[News] Stop Electoral Coup in Haiti - Stop Terror against those fighting for their vote to be counted

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Dec 1 15:10:10 EST 2015

*Haitian lives count. Count Haitian votes. Annul Haiti’s stolen election.
Stop repressing those demanding electoral transparency.*

Despite polling data, human rights organizations, media and eyewitness 
reports of massive fraud in the October 25th Haitian Presidential and 
Legislative election, the US has refused to condemn the election.  And 
on November 24th Haiti’s Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) declared 
that a functionary of current President Michel Martelly’s PHTK Party, 
Jovenel Moise, along with Jude Celestin, were the top vote getters. The 
CEP has scheduled a run-off election for December 27th.

Haitians have taken to the streets in the tens of thousands to denounce 
the election as a fraud and an assault on democracy. SEE VIDEO 
They are asking for international support for their demands including: 
no to an electoral coup; invalidation of the Oct 25th election and for 
new and transparent elections to be called.  Additionally, Fanmi 
Lavalas, the party of the popular former-President of Haiti Jean 
Bertrand Aristide, has formally contested the vote and intends to bring 
a claim against Haiti’s Electoral Council before the Inter-American 
Commission for Human Rights.


/Tell US officials that Haiti’s stolen election must be declared invalid 
and new elections held, and that shooting and other repression against 
Haitians who demand transparency in their election must be stopped./

ØContact Kenneth Merten, Office of the Haiti Special Coordinator
      Phone: 202-647-9510,  Fax: 202-647-8900
<mailto:HaitiSpecialCoordinator at state.gov>HaitiSpecialCoordinator at state.gov

ØTweet to @JohnKerry

ØContact the White House at 202-456-1111

ØCall your Representatives and Senators: 202-224-3121

ØContact the Congressional Black Caucus 202-226-9776.

**Violence Against Protesters*

With little or no coverage in the mainstream US media, there is now a 
terror campaign directed against those calling for democracy in Haiti. 
Supporters of opposition parties have been shot and killed, and police 
have attacked demonstrators with tear gas, batons, and live and rubber 
bullets. In one incident, caught on camera, a unit of the Haitian police 
called BRI attacked two young men in Rue des Remparts, Port-au-Prince. 
Here is the link to a graphic and very upsetting video of this crime. 

In Delmas 2, Port-au-Prince, a pickup truck was found with officially 
certified voting station tally results. Suspecting fraud, marchers 
surrounded the truck until a justice of the peace could arrive. Instead 
of being praised for performing their civic duty, they were attacked by 
police with tear gas, batons, and gunfire.


·Presidential candidate Dr. Maryse Narcisse of Fanmi Lavalas demanded 
the right to review the tally sheets.  The CEP sent the matter to the 
National Electoral Office of Contestations (NEOC) who selected a sample 
of Tally Sheets.

·The Executive Director of the National Human Rights Defence Network 
confirmed that irregularities in 98% of the Tally Sheets under review 
reflected massive acts of fraud aimed at changing the results of the 
elections and that the beneficiary of the fraudulent Tally Sheets was 
the candidate of Haiti’s outgoing President Martelly.

·While Haiti’s Electoral Decree provides for the expulsion from the race 
of any candidate who benefits from a finding of fraud, yet the Electoral 
Council refused to disqualify the government candidate (Jovenel Moise).

·The CEP recognized that fraud and irregularities were discovered in a 
random sampling of Tally Sheets but yet determined further investigation 
was not warranted and moved ahead to confirm the election result.

·CARICOM observers reported, among other things, “intimidation”, “too 
many anomalies”, and that “the secrecy of the ballot was compromised”. 
They have called for “more transparency in the processing of the Tally 

·Legislative first round elections held on August 9^th were plagued by 
fraud and violence with more that 20% of the ballots lost. See 

·Despite the violence and fraud, the August 9^th election was sanctioned 
by the US, the UN occupying forces, and the Organization of American 
States (OAS).

·On 5 October, Congresswoman Maxine Waters wrote to US Secretary of 
State John Kerry, expressing deep concern about Haiti’s 2015 elections 
in which she stated that many are calling for the resignation of the 
current CEP and the annulment of the entire first round.” 

Haitians have protested continually against government repression and 
corruption, and for free and fair elections. It is only because of their 
pressure that the recent elections took place. They are now fighting for 
their votes to be honoured. Haitian lives count. Count Haitian votes.

*News Coverage and Reports *

*Haitians are rising up against the stolen elections*

  Many in Haiti suspect fraud in recent election, poll finds

  U.S. Political Intervention in Haiti Has Caused Instability and Aid
  Efforts Have Largely Failed

*Haitian observers: ‘Massive fraud’ in vote *

*U.S. observers: Haiti’s presidential elections deeply flawed

*Center for Economic and Policy Research: New Survey Casts Doubt on 
Election Results*

*An Analysis of the Oct 25 Preliminary Results**

*Haiti Announces Preliminary Election Results but Race Far from Settled

*Presidential Elections in Haiti: The Most Votes Money Can Buy*

*Summary of the fact-finding human rights and labor delegation to Haiti 
re Presidential and Legislative Elections on October 25, 2015*


*For more info: Haiti Action Committee: *action.haiti at gmail.com (510) 
483-7481 www.haitisolidarity.net <http://www.haitisolidarity.net>
*Global Women’s Strike and Women of Color in the Global Women’s Strike:
*la at allwomencount.net <mailto:la at allwomencount.net> (323) 276-9833 
www.globalwomenstrike.net <http://www.globalwomenstrike.net>

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