[News] More than 1, 400 children killed by Israeli soldiers, settlers since 2000

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Feb 4 12:18:06 EST 2014

  Infographic: More than 1,400 children killed by Israeli soldiers,
  settlers since 2000

Submitted by Nora Barrows-Fr... on Mon, 02/03/2014

This infographic provides some statistics about Israel's systematic 
violations of the human rights of Palestinian children.

(Patrick O. Strickland 
<http://electronicintifada.net/people/patrick-o-strickland> and Rachele 
Lee Richards <http://electronicintifada.net/people/rachele-lee-richards>)

The Electronic Intifada's contributor Patrick O. Strickland 
<http://electronicintifada.net/people/patrick-o-strickland> and New 
York-based graphic designer Rachele Lee Richards 
<http://twitter.com/DocR0cket> have produced this powerful infographic 
that highlights the systematic violence against Palestinian children.

Strickland contributed the following text to accompany the infographic.

    Systematic violations

The photograph, taken by Dylan Collins 
<http://electronicintifada.net/people/dylan-collins>, shows six-year-old 
Mousab Sarahnin, who lost his eye when an Israeli soldier shot him in 
the face 
with a steel-coated rubber bullet on 27 September 2013. According to 
witnesses and Defence for Children International -- Palestine Section 
(DCI-PS), Mousab was walking with his family in Fuwwar refugee camp when 
he was shot --- and was nowhere near demonstrations or clashes.

The statistics regarding Palestinian children in our infographic are 
taken from DCI-PS 
<http://www.dci-palestine.org/content/child-fatalities>. The other 
statistics are derived from a July 2013 report 
published by the Israeli human rights group Yesh Din: they paint a 
picture of total impunity for Israeli soldiers and settlers who harass 
and attack Palestinian children on a daily basis.

Not visible on the infographic is the alarming fact that 19 of the 
twenty cases in which Israeli soldiers used Palestinian children as 
human shields took place after Israel's own high court 
<http://electronicintifada.net/tags/israeli-high-court> ruled that it 
was illegal. Nonetheless, there are no documented cases of soldiers 
being reprimanded with jail time for this action.

    "Show the world what the army does to children"

Due to size constraints, other gross violations against children are 
absent, such as instances of children killed by Israeli drones 
or the number of those threatened with sexual abuse 
<http://www.btselem.org/torture/201308_etzion> by police officers and 

In Israel's own education system, on the other hand, textbooks depict 
Palestinians as "refugees, primitive farmers and terrorists," as 
reported in /The Guardian/ in 2011 
The same textbooks attempted to morally justify the killing of 
Palestinians as necessary for Israel's establishment.

Furthermore, nearly half of Jewish Israeli high school students aged 16 
and 17 stated that they would refuse to have an Arab teacher, according 
to an August 2013 poll 
<http://www.haaretz.com/news/national/.premium-1.543446> published in 
the Israeli daily /Haaretz/.

While Israel's political establishment continually attempts to demonize 
Palestinian children, the sad fact is that it tries to hide its own 
cultivation of hate in the education system. At the same time, the 
Israeli army is engaged in an ongoing process of dehumanizing and 
brutalizing Palestinian children.

As Sheikh Jibreen Saharnin, six-year-old Mousab's uncle, told The 
Electronic Intifada in October 
"Take photos. Send it everywhere in the world. Show the world what the 
Israeli army does to children."

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