[News] Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades: The right to resistance is not subject to debate

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Thu Aug 7 12:00:55 EDT 2014

  Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades: The right to resistance is not subject to

Aug 06, 2014

At the end of thirty days of Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip, 
making clear the bankruptcy of the Zionist enemy and its inability to 
confront the resistance, the Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades emphasize the 

First, since the escalating aggression against the masses of our people 
in the West Bank, and the fascist Zionists' crime of killing and burning 
the boy, Mohammed Abu Khudeir, the Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades have been 
committed to support our people in the West Bank with our resistance. 
Our brigades were the first to break the silence and target the cities 
and towns of the enemy with rockets and when the enemy announced its 
criminal war on Gaza, our units were already in the field prepared to 
confront the enemy and fire our rockets in the battle of loyalty to the 

Second, with the intensification of the assault on the valiant Gaza 
Strip, our orders were clear in the battlefield, to intensify our use of 
missiles and maintain a high level of confrontation through long days of 
fighting. These instructions were carried out with the highest 
professionalism by the brigades' fighters in missile units, launching 
350 rockets toward the bases of the enemy around the Gaza Strip and 
beyond, leading to the injury of occupation military forces.

Third, it was predicted earlier by the leadership of the brigades that 
the enemy, after failing to achieve its objectives through airstrikes, 
may engage in a ground invasion in some areas, and instructions were 
issued to raise the level of preparedness to the maximum degree and 
declare a state of mobilization in the ranks of all fighting units, 
including the use of anti-armor devices and explosives, which taught the 
enemy harsh lessons in direct confrontations. Fighters of the Abu Ali 
Mustafa Brigades confronted occupation forces and military devices in 
the battles of Beit Hanoun, Juhr al-Deek, Qarara and near the Gaza 
International Airport.

Fourth, after the enemy has begun to feel the bitterness of defeat and 
is looking for exits from its political crisis in Gaza, we emphasize 
that the issue of the weapons of the resistance and the right of our 
people to struggle to restore every inch of their land is not subject to 
negotiation or debate. It is an inalienable right and a strategic 
choice. As for the political efforts being made in Cairo, we in the Abu 
Ali Mustafa Brigades assure that we are part of the total national 
resistance and that what has inspired the resistance is the rights of 
our people that must be wrested from the enemy and we will not 
relinquish any of them.

Fifth, for our heroic people in Gaza, the families of the martyrs, the 
wounded, for our children who will struggle to the last breath, we 
emphasize the following: The time is irreversibly over when the enemy 
could strike and assault our people and remain free of injury and far 
from blows. The time of "security" claimed by the enemy state is over; 
today, fighting and confrontation will be throughout the land of 
Palestine. The enemy will not enjoy safety on any inch of the land it 
has stolen from our people while it assaults and attacks our people. The 
resistance is a shield for our people and a steel sword to strike the 
enemy. And to our brave people in the West Bank and Jerusalem and 
occupied Palestine '48, to our heroes in prison, to our people in exile, 
we say that here, Gaza stands in the trench of resistance and is a 
castle of steadfastness, a model of the liberation war which will 
continue until the end. There is no neutralization of Gaza and it will 
not be neutralized. It will continue to stand as a base and move toward 
the liberation of our entire national soil.

Sixth, to the mercenary fascist enemy army, the killers of the state and 
the foreign Zionists, we emphasize that what they saw in Gaza is the tip 
of the iceberg and a drop in the ocean of the war of liberation which is 
inevitable for our people to root out Zionism from the land of 
Palestine. We urge Zionists to think carefully; there is no peace or 
stability here, to find that, return to where you came from to invade 
Palestine. Our people will defeat your entity and destroy this illusion 
of the indestructible Zionist power. Our people are fighting here, and 
death awaits your army from underground and from above, and the fighters 
of the resistance will bring you to destruction wherever you are on the 
land of Palestine. Gaza will remain a spark and a dagger in your heart.

Towards victory for our people and our brave resistance, and defeat for 
the occupiers
Glory to the martyrs, healing for the wounded heroes, freedom for our 
brave prisoners
Victory is inevitable.

August 5, 2014--

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