South American Nations 
(UNASUR) Ernesto Samper also rejected the coup attempt and expressed 
support for President Nicolas via his twitter account.

/"UNASUR reiterates its will to find democratic and pacific routes and 
reiterates its support for President Nicolas Maduro"/

The presidents of Bolivia and Nicaragua also joined the chorus voicing 
solidarity with the government of Nicolas Maduro.

"We all have the obligation to enforce respect of democracy and 
elections, and if we all have a clear conscience, not even the empire 
can defeat us," declared Evo Morales

For his part, Daniel Ortega denounced the "criminal and futile attempts 
of the Empire toundermine the Bolivarian Revolution."

 From Mexico City, the Network of Intellectuals, Artists and Social 
Movements in Defense of Humanity has also issued a statement announcing 
support for the Venezuelan government and condemning the coup efforts by 
opposition leaders.

Most recently, the Presidents of the Uruguayan Senate and House of 
Deputies spoke out on Monday against the thwarted coup and proclaimed 
their backing of the Bolivarian government of Nicolas Maduro. Brazil's 
Landless Movement has also thrown its support behind the Venezuelan 

*Source URL (retrieved on /17/02/2015 - 8:59am/):* 
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