[News] SF - All Out for Palestine! Saturday

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Jul 24 16:28:14 EDT 2014

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/6,000 people marched this past Sunday in SF...T//he death toll has 
exceeded 700, several of them friends and family of our Bay Area 
community. Palestinians throughout the West Bank, Gaza and 1948 
Palestine are rising up to demand an end to this massacre. Let's join 
them this Saturday. /

and Arab Youth Organizing 
American Muslims for Palestine & the *ANSWER Coalition *call on everyone 
to come out:*

*Saturday, July 26th, 1pm*

*Justin Herman Plaza, Embarcadero BART Station, **SF*

*End Israel's War on the Palestinian People!*

Since Israel launched its genocidal campaign against the Palestinian 
people almost two weeks ago, more than 700 people have been killed. 
Solidarity protests from all over the world have poured into the streets 
to demand an end to the massacre in Gaza. From South Africa to France, 
from Chile to Venezuela, the world is behind Palestine. Yesterday, in 
Chicago, more than 10,000 people demanded that the "US stop aid to Israel."

In San Francisco, an energized crowd of over 6,000 people flooded and 
shut down Market St. This coming Saturday, July 26th, as Israel 
continues to massacre Palestinians and the Palestinian resistance fights 
back, the Bay Area is mobilizing to show its support for justice and 


*Stop the massacre in Gaza!*
*End the blockade of Gaza!*
*Stop US Aid to the Apartheid State of Israel!*
*Free all Palestinian political prisoners!*
*End colonial occupation of Palestine!*
*The SF Bay Area Says NO to Zionism!*

Israel receives $4 billion in "aid" from the United States each year. 
This money is being used to commit war crimes against the Palestinian 
people in Gaza. We are demanding that all U.S aid to Israel be ended 
now! More than 200 people in Gaza have been killed and more than 1,500 
have been wounded from Israeli bombs and missiles. This has to end!

*Endorsed by: *
AYO: Arab Youth Organizing
Advocates for Indigenous California Language Survival
Al-Awda Right to Return Coalition
American Friends Service Committee of San Francisco, American Muslims 
for Palestine
Anakbayan- Silicon Valley
Anakbayan- East Bay
ANSWER: Act Now to Stop War and End Racism
AROC: Arab Resource & Organizing Center
Arab Cultural and Community Center
Arab Talk Radio
Arriba Juntos
Art Forces
BAYAN, Bay Area Labor Committee for Peace & Justice Buena Vista UMC -- 
Church & Society Committee
Cal Students for Justice in Palestine
Clínica Martin Baro
Coalition for Palestinian Rights - SF
Code Pink
Community Futures Collective
14 Friends of Palestine-Marin
Free Palestine Movement
Freedom Archives
Freedom Writers of Northern California
Frente Faribundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional- Norte de CA
Frente Nacional de Resistencia Hondureños
Friends of Deir Ibzi'a
GUPS (General Union of Palestine Students, SFSU Chapter)
Idriss Stellie Foundation
Justice for Palestinians
International Action Center
International Jewish Antizionist Network
International Socialist Organization
ISM-Northern California
League of Filipino Students- SFSU
Loco Bloco
Lynne Stewart Defense Committee
MECA: Middle East Children's Alliance
Michael Eisenscher, coordinator Bay Area Labor Committee for Peace & 
Justice (an affiliate of U.S. Labor Against War)
Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal
Northern California Friends of Sabeel
OccupySF-Action Council
OMID Advocates for Human Rights
PAC Bay Area
Palestinian Youth Movement
Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism
Real Cost of Prisons
Revolution Books
San Francisco Latino Democratic Club
SF Women In Black
Share Foundation
SOA Watch
Socialist Action
Solitary Watch
South Bay Mobilization
UAW Local 2865
United National Antiwar Coalition
USACBI - US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
USPCN: US Palestine Community Network
Xicana Moratorium Coalition
West County Toxics Coalition
Workers World Party

*Interested in getting involved?*

Contact AROC to learn about how to plug into Palestine action work.

info at araborganizing.org | 415-861-7444

Freedom Archives 522 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA 94110 415 
863.9977 www.freedomarchives.org

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