[News] An Art Auction por la Causa - Sun, April 6 - 518 Valencia 4-7pm

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Apr 1 10:43:50 EDT 2014


Featuring Artists:

Jose Luis Zuno, Melanie Cervantes, Jesus Barraza, Breena Nuñez, Erika 
Viviana Céspedes, Valerie Perez Ordoñez, Angel Jesus Perez, Anna Lisa 
Escobedo, Bobby Muerte, Maria Poesia, & Oscar Davalos

Jewelry by: Mimi's Creations 
<https://www.facebook.com/mamamimiscreations> and Prisca Carpenter

DJ Pocho Boogie Spinnin' Funk, Oldies and Hip Hop

Zines from Brown Recluse Distro

Come out to support this auction showcasing local Xicana/o artists and 
their crafts, hosted by the Freedom Archives 
<https://www.facebook.com/freedomarchives> at 518 Valencia: The Eric 
Quezada Center for Culture and Politics in San Pancho, California. 
Freedom Archives is an organization based in the Mission contains over 
10,000 hours of audio and video tapes which date from the late-1960s to 
the mid-90s and chronicle the progressive history of the Bay Area, the 
United States, and international movements.

In commemoration of the 40th anniversary of Los Seis de Boulder (6 
student and community activists murdered in 1974), we will be traveling 
to Colorado and attending the Symbols of Resistance Event in late May 
honoring the Martyrs of the Chicano Movement. At the event we will be 
interviewing participants from the Xican@ student movement in the 1970s 
which will hopefully be included in the production of a new documentary 
focusing on government repression of the Xican@ movement in the 
Southwest. The proceeds from this event will go towards funding our 
travel expenses. Thanks!
Freedom Archives 522 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA 94110 415 
863.9977 www.freedomarchives.org
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