[News] Palestine Right Of Return Coalition calls For Unity, Rejects Arab Initiative

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Wed May 15 14:24:10 EDT 2013

  Right Of Return Coalition calls For Unity, Rejects Arab Initiative

author Wednesday May 15, 2013 03:29author by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC News

    The International Palestinian Right of Return Coalition issued a
    press release marking the 65th anniversary of the Nakba of 1948, and
    called on all Palestinian factions to achieve unity and to remain
    steadfast without abandoning the legitimate Palestinian rights,
    topped by the Right of Return of the refugees to their homeland, and
    the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem
    as its capital.

The coalition, that includes twenty institutions and rights groups, said 
"as the Palestinians mark the Nakba day, when Israeli armed forces 
displaced hundreds of villages and towns displacing an attire population 
before Israeli was established in the historic land of Palestine in 
1948, the Palestinian leadership in the West Bank must denounce any 
attempt to void the Right of Return."

It added that the leadership must denounce the Arab League for 
suggesting land swap with Israel, and for sending a delegation to 
Washington to discuss the issue, and stated that the internationally 
guaranteed Palestinian rights of Return and independence are nonnegotiable.

The coalition stated that the Arab League and its Arab Peace Initiative 
must quit granting Israel free concessions, must withdraw their 
initiative, and focus their efforts on supporting the resistance and the 
steadfastness of the Palestinian people facing the ongoing Israeli 
occupation and aggression.

It further called on all Palestinian factions to reject all attempts 
that aim at forcing the Palestinians to abandon their rights, especially 
their rights in the historic land of Palestine, and their rights to 
return to their homeland, to their cities, villages and towns that were 
destroyed and depopulated by the Israeli forces.

"Arab leaders must understand that without the Right of Return, without 
justice, there will never be peace in the region", the Coalition said, 
"The refugees cause is an essential cause that cannot be compromised or 

The coalition further called for the protection of the Palestinian 
refugees wherever they are, especially in Syria amidst the ongoing 
clashes in the country, and to refrain from using the refugees in Syria 
as a tool in the ongoing war in the country.

---- ---- ---- ----

"Palestinian refugees are the indigenous inhabitants of Palestine, the 
majority of whom were dispossessed, were forced to run away or were 
expelled when the state of Israel was created in 1948.

This dispossession and expulsion has continued since with the second 
largest such event in Palestine taking place during the 1967 war, which 
Israel launched on its Arab neighbors and which resulted in the 
occupation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank."

"Palestinian refugees generally fall into three main groups: Palestinian 
refugees displaced in 1948, internally displaced Palestinians who 
remained within the areas that became the state of Israel, and 
Palestinian refugees displaced in 1967 from the West Bank and Gaza 
Strip. For the past 58 years, Israel has continued to deny Palestinian 
refugees their right to return to their ancestral towns, villages and 

See more http://www.al-awda.org/faq-refugees.html

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