[News] How the Israel boycott movement struck major blows in 2015

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Wed Dec 30 13:54:35 EST 2015

  How the Israel boycott movement struck major blows in 2015

Ali Abunimah <https://electronicintifada.net/people/ali-abunimah> 30 
December 2015

In September 2014, on the eve of the Jewish new year, Israel’s leading 
financial daily named Omar Barghouti 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/omar-barghouti> among the 100 
people most likely to influence the country’s economy in the following year.

/Calcalist/, the business supplement of the mass circulation newspaper 
/Yediot Ahronot/, said 
that the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement, which Barghouti 
helped found, was “already worrying the government.”

It cited government studies warning that Israel would lose billions of 
dollars a year in exports and GDP and thousands of jobs if current 
boycott trends continued.

“The credit and honor go to the entire BDS movement, of which I am a 
modest part, to each and every BDS activist in Palestine and around the 
world who has contributed to making BDS one the most effective forms of 
resisting Israel’s regime of occupation, settler-colonialism and 
apartheid,” Barghouti told The Electronic Intifada this week.

And 2015 has proven /Calcalist/ right.

As the year closes, Palestine’s Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions 
National Committee (BNC) <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/bnc>, the 
broad coalition that backs the BDS movement, is pointing out 
some of the successes of the last 12 months:


    The authors of a United Nations report revealed in June that BDS was
    a key factor behind the nearly 50 percent plunge
    in foreign direct investment in Israel in 2014.


    The World Bank cited consumer boycotts as a key factor behind a 24
    percent drop
    in Palestinian imports from Israel in the first quarter of 2015.


    The international credit ratings agency Moody’s warned
    in October that “the Israeli economy could suffer should BDS gain
    greater traction.” Moody’s reports are used by corporations to
    assess the risk of doing business in a country.

A major European investor confirmed that BDS was already deterring 
companies from entering the Israeli market.

“During general meetings of the leading companies, even if they did 
examine investing in Israeli companies, it will be off the agenda 
immediately because of the impact of BDS,” Edouard Cukierman, founder of 
Catalyst Funds and chair of Cukierman & Co Investment House, told 
Israeli media 

    Running for the exit

In 2015, activists celebrated a major victory as the French 
multinational Veolia <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/veolia> sold 
off all its investments in Israel.

This followed a seven-year global campaign which cost Veolia billions of 
dollars in lost municipal and government contracts. By the end, Veolia 
could not find any international buyers for its Israeli businesses.

Perhaps alarmed by Veolia’s fate, the French multinational telecom 
company Orange <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/orange> announced in 
June that it intended to end its relationship with its Israeli affiliate.

Despite the Israeli government’s outraged reaction, Orange amended its 
with Israel’s Partner Communications so it could get out of the country 
as soon as 2017, instead of 2025.

The campaign to end Orange’s complicity with Israeli human rights abuses 
– it operates extensively in Israel’s West Bank settlements – started in 
France several years ago and gathered pace in May 
when activists in Egypt called for a boycott of its subsidiary Mobinil 

The Electronic Intifada’s April report revealing the extent of Orange’s 
direct complicity 
in Israel’s summer 2014 attack on Gaza galvanized the campaign.

In November, the European Union finally took the step 
of requiring labels clearly marking goods that come from Israeli 
settlements built on occupied Palestinian and Syrian land in violation 
of international law.

This was a minimalist step taken only after years of dithering and 
delay, and has to be seen in the context of massive ongoing EU 
complicity with Israel’s war crimes and its deepening apartheid.

But at the time, Mahmoud Nawajaa 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/mahmoud-nawajaa>, general 
coordinator for the BNC, said the move was a “sign that European 
governments are reacting to public opinion, civil society campaigning 
and Israeli intransigence and are becoming more willing to take some 
basic action against Israeli violations of international law.”

Israel’s furious reaction – many politicians compared EU officials to 
Nazis – belies its real fear: that this is only the first step of more 
action to come.

A sure sign of the mainstreaming of Palestinian rights came in September 
with Jeremy Corbyn’s <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/jeremy-corbyn> 
landslide victory in the election for leader of the UK’s main opposition 
Labour Party.

Despite intense Israel lobby smears, Corbyn trounced the establishment 

A month earlier, Corbyn, a lifelong champion of Palestinian rights, had 
told The Electronic Intifada 
he backed the boycott of Israeli universities involved in weapons research.

    Faith and labor

In 2014, after a decade-long campaign, the Presbyterian Church USA voted 
by a narrow margin 
to divest from companies that profit from Israel’s military occupation 
of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

This prompted Israel and its lobby groups to step up their efforts to 
co-opt or intimidate church activists.

But in June this year a resounding answer came from the United Church of 
Christ. The one million-strong US denomination’s assembly voted by a 
huge margin 
to divest as well.

Where churches are going, labor is following. Several major labor 
federations in North America joined the dozens of unions, especially in 
Europe, that already support the movement.

In August, the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America – 
known as UE – voted to back BDS 
becoming the second US national union to do so.

“We reached a breaking point when Israel launched the war on Gaza in 
2014, killing over 2,000 people, including 500 children,” Carl Rosen, a 
member of UE’s national executive board, explained.

In November, the Connecticut branch of the AFL-CIO, representing 200,000 
workers, voted 
to back key elements of the Palestinian call for BDS.

And Quebec’s confederation of trade unions, representing 325,000 workers 
in the Canadian province, also backed BDS 
including the cultural boycott and a boycott of all Israeli goods.

It pledged to work with civil society groups to organize campaigns to 
turn this support into action in coming months.

This year Israel also suffered from a sustained and deepening decline 
in tourism, especially from Europe.

There is no direct evidence that the sharp decline, which began during 
the 2014 attack on Gaza, is due to boycotts.

But the fact that the BDS movement – especially the cultural boycott 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/cultural-boycott> – has been so 
strong in Europe undoubtedly makes it harder for Israel to market itself 
as a carefree destination for sunseekers.

    Going mainstream

This was the year when “Lauryn Hill and Thurston Moore from Sonic Youth 
said they won’t perform in Israel, and more than 1,000 artists across 
Ireland, the UK, the US and Belgium have said they support the cultural 
boycott of Israel,” the BNC notes 
<http://bdsmovement.net/2015/7-ways-our-movement-broke-new-ground-13634>, highlighting 
that the campaign is gaining ground everywhere.

“Israeli universities play a key role in planning and whitewashing 
Israel’s crimes but now academics across the world are taking effective 
action,” the BNC states.

Examples from 2015 include landslide votes to back the academic boycott 
of these complicit institutions by the American Anthropological 
and the National Women’s Studies Association 


In 2015, Israel and its lobby groups intensified their counterattack 
against the growing global movement for Palestinian rights.

This included crackdowns and intimidation on campuses 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/campus-activism> and efforts to 
legislate and litigate <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/lawfare> 
against BDS in North America and Europe.

They had plenty of help from complicit governments and lawmakers, 
including in France 
the United Kingdom 
and the US 

But the BNC even sees this backlash as a sign of success, as an 
increasingly desperate Israel resorts to “exporting its mentality of 
repression and getting its allies in the west to run McCarthyite attacks 
on free speech.”

“Israel knows it is losing the argument and is throwing everything it 
has at sabotaging our movement, dedicating money, government staff and 
apparently even its security services to undermining BDS,” the BNC says.

There’s no doubt Israel’s efforts to obstruct and sabotage campaigns for 
justice will continue and, flush with new cash 

With dozens of student bodies on US campuses having voted to back 
divestment in recent years, we can expect campaigns to shift 
toward pressuring administrations to implement those demands. They will 
face determined opposition, but that will only help keep Palestine front 
and center.

There’s also every sign that BDS could become a big issue in the 2016 US 
presidential campaign – already Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/hillary-clinton> and Republican 
hopeful Jeb Bush <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/jeb-bush> have 
launched attacks on the movement 

But that might only serve to educate more people that BDS exists and is 
an option for them too.

The passing year, which also marked the 10th anniversary of the 
Palestinian civil society call for BDS <http://bdsmovement.net/call>, 
shows clearly that this diverse and decentralized movement founded and 
led by Palestinians is a growing match for Israel.

Amid so much difficult news from Palestine and the region, that’s a 
bright ray of hope for 2016.

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