[News] Citizen Run Database Shows Over 1, 000 People Killed by Cops in 2014

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Dec 23 12:36:31 EST 2014

  Citizen Run Database Shows Over 1,000 People Killed by Cops in 2014

By Jay Syrmopoulos 
<http://thefreethoughtproject.com/author/jay-syrmopoulos/> on December 
10, 2014

To date the most reliable data anyone has about law enforcement killings 
in the U.S. was the FBI’s statistics on homicides by law enforcement. 
But therein lies the problem.

Those numbers are voluntarily given to the FBI by police, and many 
jurisdictions simply don’t hand over this information, thus making an 
accurate accounting of exactly how many people police have actually 
killed each year extremely difficult to ascertain.

For instance, the killing of Eric Garner would not be included in the 
FBI’s 2014 statistics because New York doesn’t participate in the 
voluntary program.

Thankfully there is a new means of aggregating how many people are being 
killed by law enforcement. This new tool for accountability is the 
website www.killedbypolice.com <http://www.killedbypolice.net/>.

It’s basically a spreadsheet that lists every person killed by cops in 
the years 2013 and 2014. In addition to naming those killed, it also 
provides a link to media reports for each of the killings, age, sex and 
race if available.

The information available on the site begins in May of 2013 and runs 
through now. The novel idea of monitoring the number of police killings 
through news reports has shown to be a much better accounting of deaths 
at the hands of cops than the voluntary FBI system.

The FBI’s stats show that in all of 2013 there were 461 people killed by 
cops, but when using the new site, which only shows from May 1 to Dec. 
31, 2013, police actually killed 748 people. Keep in mind, 748 is 
drastically more than the feds claim police killed the entire year but 
only accounts for 8 months of 2013.

The site shows 2014’s total number killed by police to be at 1,029 with 
a few weeks left in the year.

Here is a link to their Facebook page. 
<https://www.facebook.com/KilledByPolice> This is another wonderful tool 
to be utilized in holding law enforcement accountable for their actions, 
as they can no longer hide these numbers from the public.

This site has shown itself to be a dramatically better barometer for 
what is actually transpiring in police state USA, and accounting for how 
many citizens are actually being killed by police, than anything we 
previously had available.


Jay Syrmopoulos is an investigative journalist, freethinker, researcher, 
and ardent opponent of authoritarianism. He is currently a graduate 
student at University of Denver pursuing a masters in Global Affairs. 
Jay’s work has previously been published on BenSwann.com and 
WeAreChange.org. You can follow him on Twitter @sirmetropolis, 
<https://twitter.com/SirMetropolis> on Facebook at Sir Metropolis 
<https://www.facebook.com/SirMetropolis> and now on tsu 

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