[News] From Ferguson to Gaza, We Charge Genocide

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Aug 19 10:40:02 EDT 2014

*From Ferguson to Gaza, We Charge Genocide*

      A Message of Solidarity

Those standing up against police brutality and state repression in 
Ferguson, Missouri are leading one of the most important human right 
struggles of our time.

In the context of the history of Sundown Towns in that region, which 
legislated that people of color had to leave white towns by sundown, the 
imposition of a curfew and deployment of the National Guard by the 
governor represents a racist suppression of the right to self-defense 
and a gross violation of the freedom of assembly. Its message is clear: 
the people most likely to rebel against injustice have to be controlled, 
their right to protest quashed, and the absolute power of the police 
state restored.

The militarized repression on display in Ferguson is a reflection of a 
world in crisis. Although separated by thousands of miles, the plight of 
the people of Ferguson and the Gaza Strip share too much in common for 
people of conscience to ignore. Michael Brown, an African American 
youth, could just have easily been a Palestinian youth mercilessly shot 
by an Israeli soldier.

We understand that in both cases a long history of colonialism and 
racism justified land dispossession in Palestine and slavery in the US. 
That history is alive today with the continued gross economic 
deprivation of these communities and their isolation through universally 
enforced discrimination in housing. This pattern of ghettoization has 
been inflicted on both of these communities since the founding of the US 
and Israel. The systematic exploitation, repression and targeting of 
these populations by the state has led and continues to lead to 
genocide. According to a 2012 study 
black person is killed every 28 hours by the police, other security 
agency, or individuals acting as the police*. In Gaza, as of today, 
there have been *more than 2,000 civilians killed from recent Israeli 
bombing attacks*. If we take Gaza's small population into account this 
killing isproportional to double the entire population of Providence, 
Rhode Island.

The same U.S. government policies that arm the State of Israel have also 
turned police departments across the nation into localized military 
garrisons armed with sophisticated weapons aimed at citizens. As one 
Palestinian youth tweeted recently, "Made in USA teargas canister was 
shot at us a few days ago in #Palestine by Israel, now they are used in 

This police onslaught in Ferguson is reminiscent of the assault that 
occurred in Philadelphia in 1985, *when the police dropped a military 
grade, fire-bomb from a helicopter on the MOVE house. *That police 
attack of black people killed 11 MOVE members, including 5 children and 
burned down 61 homes, destroying an entire African American neighborhood.

Political Prisoner and black journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal is imprisoned 
today because during his youth, he exposed this kind of systematic 
police terror against the black community. *He stands in solidarity with 
Ferguson and Palestine, and we call for his immediate release.*

At a moment's notice, any of us could face the terror experienced in 
Ferguson or Palestine. A people subjugated by racist oppression have a 
moral right to resist.

In solidarity with the people of Ferguson, We Call For:

*1. The Immediate Arrest of Officer Darren Wilson and an Investigation 
for Justice
with Full Community Oversight
2. Just Reparation for the Brown Family
3. The Withdrawal of the National Guard, the Removal of the Curfew and 
No Fly
Zones and Full Media Access to the Area
4. The Disbanding of Ferguson's Racist Police Department and the Re-
Appropriation of Police Funds for a Massive Jobs, Housing, & Schools Program
for the Residents of Ferguson*

In Solidarity with the people of Palestine, We Call For:

*1. The Right of Return, the Right to Self Determination, and the Right 
to Self-Defense
2. A Free and Independent Palestine
3. A Re-Appropriation of US Supplied Israeli Military Funds for an Economic
Reparations Program for Palestine

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