[News] On Human Rights Day: Israeli Occupation Continues to Carry Out Mass Arrests of Palestinians and Subject them to Abuse

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Dec 10 10:16:37 EST 2015

*_On Human Rights Day: Israeli Occupation Continues to Carry Out Mass 
Arrests of Palestinians and Subject them to Abuse_*

Occupied Ramallah - 10 December 2015 –This year, Palestinians mark 
International Human Rights Day mourning over *118 Palestinians 
*including *25 children* who were killed by IOF in the past two months. 
Palestinians mark this day following two months of nonstop violence and 
widespread human rights violations by Israeli Occupation Forces against 
the Palestinian civilian population in response to a popular uprising in 
the occupied territory. Today, over *6,500 Palestinians* remain 
imprisoned by Israeli occupation including at least *450 children*, *587 
Palestinians held under arbitrary administrative detention* without 
charge or trial and *five members of the Palestinian Legislative Council*.

In the past two months, Israeli Occupation Forces have escalated 
oppressive policies and practices against Palestinians in the occupied 
territory in a flagrant violation of fundamental human rights and 
freedoms. Since the beginning of October IOF has been conducting a mass 
arrests campaign in the occupied territory whereby over *2,200 
Palestinians* were arrested including at least *390 children* as well as 
*247 Palestinians* who were placed under administrative detention 
without charge or trial. Addameer continues to monitor the Israeli 
occupation’s daily policies of arbitrary arrest and detention of 
Palestinians, the widespread use of torture and ill-treatment as well as 
the extrajudicial executions of Palestinians by IOF forces. These 
policies are aimed at imposing collective punishment against 
Palestinians for their uprising against Israel’s oppression and outrages 
against their fundamental rights and inherent dignity which 
International Human Rights Law aims to preserve.

      *No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention*

Under *Article 3* and *Article 9* of the *Universal Declaration of Human 
Rights*, all human beings have the right to liberty and the right not to 
be subjected to arbitrary arrest and detention. Palestinians, however, 
have suffered from a widespread policy of arrests and use of arbitrary 
detention by IOF for decades. Since 1967, an estimated *800,000 
Palestinians* have been arrested by Israeli occupation. Arrests have 
been used by the Israeli occupation as means of imposing control, 
collective punishment and suppressing any forms of resisting occupation 
and even as means to suppress civil and political life in the 
Palestinian society. Since 1967, an estimate of *50,000 Palestinians* 
have been subjected to administrative detention without charge or trial 
based on secret undisclosed material not accessible to detainees and 
their lawyers.

Israeli Occupation Forces regularly carries out mass arrest campaigns 
during times of escalation or in response to political developments in 
the occupied territory in a manner that renders the arrests arbitrary. 
The use of administrative detention against children, human rights 
activists and Palestinian political figures indicate the arbitrary 
nature of the use of administrative detention by Israeli occupation and 
its illegality under International Humanitarian Law. The United Nation’s 
Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has often underlined the arbitrary 
nature  of depriving persons of their liberty and subjecting them to 
administrative detention solely based on undisclosed evidence which the 
detainee cannot challenge.[1] <#_ftn1> The use of administrative 
detention and trials before partial/politically motivated Israeli 
military courts further infringes on the right to fair and public 
hearing by an independent  and impartial tribunal.

Since 1 October 2015, *an average of 30 Palestinians were arrested every 
day*; an estimate of over *2,200 Palestinians*. Of those arrested, 247 
Palestinians were placed under administrative detention without charge 
or trial and without being able to challenge their detention. Today, at 
least *587 Palestinians are held under arbitrary administrative 
detention* including four children and two members of the Palestinian 
Legislative Council. Due to the high number of arrests, the Israeli 
Prison Service (IPS) opened new sections in prisons to accommodate  this 
increasing number of detainees. Two tent sections have since been opened 
in Al-Naqab Prison, in addition to a new section in Gilboa Prison, Givon 
Section for children in Al-Ramleh Prison and a new section for female 
prisoners in Al-Damon Prison.

      *No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or
      degrading treatment or punishment*

Palestinians are constantly subjected to different forms of 
ill-treatment and torture during arrest, transfer, interrogation and 
imprisonment. In the past two months Addameer has documented an 
escalation of the use of violence and excessive force against 
Palestinians during arrest and detention. Several Palestinian youth were 
arrested after being shot by IOF forces in the aftermath of alleged 
stabbing attacks. Many of those who were arrested after being shot were 
subjected to field interrogations while bleedings, interrogations during 
treatment in hospitals while chained to bed as well as being subjected 
to harsh interrogations shortly after release from hospitals.

Ibrahim Shwiki (22 years old) was arrested by IOF forces on 12 November 
and charged with inciting violence through Facebook. Several 
Palestinians have recently arrested under the claim of inciting violence 
and racism through social media. During detention, Ibrahim was brutally 
assaulted by prison guards and officers after they raided his cell 
during the night. He and the other detainees were forced to lie on the 
floor. Then one of the prison guards pointed at Ibrahim and immediately 
one of the guards assaulted him with a baton on his head before others 
proceeded to punch and kick him. Ibrahim was then taken to the waiting 
room. There he was handcuffed very tight that blood flow to his hands 
was restricted. Ibrahim shouted in pain for hours asking for the 
handcuffs to be loosened but his pleas were not answered. Ibrahim was 
then placed in solitary confinement as punishment for praying loudly in 
the cell and specifically for saying “Allahu Akbar” loudly during 
prayer. Ibrahim was also assaulted while in solitary confinement after 
requesting to call his family, knowing that the judge did allow him to 
make a phone call to his family. Although Ibrahim was suffering from 
pain due to the beating especially in his back, he was only taken to see 
the prison doctor a week after the assault. By then all marks on his 
body were no longer visible.

Inhumane Detention Conditions are also very common and are often 
reported by Palestinians detained by Israeli occupation. Several 
Palestinians detained at Huwwara detention center complained to 
Addameer’s lawyers about  poor detention conditions. Detainees reported 
that the food they are receiving is insufficient and not nutritious . 
The detainees have also complained that the cells are very dirty and 
unhygienic as well as being overcrowded; 6 detainees are held in a 4*3.5 
meter cell. Furthermore detainees as Huwwara detention center reported 
they received dirty mattresses and were not given any clothes for days. 
Ill-treatment was also reported in Oz interrogation center. Originally a 
police station, detainees including children reported they were shackled 
and left on the floor outdoors in the cold or in caravans for several 
hours before being transferred to detention centers. Detainees have also 
reported ill-treatment and physical violence at the hand of interrogators.

      *Detention or imprisonment of a child shall be used only as a
      measure of last resort*

Under International Human Rights Law, children must be afforded special 
protection and their best interest should always be a primary 
consideration. The Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was 
ratified by Israel in 1991, prohibits the arbitrary detention of 
children and stipulates that the detention and imprisonment of children 
should only be used as a measure of last resort and for the shortest 
appropriate period of time. Palestinian children, however, are regularly 
subjected to arrests and detention by Israeli occupation. Children often 
undergo ill-treatment at the hands of IOF forces and are subject to a 
wide array of violations. Arrests usually take place in night raids and 
are often physically and verbally abused during arrest, transfer and 

Almost one fifth of those arrested since 1 October were children, which 
resulted in tripling the number of Palestinian minors held in Israeli 
occupation prisons that spiked from 156 children by the end of September 
to at *least 450 children. *At least four children are currently held 
under administrative detention considered to be a “/direct and immediate 
threat to the national security of Israel/.”[2] <#_ftn2> Israeli 
occupation also continues to target children with new harsh policies and 
laws including a new draft law which would allow custodian sentences for 
children as young as 12, amendments to the Israeli penal code which 
allow imposing 10-year prison sentences for throwing stones and 
instituting a minimum sentence of 3 years for stone throwing.

Ali Alqam (12 years old) is currently the youngest Palestinian child 
detained by Israeli occupation. Ali was arrested on 8 November after 
allegedly attempting a stabbing attack in the Jerusalem light train. Ali 
was shot with live ammunition three times in his abdomen, pelvis and 
hand by an Israeli security guard. Ali was underwent several surgeries 
to treat the bullet wounds. On 22 November, Ali was transferred to a 
closed treatment facility pending trial. Ali’s cousin, Muawiya Alqam (14 
years old) was arrested with Ali in the aftermath of the same incident 
and is currently detained in Givon Prison.

Salam Quraan (16 years old) was arrested by IOF forces on 14 October on 
his way back from school in Ramallah. An Israeli soldier assaulted Salam 
from the back while he was walking home, then proceeded to beat him 
along with eight other soldiers. Salam was repeatedly beaten for 
approximately five minutes in the stomach and at least once in the 
testicles. Salam was then dragged from his feet causing several wounds 
on his body including his hands and head.  Salam was then transferred to 
a nearby settlement where he was blindfolded and forced to wait in  room 
for several hours. He was slapped several times while waiting and his 
photos were taken by the soldiers.

Givon Prison was opened in October 2015 to accommodate the large number 
of children arrested by IOF forces. Currently there are 70-75 children 
detained in Givon. Children have complained to Addameer’s lawyer about 
  ill-treatment as well as unhygienic conditions and dampness in the 
prison. Children have also complained that the food they are receiving 
is insufficient in portions and of poor quality. The children are 
isolated in Givon from adult Palestinian political prisoners who usually 
provide social support and help imprisoned Palestinian children 
communicate with the IPS and prison wardens. Several of the children 
informed Addameer’s lawyer Mona Naddaf during a visit on 3rd of December 
that they are suffering from nightmares, sleep disorder, loss of 
appetite, sadness and feeling isolated. The children also stated they 
were subjected to ill-treatment during interrogation including being 
denied  using toilets, being deprived from food, being subjected to 
physical beating, threats and sleep deprivation. Some of the children, 
who were injured during arrest, have also complained they aren’t 
receiving medical treatment or are  receiving it with significant delays.


[1] <#_ftnref1> Working Group, opinions Nos. 5/2010 (Israel) and 26/2007 

[2] <#_ftnref2> As stated in the administrative detention orders issued 
against the children.

*Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association*

P. O. Box: 17338, Jerusalem
3 Edward Said Street
Sebat Bldg.
1st Floor, Suite 2
Ramallah, Palestine
Tel: +972 (0)2 296 0446 / 297 0136
Fax: +972 (0)2 296 0447

Email: info at addameer.ps
Website: www.addameer.org

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