[News] Fidel on the Palestinian Holocaust in Gaza

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Aug 6 10:31:56 EDT 2014

*Palestinian Holocaust in Gaza
• I again request that Granma not use the front page for these 
relatively brief lines about the genocide of Palestinians being committed

Fidel Castro Ruz*

I again request that Granma not use the front page for these relatively 
brief lines about the genocide of Palestinians being committed.

I am writing them rapidly, to state only that which requires deep 

I think that a new, repugnant form of fascism is emerging with notable 
strength, at this time in human history when more that seven billion 
inhabitants are struggling for their survival.

None of these circumstances have anything to do with the creation of the 
Roman Empire, around 2,400 years ago, or with the U.S. empire which, in 
this region only 200 years ago, was described by Simón Bolívar who 
exclaimed, “…the United States appears to be destined by providence to 
plague America with misery in the name of liberty.”

England was the first true colonial power to use its dominion over a 
large part of Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Australia, North America, 
and many Caribbean islands, in the first half of the 20th century.

On this occasion I will not talk about the wars and crimes committed by 
the United States empire over more than 100 years, but will only state 
what it wanted to do to Cuba, what it has done to many other countries 
in the world, and only served to prove that “A just idea in the depth of 
a cave is stronger than an army.”

History is much more complicated than everything I have said, but that 
is the way it is, in broad strokes, as the inhabitants of Palestine 
know, and it is likewise logical that the modern communications media 
reflect the news which arrives daily, as has occurred with the shameful, 
criminal war in the Gaza Strip, a piece of land where the population 
lives in what remains of what was independent Palestine only 50 years ago.

The French agency AFP reported August 2, “The war between the Islamist 
Palestinian movement Hamas and Israel has caused the deaths of close to 
1,800 Palestinians,… the destruction of thousands of homes, and ruined 
an economy which was already weakened,” although it does not indicate, 
of course, who initiated the terrible war.

Added later, “… As of Saturday at midday the Israeli offensive had 
killed 1,712 Palestinians and injured 8,900. The United Nations was able 
to verify the identities of 1,117 dead, in their majority civilians … 
UNICEF counted at least 296 dead minors.”

“The United Nations estimates …some 58,900 persons homeless in the Gaza 

“Ten of the 32 hospitals were closed and another 11 damaged.”

“This Palestinian enclave of 362 km² does not have the infrastructure 
needed for 1.8 million inhabitants, above all in terms of the provision 
of electricity and water.”

“According to the IMF, the rate of unemployment surpasses 40% in the 
Gaza Strip, territory subjected to an Israeli blockade since 2006. In 
2000, unemployment was 20%, and in 2011, 30%. More than 70% of the 
population depends on humanitarian aid during normal periods, according 
to Gisha.

The Israeli government declared a humanitarian truce in Gaza at 07:00 
GMT on Monday, nevertheless within a few hours, it broke the truce 
attacking a house, injuring 30 persons, in their majority women and 
children, and an eight-year-old girl died.

In the dawn hours of this same day, 10 Palestinians died as a result of 
Israeli attacks in all of Gaza and the number of Palestinians murdered 
has already increased to 2,000.

The killing has reached the point that, “French Minister of Foreign 
Affairs Laurent Fabius stated this Monday that Israel’s right to 
security does not justify the massacre of civilians taking place.”

The Nazi genocide of Jews outraged all the earth’s peoples. Why does 
this government believe that the world will be insensitive to the 
macabre genocide which today is being perpetuated against the 
Palestinian people? Perhaps it is expected that the complicity of the 
U.S. empire in this shameful massacre will be ignored?

The human species is living in an unprecedented stage of history. A 
crash between military planes or warships which are closely watched, or 
other similar events could unleash a conflict with the use of 
sophisticated, modern weapons, which could become the last known 
adventure of Homo sapiens.

There are events which reflect the almost total inability of the United 
States to face the world’s current problems. It can be stated that there 
is no government in this country, no Senate, no Congress, CIA or 
Pentagon which will determine the final outcome. It is truly sad that 
this should happen when the dangers are so great, but the opportunities 
to move forward are great as well.

When the great patriotic war took place, Russian citizens defended their 
country like Spartans, underestimating them was the worse error made by 
the United States and Europe. Their closest allies, the Chinese, who 
like the Russians achieved their victory on the basis of the same 
principles, constitute today the earth’s most dynamic economic force. 
Countries want yuan and not dollars to acquire goods and technology, and 
increased trade.

New, indispensable forces have emerged. Brazil, Russia, India, China and 
South Africa - establishing links with Latin America and the majority of 
countries in the Caribbean and Africa struggling for development – 
constitute the forces which in our era are willing to collaborate with 
the rest of the world’s countries, without excluding the United States, 
Europe or Japan.

Blaming the Russian Federation for the in-flight destruction of the 
Malaysian airplane is a stunning oversimplification. Not Vladímir Putin, 
nor Serguéi Lavrov, Russia’s minister of Foreign Relations, or any other 
leader of this government would ever come up with such nonsense.

Twenty-six million Russians died in the defense of their homeland 
against the Nazis. Chinese combatants, men and women, inheritors of a 
millennial culture, are people of uncommon intelligence and an 
invincible spirit of struggle. Xi Jinping is one of the strongest and 
most capable revolutionary leaders I have met in my life.

Fidel Castro Ruz

August 4, 2014

10: 45 p.m.

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