[News] Haiti - President Aristide's Life Threatened

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Sep 16 13:18:33 EDT 2014


On Friday morning, September 12th, at 1am, the Haitian government 
removed the security detail that has been guarding former President 
Aristide’s house since his return to Haiti in 2011. This comes a day 
after a judge ordered President Aristide to be placed under “house 
arrest”, even though no such provision exists under Haitian law (more 
background in letter signed by public figures below).This is the fourth 
time since his return to Haiti in 2011 that he has been the target of a 
politically motivated legal case, previous charges were dropped before 
he could even challenge them in court. Legislative elections due to take 
place in Haiti in October are triggering a new chilling wave of 
repression aimed at President Aristide and his supporters.

We view these actions with the gravest concern and consider them a 
direct threat to President Aristide and his family, to other members of 
his Lavalas party, still the most popular in Haiti, and to the 
grassroots Lavalas movement. It is the latest step in a pattern of 
intimidation that harkens back to the days of the Duvalier dictatorship.

*/Please see below for what you can do, starting with contacting the 
U.S. State Department’s Special Coordinator for Haiti, which has been a 
key supporter of the corrupt Haitian government of Michel 
Martelly./***Martellygained power through an election with only 20% 
turnout, after Lavalas was banned from participating.

Let them know that we hold them accountable for the safety and welfare 
of President Aristide and his family, and that we demand an end to the 
harassment and repression against President Aristide and the Lavalas 

As you can see from the signatories below, many people are concerned. We 
must act now, in defense of President Aristide and the democratic 
movement in Haiti.Haiti has been under attack since the Haitian 
Revolution led the way for the ending of chattel slavery in the 
Americas.Haiti supported Bolivar the liberator of Latin America.We all 
owe a great debt to Haiti.Thank you so much for your continued support 
for democracy in Haiti.

*what you can do*

·*Urgently contact the US State Department’s Special Coordinator for 
Haiti, US Secretary of State John Kerry, and the Congressional Black and 
Progressive Caucuses.*Contact details below. Send the attached letter or 
one of your own.**

·*Please help to circulate the attached letter to prominent people and 
public figures and ask them to sign on. //*

·*Send this action alert to your contacts, post on your website, 
circulate on Twitter and Facebook.We will be sending a press release 
separately that you can send to your media contacts.//*

*Thomas C. Adams, US State Department Special Coordinator for Haiti*

Phone: 202-647-9510Fax: 202-647-8900

Email: *HaitiSpecialCoordinator at state.gov* 
<mailto:HaitiSpecialCoordinator at state.gov>**


*John Kerry, US Secretary of State*

Phone: 202-647-4000 (switchboard)
Fax: 202-647-8947

Twitter: @JohnKerry

*Congressional Black Caucus*
Phone: 202-226-9776
Email: congressionalblackcaucus at mail.house.gov 
<mailto:congressionalblackcaucus at mail.house.gov>


*Congressional Progressive Caucus
*Email: progressive at mail.house.gov <mailto:progressive at mail.house.gov>

/Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva /

Phone: 202-225-2435

Fax: 202-225-1541
/Rep. Keith Ellison /

Phone: 202-225-4755

Issued by */Haiti Action Committee/* action.haiti at gmail.com 
<mailto:action.haiti at gmail.com> • www.haitisolidarity.net 
and */Global Women’s Strike/* la at allwomencount.net 
<mailto:la at allwomencount.net>• www.globalwomenstrike.net 


Since his return to Haiti in 2011, President Aristide has led the 
reopening of the University of the Aristide Foundation (UNIFA), which 
now has over 900 students in medical, nursing and law schools.

Yet he continues to be the target of government repression. On August 
21, Haitian police wearing black masks and carrying heavy arms appeared 
in front of his home as a Haitian judge issued calls to arrest him. 
Hundreds of people courageously surrounded the house to protect him.

This is the fourth time since his return that President Aristide has 
been the target of a politically motivated legal case. Each time the 
case has been dropped before he has had a chance to even defend himself. 
We can expect more attacks as legislative elections in Haiti draw closer.

Here is a link to a recent article from the publication “Jurist” which 
provides good background on the recent events in Haiti: 
http://jurist.org/forum/2014/08/lauren-carasik-haiti-democracy.php . 
Please also see: The USA’s Haitian Puppet Targets Jean Bertrand Aristide 
yet again 
(Telesur). <mailto:.action.haiti at gmail.com>


*/Stop The Attacks On Former Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide 
and the Lavalas Movement/*

On August 21, Haitian police wearing black masks and carrying heavy arms 
appeared in front of the home of former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide 
as a Haitian judge issued calls to arrest him. Hundreds of people 
courageously surrounded the house to protect him.

One week before, President Aristide was summoned to court on false 
corruption charges.This is the fourth time since his return to Haiti in 
2011 that he has been the target of a politically motivated legal case. 
(Previous charges were dropped before he could even challenge them in 
court.) The judge in this case, Lamarre Bélizaire, has been suspended 
for ten years from practicing the law by the Port-au-Prince Bar 
Association for using the court to persecute opponents of the present 
regime. His suspension is due to begin once he steps down as judge.

President Aristide, a former priest, was Haiti’s first democratically 
elected president. He is loved and trusted by the majority of Haitians. 
While in office he built schools and hospitals, encouraged agriculture 
and doubled the minimum wage. He was removed and forced into exile with 
his family in 2004 by a US-backed military coup.Thousands of members of 
his Lavalas movement were killed, raped or falsely imprisoned in the 
aftermath of the coup.

In 2011, after seven years of grassroots organizing in Haiti backed up 
by an international campaign, President Aristide and his family returned 
home.Tens of thousands of people welcomed him. He promised to work for 
education and the inclusion of all Haitians in the democratic process. 
He has done just that – reopening the Aristide Foundation’s university, 
UNIFA, where today over 900 students from all sectors of society, 
including those who cannot afford higher education, are training to 
become doctors, nurses and lawyers.

Legislative elections due to take place in Haiti in October are 
triggering a new chilling wave of repression aimed at President Aristide 
and his supporters.Lavalas has overwhelming won every election in which 
it has participated, but since the 2004 coup the party has been barred 
from elections.As a result, fewer than 20% of Haitians turned out for 
the flawed election that brought the current President Michel Martelly 
to power in 2011.The Martelly government has not held an election since, 
and legislative elections are now three years overdue. Determined to 
consolidate dictatorial power, the Martelly government has 
systematically attempted to defame Lavalas, throwing out one set of 
accusations after another against President Aristide and other respected 
Lavalas leaders such as former Senator Myrlande Liberis-Pavert.

While President Aristide is being threatened with arrest, former 
dictator Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier – who is responsible for the 
deaths of thousands of Haitians during his rule – is living freely in 
Haiti, and has been openly embraced by Martelly.

Since the devastating earthquake and the cholera epidemic, doctors, 
nurses and other healthcare professionals training at UNIFA are needed 
more than ever. President Aristide must be able to carry on with his 
vital work as an educator.

The last time President Aristide was summoned, thousands of people 
surrounded the courthouse, chanting: “If they call our brother, they 
call all of us.” We echo their voices. Enough is enough. It is time for 
food, housing, health care and education.It is time for free, fair, and 
inclusive elections in Haiti, not dictatorship, so the urgent needs of 
the population can be addressed. The arrest warrant and other false 
charges aimed at President Aristide and his supporters should be dropped 
once and for all.


*/Alto a los Ataques en contra del ex-Presidente Jean Bertrand Aristide 
y el Movimiento Lavalas/*

El 21 de agosto, la policía haitiana vestida con capuchas negras y con 
armas de alto calibre apareció en frente de lacasa del ex Presidente 
Jean-Bertrand Aristide mientras un juez haitiano emitió unllamadopara su 
arresto. Cientos de personas, valientemente, rodearonsu casa para 

Una semana antes, el Presidente Aristide fue convocado a la corte por 
cargos falsos de corrupción. Esta es la cuarta vez, desde su retorno, 
que el Presidente Aristide ha sido blanco de un caso judicial por 
motivos políticos (Anteriormente, se habían retirados los cargos, antes 
sin ser impugnado ante el tribunal).En este caso, el Juez, Lamarre 
Bélizaire, ha sido suspendido del Colegio de Abogados de Puerto Príncipe 
por diez años, por haber utilizado el tribunal para perseguir oponentes 
del régimen actual. Su suspensión se debe al reincidir nuevamente, 
comoJuez, en prácticas improcedentes.

El Presidente Aristide, ex sacerdote, fue el primer presidente 
democráticamente elegido en Haití. La mayoría de los haitianos lo 
quieren y se confían en él. Durante su mandato, construyó escuelas y 
hospitales, apoyó la agricultura y duplicó el sueldo mínimo. Lo quitaron 
de su puesto y fue forzado al exilio con su familia en 2004 por un golpe 
de estado apoyado por los Estados Unidos. Miles de los miembros del 
movimiento Lavalas fueron asesinados, violados o encarcelados,después 
del golpe.

En 2011, después de siete años, por las organizaciones de base en Haití 
y el apoyo de una campaña internacional, el Presidente Aristide y su 
familia regresaronal país. Miles de personas le dieron la bienvenida. 
Prometió trabajar por la educación e inclusión de todos los haitianos en 
el proceso democrático. Y, justamente, eso es lo que ha hecho con la 
reapertura de launiversidad de la Fundación Aristide, UNIFA, dónde 
actualmente, más de 900 estudiantes de todos los sectores de la 
sociedad, incluyendo a los que no pueden pagar por la educación 
superior, se están formando para serser médicos, enfermeros y abogados.

Las elecciones legislativas que deben darse en Haití, en octubre, están 
provocando una nueva ola escalofriante de represión dirigida al 
Presidente Aristide y sus partidarios. Abrumadoramente, Lavalas ha 
ganado todas las elecciones en las que ha participado, pero desde el 
golpe de 2004, el partido ha sido excluido de las elecciones. Como 
resultado, menos del 20% de los haitianos participaron en la elección 
turbia que favoreció Michel Martelly como presidente en 2011. El 
gobierno de Martelly no ha convocado ni una elección durante su mandato, 
y las elecciones legislativas ya tienen tres años de retraso. 
Determinado a consolidar el poder dictatorial, el gobierno de Martelly 
ha intentado sistemáticamentedifamar a Lavalas, lanzado acusación tras 
acusación en contra del Presidente Aristide y otros líderes respetados 
de Lavalas como la ex senadoraMyrlande Liberis-Pavert.

Mientras que el Presidente Aristide está siendo amenazado con ser 
arrestado, el ex dictador Jean-Claude "Baby Doc " Duvalier - quien es 
responsable por la muerte de miles de haitianos durante su gobierno - 
está viviendo libremente en Haití, y abiertamente ha sido abrazado por 

Desde el terremoto devastador y la epidemia de cólera, los médicos, 
enfermeros y otros profesionales de la salud que estudian en la UNIFA 
son más necesarios que nunca. Al Presidente Aristide, se le debe 
permitir la oportunidad de continuar con su trabajo vital como educador.

La última vez que lo convocaron al tribunal, miles de personas rodearon 
el palacio de justicia cantando: "Si llaman a nuestro hermano, nos 
llaman a todos nosotros. " Nos hacemos eco de sus voces. Ya basta. Es la 
hora de la alimentación, vivienda, salud y educación. Es el momento para 
elecciones libre, justas e inclusivas en Haití, no una dictadura, para 
que las responda a las necesidades urgentes del pueblo sean respondidas. 
La orden de detención y otros cargos falsos en contra del Presidente 
Aristide y sus partidarios, deben retirarse de una vez por todas.

Signed by the Public Figures Below

*Danny Glover*, Actor and Human Rights Activist

*Selma James*, Author and International Coordinator, Global Women’s 
Strike (GWS)/UK

*Pierre Labossiere*, Co-founder, Haiti Action Committee


*Rev Francis Ackroyd*, Minister of Vine Reformed Church, Ilford, UK

*Jerry Acosta, *Senior National Representative, Utility Workers Union of 

*Kali Akuno*, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement (MXGM)


*Jack Albert, *Windsor Peace Coalition, Windsor, Ontario**

*Alexandria House, *Los Angeles, CA**

*Bilal**Mafundi Ali, *Coordinator, Organization of New Afrikan Unity, 
Berkeley, CA**

*Jahahara**Amen-RA Alkebulan-Ma'at, *Founder, Africans Deserve Reparations**

*Tayo**Aluko, *playwright, actor, singer**

*Akubundu**Amazu-Lott*, Central Committee AAPRP

*A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition*- Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (U.S.)

*Arab Resource & Organizing Center *(AROC)**

*Dr. Adrianne Aron, *Liberation Psychologist**

*Dr. Nancy Arvold*

*Dr Andrew Asibong, *author & lecturer in French studies, UK**

*Ayuko**Babu, *Pan African Film Festival**

*Patricia Barthaud, *Ed.Dcandidate, University of San Francisco**

*Michael Bass*, School of the Americas Watch


*Bay Area Latin America Solidarity Committee*(BALASC)

*Richard Becker*, A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition - (U.S.)**

*Herman Bell, *US political prisoner**

*Miranda Bergman, *Artist and educator**

*Lincoln Bergman, *Educator and poet**

*Dennis J. Bernstein, *Executive Producer KPFA/Flashpoints**

*Johanna Berrigan, *House of Grace Catholic Worker, Philadelphia, Pa.

*Roy Birchard*

*Diana Block, *California Coalition for Women Prisoners**

*Diana Bohn*, Nicaragua Center for Community Action, Berkeley, CA

*Blase**and Theresa Bonpane*, Directors, Office of the Americas

*China Brotsky and Dan Roth*

*Richard Brown*, San Francisco 8/Committee for Defense of Human Rights

*Dr. Siri Brown*, Chair of Ethnic Studies, Merritt College

*Paul Burke, *Filmmaker**

*Peter Burke, *EsalenInstitute, Big Sur, California**

*Mark Burton, *Visiting Professor, Manchester Metropolitan University, 
Manchester, UK**

*Reverend Richard Meri Ka Ra Byrd*

*Joey Cain*, SF LGBT Pride Celebration Committee Board Member

*Sara Callaway, *Women of Colour/Global Women’s Strike, UK**

*Rossana**Cambron*, member of Military Families Speak Out

*Theresa Cameranesi*

*Graham Campbell, *Convener, Africans for an Independent Scotland**

*Dolores Canales*, Organizer and activist

*Jean Candio*

*Laura Carlsen, *Director, Latin America Rights and Security, Center for 
International Policy

*Pedro Pla Casaldáliga, *Bishop Emeritus of São Félix do Araguaia - MT**

*Andrea Casher*, PsyD, ABPP

*Chiapas Support Committee *– Los Angeles**

*Claudio Chipana G, *Encuentros Latinoamericanos, London, UK**

*Daniel Chomsky, *Temple University**

*CIP Americas Program*

*Terry Collins*, KPOO

*Comite**Oscar Romero *- Sicsal Chile**

*Brian Concannon*, Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti (IJDH)

*David A. Coolidge, *Lay Servant, United Methodist Church**

*William Crossman*

*Robert Cruise, *UniforLocal 195 Human Rights Committee, Windsor**

*Luke Daniels,*President of Caribbean Labour Solidarity, UK

*Shandre**Delaney, *Human Rights Coalition-Fed Up & Abolitionist Law 
Center, Pittsburgh, PA

*Jacques Depelchin*, Historian

*Dignity and Power Now *– Los Angeles**

*Seth Donnelly, *Teacher, Los Altos High School**

*Emory Douglas, *former Minister of Culture, Black Panther Party**

*Helen Duffy and William Chorneau*, Oakland, CA**

*Sister Maureen Duignan*, Executive Director, East Bay Sanctuary Covenant

*Carolina Dutton*, Bay Area Latin America Solidarity Coalition (BALASC)**

*Derethia**DuVal, *PhD, MFT, SFSU Director of Counseling & Psychological 
Services Center**

*Ecumenical Peace Institute/CALC*

*Joe Emersberger, *Writer**

*Mia Engberg, *Documentary Filmmaker, Sweden**

*Yves Engler, *Author and activist**

*Linda Evans, *Organizer*, *All Of Us Or None**

*Leslie Fleming*, Director, Anthropology Program, Merritt College, 
Oakland, CA

*Laura Flynn, *Author**

*FMLN *- Northern California**

*Adrienne Fong*

*Terry Forman*, Artist**

*Cindy Forster, *Professor, Scripps College, California**

*Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular *(Honduras)**

*Tova**Fry*, Workers World Party

*Cynthia Fuentes, *Educator**

*Mattias**Gardell, *Professor Comparative Religion, Uppsala University, 

*Anna-Maria Gentili, *Professor History and Politics, Bologna 
University, Italy, retired**

*David Gespass*, former President, National Lawyers Guild

*David Gibson, *PeacehomeCampaigns**

*Eric Gjertsen, *Payday men’s network**

*Deeg**Gold, *LAGAI Queer Insurrection

*Sister Stella Marie Goodpasture, *OP,**Dominican Sisters of Mission San 
Jose, CA**

*Andy Griggs, *LA Laborfest

*Guerilla Food Not Bombs*

*Ben Guillory*

*Bishop Thomas Gumbleton*, Archdiocese of Detroit

*Professor Shadrack Gutto, *PhD,**University of South Africa**

*Peter Hallward, *Professor of Modern European Philosophy, Kingston 
University, UK

*Johanna Harman, *Artist**

*Sue Harris, *Co-Director, Peoples Video Network**

*Roxana Hart, *Berkeley Women in Black**

*Maureen Hartmann*

*David Hartsough, *Director, PEACEWORKERS, San Francisco**

*Daletha**Hayden, *RN and activist**

*Genesy**Hernandez*, Union Salvadorena de Estudiantes Universitarios, UC 

*Charles Hinton, *InkworksPress, worker-owned collective**

*Marcus Holder, *ILWU Local 10 delegate to San Francisco Labor Council**

*Hondurans in Resistance –*NorCal**

*Julie H. Hoover*

*Gerald Horne, *Historian**

*Phil Hutchings*, Civil Rights activist (SNCC)

*Nehanda**Imara, *AAPRP Organizer & Faculty at AFRAM Merritt College

*Dr. Nia Imara*, Harvard University

*International Action Center*

*Carolyn**Trupti Israel, *Santa Cruz WILPF**

*Timoteo**Jeffries *

*Kokayi**Kwa Jitahidi, *Campaign Director LAANE (Los Angeles Alliance 
for a New Economy)

*Sister Gloria Marie Jones, *OP,**Congregational Prioress Dominican 
Sisters of Mission San Jose

*Hank Jones, *Committee for the Defense of Human Rights**

*Phoebe Jones, *PhD,**Quaker, Global Women’s Strike**

*James Jordan and Chuck Kaufman, *National Co-Coordinators, Alliance for 
Global Justice**

*William Joyce*, Chair, Fr. Bill O'Donnell Social Justice Committee

*Malaika**Kambon, *Photojournalist**

*Michelle Karshan, *Haiti Dream Keeper Archives**

*Susan Roberta Katz, *Professor, International and Multicultural 
Education, University of San Francisco**

*Willow Katz, Sin Barras; *Santa Cruz, CA Women’s International League 
for Peace and Freedom

*Kathy Kelly, *Co-Coordinator, Voices for Creative Nonviolence**

*Dean Kendall, *Payday men’s network**

*Sara Kershnar, *International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network**

*Nadine Khoury-Quesada, *RN, Trauma Nurse, San Francisco General Hospital

*Nunu**Kidane,*Director, Priority Africa Network

*Marcus Kryshka*, Executive Vice President, National Lawyers Guild

*Julian Kunnie *

*Eusi**Kwayana*, Caribbean Activist Without Borders

*Tchaiko**Kwayana*, Educator

*Labor Community Strategy Center *(Los Angeles)**

*Regina Day Langhout, *PhD,**Provost, Oakes College, University of 
California at Santa Cruz**

*Jim Lafferty, *Executive Director, National Lawyers Guild LA Chapter**

*Marilyn Langlois*, Richmond CA Planning Commissioner

*Gloria La Riva, *National Committee to Free the Cuban Five**

*Rev. Dr. Phil Lawson*, Pastor Emeritus, Easter Hill United Methodist Church

*Carlos Manuel Alejos Levano, *Callao, Peru**

*Richard Lichtman*, Professor Emeritus, Philosophy, The Wright 
Institute, Berkeley, CA

*George Lippman, *Vice-Chair, Berkeley Peace and Justice Commission [for 
identification only]**

*Rev. Dr. Lewis E. Logan, II*

*Jose Lopez*, Executive Director, Puerto Rican Cultural Center, Chicago

*Nina Lopez*, Coordinator Latin America working group GWS/Argentina, UK

*Jean Robert Pierre Louis, *Miami, Florida**

*Jacqui Lovell, *PhD Candidate, York St. John University, U.K**

*Barbara Lubin, *Director Middle East Children’s Alliance

*M. Brinton Lykes*, Associate Director, Center for Human Rights & 
International Justice, Boston College

*Robert Majzler, *University of California at Santa Cruz**

*Claude Marks*, Freedom Archives

*May 1st Coalition for Worker & Immigrant Rights, *NYC**

*John McDonnell, *Member of Parliament, UK**

*Gayle McLaughlin*, Mayor, City of Richmond, CA

*Anita Schrader McMillan, *Warwick Medical School, Coventry, UK

*David McPhail*, Ruling Elder, St. John's Presbyterian Church, Berkeley, CA

*Judith Mirkinson*, San Francisco Women’s International League for Peace 
and Freedom**

*Wazir**Mohamed*, Associate Professor, Sociology

*Alejandro Molina*, National Boricua Human Rights Network

*Movimiento Cumbe Afrosalud Barlovento *(Venezuela)**

*Tom Mullian, *Singer/Songwriter/Guitarist/Activist**

*Leslie Mullin, *Co-founder, San Francisco Dyke March

*Michael Neocosmos, *Director UHURU program, Rhodes University, South 

*Robert Nixon*, School of the Americas Watch – Oakland, East Bay

*Kwazi**Nkrumah, *Co-Chair, Martin Luther King Coalition of Greater Los 


*Kiilu**Nyasha*, Host//Freedom is a Constant Struggle/

*Oakland-Santiago de Cuba Sister Cities Association*

*Ofraneh***(Organización Fraternal Negra Hondureña, Honduras)**

*Catherine Owen, *Human Rights Committee & District Labor Council, 
Windsor, Ontario**

*Tanalis**Padilla, *Professor of History, Dartmouth College, New 
Hampshire, U.S.**

*Rosa Peñate*, FMLN – Northern California

*Peter Phillips, *PhD, President Media Freedom Foundation/Project Censored**

*Kevin Pina, *Documentary Filmmaker**

*Rev. Edward Pinkney, *President, BANCO (Black Autonomy Network 
Community Organization), Benton Harbor, MI**

*Richard Pithouse, *Professor Politics and International Studies, Rhodes 

*Suyapa**Portillo, *Comité Solidario Graciela Garcia**

*Randall Potter*

*Margaret Power,*Professor of History, Illinois Institute of Technology

*Margaret Prescod, *Host “Sojourner Truth,” Pacifica Radio & Women of 

*Myra Quadros, Principal, *SutroElementary School, San Francisco

*James Quesada, *PhD, Chair and Professor, Department of Anthropology, 
San Francisco State University (SFSU)

*Porfirio**Quintano*, Coordinator, Honduran Resistance FNRP Northern 

*Kate Raphael*, Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism (QUIT), KPFA 
Women's Magazine**

*Mary Ratcliff, *Editor, San Francisco Bay View National Black Newspaper

*Dr. Willie Ratcliff, *Publisher, San Francisco Bay View National Black 

*Michael Ratner, *President Emeritus Center for Constitutional Rights**

*Barbara Rhine*, Attorney

*Aimee Riechel, *Teacher, Mission High School, San Francisco**

*Wilson Riles, *Oakland C.A.N.**

*Walter Riley*, Attorney, Chair of Board, Haiti Emergency Relief Fund

*William I. Robinson, *Professor of Sociology, University of 
California-Santa Barbara**

*Marvin Roman, *Windsor Peace Committee**

*Susan Rosenberg, *former US political prisoner**

*Didi**Rossi, *Queer Strike**

*Robert Roth*, Co-founder, Haiti Action Committee

*Alex Sanchez, *Executive Director, Homies Unidos**

*Carolyn Scarr*, Ecumenical Peace Institute/CALC

*Laurence Schechtman, *The Neighborhood Village, Berkeley, CA**

*Peter Schey, *President and Executive Director, Center for Human Rights 
and Constitutional Law**

*Jane Segal*

*Suzanne Seitz*

*Azadeh**Shahshahani*, President, National Lawyers Guild

*Jeanie Shaterian*

*Dan Siegel*, Attorney, Oakland, CA

*Judy Siff, *Psychotherapist**

*Dr. Vito Signorile, *Professor Emeritus, Windsor, Ontario**

*Gwendolyn Zoharah Simmons*, National Council of Elders

*Sin Barras, *Santa Cruz**

*Kevin Skerrett, *Trade unionist and member, Canada Haiti Action Network 

*AJ Smith, *Artist, Windsor, Ontario**

*Bob Smith*, Brandywine Peace Community

*Susan Gold Smith, *Professor Emerita, Windsor, Ontario**

*SOA Watch – East Bay*

*SOA Watch – San Francisco*

*Walter Smolarek,*representative of ANSWER – Philadelphia

*Dale Sorensen*, Director, Marin Interfaith Task force on the Americas

*Phoebe Sorgen, *BFUU Social Justice Committee**

*Jeb Sprague, *Author and Instructor, UCSB**

*Rev Kristin Stoneking, *Executive Director Fellowship of Reconciliation**

*Patricia St. Onge*, Seven Generations, Nafsi ya Jamii: The Soul Community

*Dr Paul Sutton, *Professor in Caribbean Studies (retired), UK

*Nancy Taylor, *Justice Activist, Oakland, CA**

*Ruth Todasco, *Every Mother is a Working Mother Network**

*Clarence Thomas, *member ILWU Local 10**

*Willie Thompson, *Professor Emeritus Sociology, City College of San 

*Walter Turner*, President, Board of Directors, Global Exchange

*Akinyele**Umoja*, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of African 
American Studies, Georgia State University

*Lisa Valenti*, US Cuba Sister City Association

*Sister Judy Vaughan, CSJ*

*Gloria Verdieu*

*Margaret Villamizar, *Chair, Windsor Peace Coalition, Windsor, Ontario**

*Eleanor Walden, *Gray Panthers of Berkeley/East Bay CA, Board of 
Directors, Housing Chair**

*Ernest Wamba dia Wamba, *Congolese Historian, Philosopher**

*Kristin Wartman, *Author and Journalist**

*Tom Webb*, Oakland Catholic Worker

*Jane Welford, *Berkeley, CA**

*David Welsh*, delegate, San Francisco Labor Council

*Michel Wenzer, *Documentary Filmmaker, Sweden**

*Maureen Wesolowski, *Peace and Social Justice Committee, St Mary 
Magdalen Parish, Berkeley, CA**

*Rose Marie Whalley*

*Tobey Wiebe*

*Laura Whitehorn, *former political prisoner**

*Witness For Peace Southwest*

*Michael Wong*

*Workers World Party*

*Pauline Wynter*

*Mario Zelaya*, Father Bill O'Donnell Social Justice Committee, Berkeley, CA

*Vivian Zelaya, *Women in Black and Ecumenical Peace Institute

*Zbu**Zikode, *President of Abahlalibase Mjondolo Movement, Durban, 
South Africa**

*Daniel Zwickel ben Avrám, *PeaceHost.net**

*Diana Zuñiga*



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