[News] Oakland - Friday, Sept 5 - 4-6p - Say no to Urban Shield - SWAT team training

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Sep 4 12:22:01 EDT 2014

Let's let the world know that the SF Bay Area says no to Urban Shield 
anywhere! Not in Oakland. Not in the Bay. Not anywhere.  All out this 



*Friday, September 5th*
*Oakland Marriott - 1001 Broadway*

Urban Shield is the SWAT team training and weapons expo that 
brings together local, regional and global police-military units 
including the Apartheid State of Israel. It will be held 
in Oakland September 4-8. And its host? The Oakland Marriott Convention 

/*The Stop Urban Shield Oakland campaign has 4 central demands:*/

 1. The City of Oakland must defund all activities related to
    Urban Shield, and all city agencies must withdraw their
    participation in Urban Shield.
 2. We demand an end to all City collaborations with the Apartheid State
    of Israel.
 3. We demand that the City of Oakland invest in
    community-based programs proven to decrease violence and harm
    instead of in the increased militarization of its police force and
    emergency services.
 4. We call on our communities to continue fighting back and resisting
    state violence and repression.

*Get involved*

Sign on to the demands: http://bit.ly/susoakland 

Visit our page for more info: http://bit.ly/susoaklandinfo 

Check out this Police Militarization Toolkit w/ information you can use 
to spread   the word about Urban Shield and the impacts of militarized 
policing in our communities: http://bit.ly/sustoolkit 

Arab Resource & Organizing Center (AROC) - Critical 
Resistance- International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) - Alliance 
of South Asians Taking Action (ASATA) - War Resisters League - Xicana 
Moratorium Coalition - Bay Area Childcare Collective - Iraq Veterans 
Against the War SF - Civilian Soldier Alliance SF- Catalyst Project 
- United Roots - SF 99% Civil Liberties Coalition - Code Pink - Oakland 
Privacy Working Group - Dignidad Rebelde - Causa Justa :: Just Cause 
- Iraq Veterans Against the War - National - Anakbayan East Bay 
  - Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism (QUIT) - All of Us or None 
- Jewish Voices for Peace - Bay Area - Bay Area Labor Committee for 
Peace & Justice (LC4PJ) - Restore the Fourth SF - Environmentalists 
Against War - Media Alliance - Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for 
Peace  - Labor Council for Latin American Advancement, San Francisco 
Chapter - Arab Youth Organization - US Campaign for the Academic and 
Cultural Boycott of Israel - Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI)- 
Freedom Archives - Berkeley Women in Black- Berkeley Copwatch- Workers 
World Party - Gab - SF- Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN)- 
ANSWER Coalition-Act Now to Stop War & End Racism

Freedom Archives 522 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA 94110 415 
863.9977 www.freedomarchives.org
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