[News] 29 Palestinian civilians wounded, 41 abducted by Israeli forces this week

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Feb 28 17:43:50 EST 2014

  PCHR Weekly Report: 29 civilians wounded, 41 abducted by Israeli
  forces this week

author Thursday February 27, 2014 23:39author by PCHR-Gaza

In its Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied 
Palestinian Territories, for the week of 20 - 26 February, 2014, the 
Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) found that, during the past 
week, Israeli forces wounded 29 Palestinian civilians, sixteen of whom 
were wounded in the Gaza Strip and 13 who were wounded in the West Bank. 
Of the wounded were 5 children, 3 journalists, a human rights activist, 
a paramedic and a member of the Gaza Interior Ministry.

In addition, Israeli forces conducted 4 shooting incidents along the 
border fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel and 2 shooting incidents 
against fishermen in the sea.

*Israeli attacks in the West Bank:*

Israeli forces conducted 59 incursions into Palestinian communities in 
the West Bank this week. 3 civilians were wounded. 41 civilians, 
including 6 children were abducted. Of the abducted were 4 employees 
from International Tadamun (Solidarity) for Human Rights in Nablus, 
including a woman.

In the West Bank, 13 civilians, including 2 children, a paramedic, a 
journalist and a human rights activist, were wounded; 10 of whom were 
wounded in peaceful demonstrations and the 3 others were wounded during 
an Israeli incursion in Nabi Saleh village, northwest of Ramallah, and 
Taqou' village, southeast of Bethlehem.

In one example of this week's 59 incursions, on Monday February 24th, at 
approximately 01:30 AM, Israeli forces moved into the west of Deir 
Estya, northwest of Salfit. They stopped Sharaf Dawood Mohammed 'Ebeid 
(22), attacked him to take a photo of him. In addition, they detained 
his friend Ra'fat Emad Abdul Majid Diab (18) and released both of them 
later. At approximately 01:50, Israeli forces withdrew, neither house 
raids nor arrests were reported. Ra'fat Diab said to PCHR's fieldworker:
"At approximately 01:30 on Monday, 24 February, 2014, I was sitting with 
some friends near a supermarket on the main streets of Deir Estya 
village. I set up the fire as usual and was sitting together with my 
friends. One of our friends decided to go home, so I went with my friend 
Sharaf Ebeid to get him home. When we returned, we heard some people but 
saw nobody because it was dark. We kept walking. Suddenly, an Israeli 
soldier appeared out of the dark and caught us while we were walking in 
front of the supermarket. They detained me, obliged me to put my hands 
up and turn my face against the wall. After a while, they ordered me to 
go home, but started beating up my friend Sharaf with gun butts. They 
detained him for some time, took a photo of him and released him later. 
On the following day, Sharaf told me that he felt pain in the back. 
Israeli forces withdrew at 01:50, as shown in the surveillance camera 
of the supermarket."

On 25 February, 2014, Israeli forces abducted 4 employees from the 
International Tadamun (Solidarity) for Human Rights in Nablus. They 
searched their houses and the organizations office and confiscated 6 
computers and some documents.

Israeli forces have continued to impose severe restrictions on the 
movement of Palestinian civilians throughout the West Bank, including 
occupied East Jerusalem. Thousands of Palestinian civilians from the 
West Bank and the Gaza Strip continue to be denied access to Jerusalem.

As part of using military checkpoints and border crossings as traps to 
abduct Palestinian civilians, under the pretext they are wanted, Israeli 
forces abducted at least 2 civilians in the West Bank.

Israeli forces established dozens of checkpoints in the West Bank. At 
least 9 Palestinian civilians, including 3 children, were abducted at 

*Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip:*

Israeli forces continued to open fire at border areas in the Gaza Strip. 
16 civilians were wounded in separate shooting incidents. The wounded 
included 2 children, 2 journalists and a member of the Interior Ministry.

In the Gaza Strip, on 21 February, 2014, 12 civilians, including 2 
children and a journalist, were wounded when Israeli forces opened fire 
at dozens of Palestinian civilians, east of Jabalia, in the northern 
Gaza Strip.

On the same day, Israeli forces stationed along the border fence near 
Sofa crossing, northeast of al-Shouka village, northeast of Rafah in the 
southern Gaza Strip, opened fire at 2 members of the Interior Ministry, 
who were about 300 meters away from the said fence.

On 22 February, 2014, 2 Palestinian civilians were wounded when Israeli 
forces moved into Nabi Saleh village, northwest of Ramallah.

On 24 February, 2014, a Palestinian civilian was wounded in Taqou' 
village, southeast of Bethlehem, when Israeli forces moved into the village.

On 24 February, 2014, Israeli forces positioned along the border fence, 
east of Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip, opened fire at 
agricultural lands, east of al-Qarara village, northeast of the city, 
but no casualties were reported.

On 25 February, 2014, 2 civilians, including a journalist, were wounded 
during a demonstration organized by the Intifada Coalition in the 
vicinity of Nahal Oz crossing, east of al-Shuja'iya neighbourhood, east 
of Gaza City. A number of demonstrators threw stones at Israeli 
soldiers, who fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters in response.

In the context of targeting fishermen, on 20 February, 2014, Israeli 
navy forces opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats 
off Rafah shore, south of the Gaza Strip. Two missiles landed on a site 
belonging to the Palestinian National Security service, along the border 
fence between Egypt and the Gaza Strip. No casualties were reported. The 
site sustained minor damage.

On the same day, Israeli gunboats stationed off the shore northwest of 
Beit Lahia, in the northern Gaza Strip, opened fire at fishing boats 
sailing within a nautical mile.

3 Palestinian civilians were abducted at the border fence between the 
Gaza Strip and Israel. On Thursday evening, 20 February, 2014, Israeli 
forces stationed at the borderline with Israel, in the northern Gaza 
Strip, abducted the 3 Palestinian civilians while they were trying to 
pass the border in order to enter into Israel to work there. The 18, 19 
and 20-year-old are all from Block 5 in Jabalia refugee camp. According 
to Yousif Fayyad, he lost his son 'Atta and his nephew Mohammed on the 
aforementioned Thursday, and they did not come back home. They left in 
the early morning, and none knew where they were till he received a call 
on his cell phone from the Israeli police telling him that his son and 
his nephew were under arrest, after passing the northern borders of the 
Gaza Strip. He added that they were being held in Eshkol prison, and 
that they needed legal assistance. The family of al'Ajrami said that 
they received a call from the Israeli police telling them that their son 
is abducted by Israeli authorities and he is now in Eshkol prison, so 
they have to hire a lawyer for him.

Israel continued to impose a total closure on the Occupied Palestinian 
Territories and has isolated the Gaza Strip from the outside world. The 
illegal closure of the Gaza Strip, which has steadily tightened since 
June of 2007, has had a disastrous impact on the humanitarian and 
economic situation in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli authorities impose 
measures to undermine the freedom of trade, including the basic needs 
for the Gaza Strip population and the agricultural and industrial 
products to be exported. For 7 consecutive years, Israel has tightened 
the land and naval closure to isolate the Gaza Strip from the West Bank, 
including occupied Jerusalem and other countries around the world. This 
has resulted in grave violations of the economic, social and cultural 
rights and a deterioration of living conditions for 1.7 million people. 
The Israeli authorities have established Karm Abu Salem (Kerem Shaloum) 
as the sole crossing for imports and exports in order to exercise its 
control over the Gaza Strip's economy. They also aim at imposing a 
complete ban on the Gaza Strip's exports.

*Israeli settlement activities:*

Israeli forces continued to support settlement activities in the West 
Bank, and Israeli settlers continued to attack Palestinian civilians and 

Lands were demolished in Kofur al-Deek, west of Salfit, to expand a 
settlement outpost. Israeli forces continued issuing house demolition 
notices in area (C). Some settlers attacked Palestinian farmers in the 
north and south of the West Bank.

On 20 February, 2014, Israeli forces served civilians from Ezna village, 
west of Hebron, with 3 notices to halt construction work in their own 
structures, under the pretext of having no construction permit, in the 
areas classified as "C" according to the 1993 Oslo Agreement. The 
notices included an under-construction house and 4 barracks used for 
collecting scrap.

On 22 February, 2014, a number of settlers from "Beit 'Ein" settlement, 
established on the Palestinian lands confiscated from the west of Beit 
Ummar village, north of Hebron, threw stones at and insulted Mohammed 
'Abdel Hamid al-Sleibi (78) and his sons while they were working on 
their land in Abu al-Rish area, west of the village. As a result, they 
were forced to flee fearing for their lives.

On the same day, a group of settlers from "Jel'aad" settlement attacked 
the residents of Jeet village, northeast of Qalqilya, after the 
residents planted olive seedlings in their lands adjacent to the 
aforementioned settlement. According to investigations conducted by 
PCHR, when farmers finished planting the seedlings, around 100 settlers 
attacked the farmers and chased them into the village. They smashed the 
windows of a house belonging to the family of Mohammed Yousif al-Sakhen, 
and the windows of a vehicle belonging to 'Awni Nassar. They also 
attacked a vehicle belonging to Nasim 'Abdel Qader al-Sedah and smashed 
its windows. They then raided a house belonging to the family of Sami 
Ahmed 'Erman, attacking his family members with sticks who as a result 
escaped from the house.

At approximately 14:00 on the same day, a group of settlers under 
intensive protection of Israeli forces stormed the old city markets of 
central Hebron. The settlers threw stones at shops and verbally abused 
at the civilians. The old city in Hebron has recently witnessed 
increasing violations by settlers living in the outposts of "Beit 
Romamo" and "Beit Hadasa", in front of Israeli forces and police.

On 23 February, 2014, a group of settlers headed by Baroukh Marzel from 
"Ramat Yishai" outpost established on the lands confiscated from Tal 
al-Ramidah neighborhood, in central Hebron, stormed the old city markets 
under heavy guard of Israeli forces. The settlers gathered near the 
intersection of al-Sahlah Street and attempted to stop the Palestinian 
workers from carrying out rehabilitation works in one of the shops 
belonging to Ghassan 'Ezz al-Deen Abu Hadid.

On 25 February, 2014, Israeli forces accompanied by an officer from the 
Construction and Organization Department in the Israeli Civil 
Administration served Rami Shehadah 'Asi (26) from Beit Loqaya village, 
southwest of Ramallah, with a notice bearing number 160428 to halt 
construction works in a 200-square-meter barrack built of bricks and 
shaders and roofed with tin. The barrack is used as a popular café.

On 26 February, 2014, Israeli forces leveled Palestinian lands belonging 
to Mesleh Nayef Soliman al-Deek in Kafr Deek village, of the Deir Abu 
Sam'aan area, west of Salfit, in order to establish a road to the 
"Lishim" outpost. Civilians managed to force Israeli bulldozers to stop 
temporarily working, after skirmishing with the Israeli forces. Israeli 
forces have been leveling the area for four years. However, in the 
evening of the aforementioned day, Israeli bulldozers leveled this land 
in order to annex it to the aforementioned outpost. The owners of the 
targeted lands in that area previously headed to the Israeli courts to 
submit the papers proving their ownership; no decision has been issued 
in this regard.

* Israeli attacks on non-violent demonstrations:*

Israeli forces used excessive force against peaceful demonstrations 
organised by Palestinian civilians, international and Israeli human 
rights defenders in protest against the construction of the annexation 
wall and settlement activities in the West Bank. As a result, 2 
civilians, including a paramedic, were wounded during Bil'in weekly 
protest. Moreover, a number of demonstrators suffered tear gas 
inhalation and others sustained bruises as they were beaten up by 
Israeli forces.

In the same context, 8 Palestinian civilians, including 2 children, a 
journalist and a human rights activist, were wounded during peaceful 
demonstrations organized at the entrance of al-Jalazoun refugee camp, 
north of Ramallah; Selwad village, northeast of the city; and the centre 
of Hebron.

Following the Friday Prayer, 21 February, 2014, dozens of Palestinian 
civilians, with international and Israeli human rights defenders 
organised a peaceful demonstration in Bil'in, west of Ramallah, in 
protest of the construction of the annexation wall and settlement 
activities. Demonstrators took the streets raising the Palestinian 
flags, heading to the liberated territories near the annexation wall. 
Israeli forces had closed all the entrances of the village since the 
morning, in order to prevent Palestinian and international activists and 
journalists from participating in the demonstration. Demonstrators 
marched adjacent to the cement wall and tried to cross the fence before 
Israeli forces which are stationed behind the wall, in the western area, 
and a large number of soldiers deployed along it, fired live bullets, 
tear gas canisters, rubber-coated steel bullets, sound bombs and skunk 
water at them, chasing them into the olive fields. As a result, dozens 
of demonstrators suffered tear gas inhalation, and others sustained 
bruises as they were beaten by Israeli soldiers. In addition, 2 
civilians, including a paramedic, were wounded. Paramedic Mohammed Ahmed 
Yassin (24) was hit by a gas canister to the belly and a 20-year-old 
male sustained a bullet wound to the right side of the head.

On the same day, dozens of Palestinian civilians organised a peaceful 
demonstration in the centre of Ni'lin village, west of Ramallah, in 
protest against the construction of the annexation wall and settlement 
activities. Demonstrators took the streets and headed to the annexation 
wall. Israeli forces closed the gates of the wall with barbed wire and 
prevented the demonstrators from crossing to the land behind it, before 
they responded by throwing stones. As a result, many civilians suffered 
tear gas inhalation and bruises as they were beaten by Israeli soldiers.

Around the same time, dozens of Palestinian civilians and Israeli and 
international human rights defenders organised a peaceful demonstration, 
in protest of the construction of the annexation wall and settlement 
activities in Nabi Saleh village, southwest of Ramallah. Demonstrators 
took to the streets raising Palestinian flags and chanting slogans 
against the occupation and in support of the Palestinian unity 
resistance, and then headed to the lands that the settlers are trying to 
gain by force near "Halamish" settlement. Israeli forces closed all the 
entrances of the village, since morning, to prevent Palestinian and 
international activists and journalists from participating in the 
demonstration. When they arrived on the land, demonstrators were met by 
live bullets, tear gas canisters, rubber-coated steel bullets, sound 
bombs and skunk water and were chased into the village. As a result, 
many civilians suffered tear gas inhalation and bruises due to being 
beaten up by Israeli soldiers.

Following the Friday prayer, Palestinian civilians and international 
activists organised a peaceful demonstration in the centre of Kufor 
Qaddoum village, northwest of Qalqilia, and headed towards the eastern 
entrance of the village, in protest at the continued closure of the 
entrance with an iron gate since the beginning of the Aqsa Intifada 
(2000). Clashes erupted between the demonstrators and Israeli forces who 
fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters to prevent them from reaching 
the aforementioned gate. As a result, dozens of demonstrators suffered 
tear gas inhalation and others sustained bruises as they were beaten by 
Israeli soldiers.

On Friday, 21 February, 2014, dozens of children and young men gathered 
at the southern entrance of al-Jalazoun refugee camp, north of Ramallah. 
They were about 300 meters away from the fence of "Beit Eil" settlement. 
Israeli forces stationed in the area fired live ammunition, 
rubber-coated metal bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters. As a 
result, 3 civilians, including a child, were wounded. In addition, 
dozens of civilians suffered tear gas inhalation. A 21-year-old male 
sustained a bullet wound to the right leg, a 20-year-old male sustained 
a bullet wound to the right leg and a 16-year-old was hit by a gas 
canister in his right hand.

On the same day, dozens of Palestinian young men gathered at the western 
entrance of Selwad village, northeast of Ramallah, on the road between 
Selwad village and Yabrod village near Street (60) to throw stones at 
the aforementioned street. As a result, Israeli soldiers stationed in 
the area fired live ammunition, rubber-coated metal bullets, tear gas 
canisters and sound bombs at them, chasing them to the village. A 
23-year-old male sustained 2 bullet wounds to the back of the head and 
right side of the pelvis as a result.

At noon, dozens of Palestinian civilians, activists of the Youth Forum 
against Settlement Activity and other human rights activists gathered in 
front of 'Ali al-Baka' mosque, in the center of Hebron, for a 
demonstration calling for the opening of Shuhada Street, which has been 
closed since 1994, following the Ibrahimi Mosque massacre of 1993, 
committed by Israeli settler Baruch Goldstein against Muslim worshipers. 
The demonstrators headed towards the entrance of Shuhada Street. Israeli 
forces fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters and abducted 2 

In the meantime, a group of youngsters threw stones at Israeli soldiers 
in the Tale't al-Zaheda and Bab al-Zawiya areas. In response, the 
Israeli soldiers fired rubber-coated metal bullets, live-bullets, sound 
bombs and tear gas canisters at them. As a result, 4 civilians were 
wounded: Mousa Mahmoud Abu Hashhash (59), researcher at B'Tselem, 
sustained a bullet wound to the head; Abdul Ghani al-Natcha (34), 
journalist at Palmedia agency, sustained a bullet wound to the face; a 
19-year-old male sustained 2 bullet wounds to the left leg and right 
hand; and a 17-year-old male sustained a bullet wound to the left leg. 
Al-Shuhada' street has been closed for 5,000 Palestinians since the 
Ibrahim Mosque massacre in 1994.

Journalist Abul Ghani al-Natcha said to PCHR's fieldworker: "I was 
standing at the entrance of Beersheba street, opposite to al-Shuhada' 
street. I fixed my camera on the tripod and put on a press vest, helmet 
and a muzzle. At approximately 17:30, Israeli forces started firing gas 
and smoke canisters in the area and withdrew towards a checkpoint 
erected at the entrance of al-Shuhada' street. When the demonstration 
ended, I took off the muzzle. In the meantime, Israeli soldiers were 
present about 15 meters away from me. I heard a gunshot and something 
hit me in the face, near my left eye. I was pushed 2 meters backwards, 
as a result, and fell to the ground. I fainted and then woke up in 
Hebron hospital. The doctors stitched the wound, but still I cannot see 
with my left eye."

Mousa Abu Hashhash, researcher at B'Tselem, said to PCHR's fieldworker: 
"I was standing near clock square. I put on a long vest with B'Tselem 
logo on it and held a camera. I tried to cross the street, heading to 
the other side, but I heard a gunshot. I felt something had hit me in 
the left side of my head. Blood was covering my head. I was taken to 
Hebron hospital, where they examined me and stitched the wound."

*Recommendations to the international community:*

Due to the number and severity of Israeli human rights violations this 
week, the PCHR has made several recommendations to the international 
community. Among these were a recommendation that the international 
community and the United Nations use all available means to allow the 
Palestinian people to enjoy their right to self-determination through 
the establishment of the Palestinian State, which was recognized by the 
UN General Assembly with a vast majority, using all international legal 
mechanisms, including sanctions to end the occupation of the State of 
In addition, the PCHR calls upon the United Nations to provide 
international protection to Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian 
Territories, and to ensure the non-recurrence of aggression against the 
Occupied Palestinian Territories, especially the Gaza Strip.

/For the full text of the report, click on the link below:/

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