[News] Palestinians in Israel demand war crimes probe for Gaza

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Wed Jul 16 11:31:15 EDT 2014

  Palestinians in Israel demand war crimes probe for Gaza

Submitted by Ali Abunimah on Tue, 07/15/2014

Palestinian civil society organizations in Israel are urging 
international efforts to investigate alleged war crimes committed during 
Israel's bombardment of the Gaza Strip, which has targeted civilians 
killing some 200 people since 7 July.

There are nearly 1.7 million Palestinians with Israeli citizenship 
<http://electronicintifada.net/tags/palestinians-israel>, who although 
they can vote and be elected 
face systematic legal and social discrimination and racist incitement.

A dozen organizations serving Palestinians in Israel, including legal 
advocacy groups Adalah <http://electronicintifada.net/tags/adalah> and 
Mossawa Center <http://electronicintifada.net/tags/mossawa-center> and 
the Arab Association for Human Rights 
<http://electronicintifada.net/tags/arab-association-human-rights>, made 
the call in a statement 
strongly condemning Israel's assault.

"The Palestinian Arab community in Israel has mobilized in protest at 
the increase in violence towards Palestinians by both the state and 
individuals, within the West Bank, Gaza and Israel," the statement says, 
highlighting the lynching earlier this month of Jerusalem teen Muhammad 
Abu Khudair <http://electronicintifada.net/tags/muhammad-abu-khudair>.

They say that "Palestinian protesters have been met with excessive use 
of force by security services 
and mass arrests 
and detention, including that of minors. Almost 400 Palestinians have so 
far been arrested in the continuing protests, and scores of people 
remain in detention."

The groups condemn the "culture of racism and incitement towards 
Palestinians in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories, which 
has been exacerbated by recent statements by the Israeli political 
leadership who have sought to inflame ethnic tensions and mobilize 
support for violence towards Palestinians."

They point in particular to "provocative statements made by Prime 
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other leading politicians" that "have 
sought to inflame tensions and promote an 'us versus them' mentality."

In addition, anti-Arab incitement 
<http://electronicintifada.net/tags/incitement> in social media 
<http://electronicintifada.net/tags/social-media>, including by Israeli 
military personnel 
"have widely promoted indiscriminate violence towards Palestinians," the 
groups state.

    Statement: Palestinian civil society in Israel demands urgent action
    on Gaza

We, the undersigned organizations, express extreme concern at the 
rapidly deteriorating situation within the Gaza Strip and urge the 
international community to take immediate action to halt the deadly 
aggression being waged against Palestinian civilians in Gaza. We also 
urge the UN to initiate a fact-finding mission to investigate alleged 
war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Since Israel launched its military offensive dubbed "Operation 
Protective Edge" on 8 July 2014, over 175 Palestinians have been killed 
in Gaza, 80 percent of whom the UN humanitarian office (OCHA) reports to 
be civilians, and over 1,280 have been injured.

The victims have included entire families, women, children and the 
elderly. Israel has launched over 1,500 air strikes in the past seven 
days, deliberately targeting homes and other civilian facilities and 
fired dozens of shells at Palestinian communities located near the 
border between the Gaza Strip and Israel and along the coast; 
approximately 900 houses have so far been destroyed.

In a further escalation of events, Israel has bombed a number 
of houses without any prior warning whilst civilians have been inside, 
dramatically raising the death toll and the number of casualties. 
Targets bombed by the military where civilians have been present 
have included a café, an emergency medical 
building, a facility for the disabled, three ambulances and a clearly 
marked media car. Schools, mosques, an ambulance center, nongovernmental 
organization offices, fishing boats and a hospital have also been struck.

We, the undersigned organizations, strongly condemn Israel's unlawful 
targeting of civilians, civilian areas, and civilian property, which is 
illegal under international law and amounts to collective punishment.

We call for an immediate end to hostilities against the Palestinian 
civilian population of Gaza, and for thorough, independent and genuine 
investigations to be launched into all violations of international human 
and humanitarian law. We emphasize that this indiscriminate violence 
persists amidst the context of the continued closure of Gaza, which 
restricts freedom of movement and access to basic humanitarian 
resources. Furthermore, the Netanyahu government has failed to present 
any viable or equitable solution to the situation.

The Palestinian Arab community in Israel has mobilized in protest at the 
increase in violence towards Palestinians by both the state and 
individuals, within the West Bank, Gaza and Israel. As well as the 
recent assault on Gaza, this has also included the brutal murder of 16 
year-old Muhammad Abu Khudair, nationalistic attacks on Arab individuals 
by Jewish extremists on ethnic grounds, and demonstrations which have 
met with no police interference calling for "death to Arabs."

However Palestinian protesters have been met with excessive use of force 
by security services and mass arrests and detention, including that of 
minors. Almost 400 Palestinians have so far been arrested in the 
continuing protests, and scores of people remain in detention.

We strongly oppose the culture of racism and incitement towards 
Palestinians in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories, which 
has been exacerbated by recent statements by the Israeli political 
leadership who have sought to inflame ethnic tensions and mobilize 
support for violence towards Palestinians.

Provocative statements made by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and 
other leading politicians have sought to inflame tensions and promote an 
"us versus them" mentality. Furthermore, social media campaigns which 
have included contributions from Israeli military personnel, have widely 
promoted indiscriminate violence towards Palestinians.

We call on the international community to monitor closely the recent 
escalation of attacks on civilians in the Gaza Strip, and to raise 
concerns of alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity based on the 
Rome Statute.

We also urge the UN to initiate a fact-finding mission to investigate 
these events. We further encourage you to keep in contact with the 
undersigned Palestinian civil society organizations in Israel for 
information, assistance, materials or advice on the above.

Arab Association for Human Rights
Mada al-Carmel -- Arab Center for Applied Social Research
Women Against Violence
Kayan Feminist Organization
Mossawa Center -- The Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens in Israel
Association for Arab Youth -- Baladna
I'lam Media Center for Arab Palestinians in Israel
The Galilee Society -- The Arab National Society for Health Research & 
Arab Cultural Association
Hirakuna - Forum for Social Solidarity, Voluntarism and Young Leadership
AlZahraa Organization for the Advancement of Women  AlQaws for Sexual & 
Gender Diversity in Palestinian Society

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