[News] War criminal Netanyahu should be in front of the Hague, not the United Nations

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Oct 1 12:05:59 EDT 2014

  PFLP: War criminal Netanyahu should be in front of the Hague, not the
  United Nations

Oct 012014 *

The criminal Benjamin Netanyahu is now using the arena of the United 
Nations to continue his deception, lies, threats, intimidation and 
misdirection, attempting to cover up his and his army's terror massacres 
against Palestinian civilians, children and elders, who are still being 
killed in cold blood in full view of the world, said the Popular Front 
for the Liberation of Palestine in response to Netanyahu's speech at the 
UN General Assembly.

The Front noted that Netanyahu tried and failed to assume the role of 
the victim, marketing the Zionist narrative and attempting to discredit 
the Palestinian resistance factions by putting it in one basket with 
terror organizations created and supported by the U.S. and Western powers.

Netanyahu has no place speaking before the General Assembly of the 
United Nations, said the Front -- instead, the only place he should be 
speaking is before the International Criminal Court in the Hague and 
charged with war crimes, genocide, incitement to genocide and 
responsibility for the horrific massacres against the Palestinian people.

Once again, the Front emphasized the importance of prosecuting the 
Zionist war criminals in international courts for their crimes against 
the Palestinian people, which requires Palestinian officials to urgently 
sign the Rome Statute and join the International Criminal Court, and 
immediately file to prosecute the leaders of the occupier as war criminals.

The Front also reiterated that the solution for Palestine does not lie 
in the adoption of the so-called "Arab peace initiative" or the 
notorious negotiations, but in the use of all means of resistance -- 
political, diplomatic, popular and armed -- to secure our legitimate rights.

Unity of the Palestinian position behind our national constants, the 
resistance and the rights of our people is the path forward to end the 
division and restore unity, and must include ending negotiations and 
security coordination with the occupier, said the Front.

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