[News] The Treasonous 32: Four-Fifths of Black Caucus Help Cops Murder Their Constituents

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Wed Sep 10 15:22:30 EDT 2014


    The Treasonous 32: Four-Fifths of Black Caucus Help Cops Murder
    Their Constituents

      by BAR executive editor Glen Ford

          "The Black Panther Party was right all along: in Black
          America, the police are an occupation army."

In the wake of events in Ferguson, Missouri, the Obama administration 
has been exposed as the biggest supplier -- more like "pusher" -- of 
military equipment to local and state police departments in the nation's 
history. The president's operatives have displayed remarkable creativity 
in finding ways to shovel record quantities of weapons, vehicles and 
gear into the hands of cops, who seem increasingly anxious to prove 
their killing skills. More than a year before Michael Brown was 
extrajudicially executed on the street at high noon, the Huffington 
Post's Radley Balko described 
[3] how Obama has left no rock unturned nor federal agency untapped in 
his quest to transform every police department into a military unit, 
ready in an instant to do battle with -- whom?

We know whom: Black people, mainly young and male, America's public 
enemy number one ever since the white settler nation began running out 
of natives to kill. No sooner had official apartheid ended, in the 
Sixties, than white society demanded the imposition of what Michelle 
Alexander calls the New Jim Crow -- a mass Black Incarceration State 
capable of waging constant, preemptive counterinsurgency warfare against 
an entire people. The Black Panther Party was right all along: in Black 
America, the police are an occupation army. Obama, like his 
predecessors, has simply been taking care of the troops.

The same goes for the Congressional Black Caucus, the vast majority of 
whose members voted against an amendment that would have halted Pentagon 
military transfers to U.S. police departments 
[4], back in the early summer. Had the Black people of Ferguson not 
stood up -- and stayed standing -- demanding justice for Michael Brown, 
the June 19 vote on Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson's amendment might have 
remained largely unnoted. Instead, in the glare of popular outrage, 
four-fifths of the Caucus has been revealed as vile hypocrites and 
traitors who put battlefield weapons and human rights-suppressing 
equipment in the hands of local cops. These Treasonous 32 -- 27 "Nay" 
votes and 5 abstentions <http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2014/roll329.xml> 
[5], out of 40 -- can never be forgiven, and should be denounced and 
shamed at every opportunity, starting with this month's CBC Legislative 
Conference and celebrate-good-times-for-the-few party, in Washington.

          "Four-fifths of the Caucus has been revealed as vile
          hypocrites and traitors who put battlefield weapons and human
          rights-suppressing equipment in the hands of local cops."

Congressman Grayson, the white liberal, spoke with compelling insight 
and honesty, but failed to sway the 32 CBC miscreants. "These weapons 
are not being used to defeat terrorism on our streets," he said. "Where 
is the terrorism on our streets? Instead, these weapons are being used 
to arrest barbers and to terrorize the general population. In fact, one 
may venture to say that the weapons are often used by a majority to 
terrorize a minority."

Grayson understands perfectly which group is targeted. The 27 Black 
"Nay" voters and five abstainers also know the truth, but rejected their 
duty to their constituents.

Since only eight Black congresspersons voted with Grayson, it is more 
helpful to list their names and the five abstainers than the 27 that 
voted to continue militarizing the police.

*Ayes (8*)

  * John Conyers (MI)
  * Donna Edwards (MD)
  * Keith Ellison (MN)
  * Hank Johnson (GA)
  * Barbara Lee (CA)
  * John Lewis (GA)
  * Robert Scott (VA)
  * Maxine Waters (CA)

The eight comprise the remnants of the once-dominant "progressive" 
faction in the CBC, now pitifully shrunken in both quantity and quality, 
and sometimes disappearing entirely.

Presumably, the five CBC members that abstained from voting could not 
make up their minds whether they approved or not of tanks, tear gas, 
50-caliber machine guns, senses-crushing crowd dispersers, and roving 
bands of snipers with night vision goggles overrunning their 
constituent's neighborhoods.

*Not Voting (5)*

  * Marcia Fudge (OH)
  * Charles Rangel (NY)
  * Cedric Richmond (LA)
  * Bobby Rush (IL)
  * Bennie Thompson (MS)

The five abstainers, along with the 27 "Aye" votes, represent a clear 
and present danger to the lives and freedoms of Black Americans. They 
are conscious collaborators with the Mass Black Incarceration State that 
dehumanizes, frames, imprisons, humiliates, tortures, maims and kills 
Black people for a living.

One of them represents Ferguson, Missouri. Rep. William Lacy Clay has 
been drifting steadily to the right ever since he inherited his father's 
congressional seat in St. Louis. Embarrassed at the grassroots revolt 
among his Black constituents, Clay pretended the June 19 vote never 
happened, and that he had opposed militarization of police, all along. 
Clay and Emanuel Cleaver, of Kansas City, another CBC supporter of 
police militarization, staged a meeting with Defense Secretary Chuck 
Hagel "regarding our urgent concerns about the militarization of local 
law enforcement agencies through the distribution of surplus Department 
of Defense equipment via the 1033 Program" -- the very program they had 
endorsed less than two months before.

Clay refused to answer whether the Pentagon's arms and equipment 
transfer program should be "flat ended," but applauded President Obama 
for ordering a "review" of the practice. Clay feigned innocence 
[6]: "I was so alarmed when I went to Ferguson and walked with the 
demonstrators and I saw this heavily armed police force, tactical units, 
pointing sniper rifles at my constituents who were there exercising 
their constitutional right."

*As if none of this was his doing.*

[7], one of Clay's many Black congressional partners in prevarication, 
acted as if he had no idea what the 1033 program was actually up to. 
"Having military style weaponry moving down the main street of a 
middle-American town is as un-American as a coup d'état rather than an 

*Party Time at the Black Caucus*

In two weeks, the Congressional Black Caucus will congratulate itself 
for having pulled off another year of misrepresenting Black people's 
interests. Of the conference's 104 scheduled workshops and sessions, 
just four blocks of time are set aside for discussions even remotely 
related to the U.S. criminal justice system, and only one appears to 
deal directly with the issue: the Judiciary Braintrust 
[9] session hosted by Detroit Rep. John Conyers, titled "The 
Intersection of Criminal Justice Reform and Racial Profiling." 
Meanwhile, 13 sessions are dedicated to minority business concerns.

Of the five voting members on the CBC's Justice System Reform Working 
Group, only two -- Hank Johnson (GA) and Bobby Scott (VA) -- voted for 
the Grayson amendment. Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX) and Danny Davis (IL) 
voted "Nay," and Cedric Richmond, of Louisiana, abstained.

(The Black representatives from Washington, DC and the U.S. Virgin 
Islands are not allowed to vote on the House floor.)

Of the 20 voting members of the Black Caucus Civil Rights and Judiciary 
Taskforce, 15 voted to continue police militarization, and two abstained.

Clearly, the CBC votes like a police auxiliary unit, while talking a 
different game for Black public consumption. In preparation for the 
Legislative Conference (and "Black Party") in two weeks, the Caucus 
compiled statements of deep concern about police militarization -- but 
no repentance or self-criticism -- from selected members.

Bobby Rush (IL), a former Black Panther who now votes to arm police to 
the teeth, said: "Young black people are not prey for police departments 
and their rights must be upheld because they too are deserving of the 
sworn office duty to serve and protect." Then he passed the cops the 

          "The CBC votes like a police auxiliary unit."

Gwen Moore (WI), who used to be a dependable "progressive" on most 
issues, has gone over to the weaponized side. Nevertheless, she mouths 
platitudes for the dearly departed. "I have faith that Michael Brown's 
life will have a lasting impact on this world and inspire hope that 
tomorrow will be a more compassionate and understanding place to call 
our own."

Andre Carson (IN), who voted for a militarized police force, seems to 
confess that he should know better. "As a former police officer, I also 
know that law enforcement is supposed to protect and serve, not 
intimidate and assault."

Frederica Wilson (FL), a totally worthless politician, said: "I am tired 
of burying young black boys.  I am tired of watching them suffer at the 
hands of those who fear them...." But she never tires of giving police 
the battlefield weapons to kill Black "boys."

Joyce Beatty (OH) pretends to abhor the militarization of cops: "It is 
clear that demilitarizing and deescalating the situation immediately is 
necessary so justice for the Brown family may prevail." But she voted 
the opposite.

Steven Horsford (NV) acts as if he is surprised at what his vote has 
wrought. "You should not be forced to choke on tear gas to make your 
voice heard. You should not have to withstand a shower of rubber bullets 
to assemble."

Marcia Fudge (OH), chairperson of the Black Caucus, abstained from 
voting, which is another way of saying she refused to cut off the 
guns-and-tanks pipeline from the Pentagon to the streets of Black 
America. But, you'd never know that from reading her statement: "Instead 
of being respected as citizens of this nation who have the right to 
vocally oppose what they believe is mistreatment by those meant to serve 
them, these people, many of whom are young adults, were met with tear 
gas, rubber bullets, and police equipped as though they are militia in a 
war zone." Where did Fudge think all those weapons of war were going -- 

          "When 80 percent of the Black Caucus supports further
          militarization of the police occupation force, it should be
          obvious where their loyalties lie."

Charles Rangel (NY), an abstainer, didn't even bother to address police 
militarization, but went straight to the butt-kissing. "I thank 
President Obama for making certain that the Department of Justice will 
conduct a thorough investigation to determine whether there were any 
violations of civil rights."

What a sorry waste of the Black electoral franchise. When 80 percent of 
the Black Caucus supports further militarization of the police 
occupation force, it should be obvious where their loyalties lie. Blacks 
would be better off with no congressional representation, than in 
empowering such shameless agents of the enemy. Indeed, Blacks made far 
more progress in the Sixties, when there were less than two handfuls of 
Black congresspersons and the people spoke in the streets, than with 
today's pathetic platoon of sell-outs.

Betrayal is the inevitable result of the demise of independent Black 
politics in favor of absorption into the Democratic Party, the servant 
of Wall Street. The least folks can do is spoil a bit of the CBC's 
corporate-fed festivities, later this month, by joining the "Shame on 
the Congressional Black Caucus" rally on Wednesday, September 24, 
outside the Washington Convention Center. It will be an opportunity to 
denounce the CBC's unanimous endorsement of the Israeli apartheid 
regime's crimes against Palestinians ("CBC, get a spine, don't you care 
about Palestine?"); the Black Caucus' overwhelming support for a 
corporate telecom takeover of the Internet ("The internet belongs to the 
people, not the corporations!"); and to express the most extreme disgust 
with the 32 Black lawmakers that failed to stand against militarized 

    "We found that the teargas used in Ferguson was also used by Israel
    against the people of Gaza, and that the teargas was made by a
    company in Pennsylvania," said Asantewaa Nkrumah-Ture, an organizer
    of the September 24 rally. For Blacks lawmaker to support the
    continued militarization of police "is inexcusable," she said,
    "given the history of police terrorism and brutality against the
    Black people of this country. The CBC should be ashamed of themselves."

Black Agenda Report is also circulating a petition, demanding the Black 
Caucus "denounce Israeli apartheid 
<http://events.blackagendareport.com/node/25> [10] and side with the 
public for Network Neutrality, free from corporate-imposed 'fast and 
slow' lanes." As the petition states 
[9], "The whole world knows that Israel is an apartheid state, and the 
Congressional Black Caucus sullies the good name of our people every day 
by its failure to stand with apartheid's victims." Similarly, on the 
issue of network neutrality, "most of the Congressional Black Caucus is 
firmly in the pocket of the telecom companies" and have made "a deal 
with the devil."

The battle against the Mass Black Incarceration State and the rule of 
the rich is also an internal struggle against the Black Misleadership 
Class, who are in cahoots with Diablo. In the real world of struggle, 
the people must isolate and identify the sell-outs and betrayers before 
it is possible to tackle the main enemy, head-on.

*The first task is to get the knives out of our backs.*

          BAR executive editor Glen Ford can be contacted at
          Glen.Ford at BlackAgendaReport.com.

          The "Shame on the Congressional Black Caucus" Rally, for
          Wednesday, September 24, is set for 9 am to 12 noon, at the
          Washington Convention Center, 801 Mt. Vernon Place NW,
          Washington, DC.

*Source URL:* http://blackagendareport.com/node/14414

[5] http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2014/roll329.xml
[8] http://events.blackagendareport.com
[9] http://www.cbcfinc.org/images/09_04_14_Session_Publication_Listing.PDF
[10] http://events.blackagendareport.com/node/25

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