[News] Israel Demolishes Al-Araqeeb Village In The Negev

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Fri May 10 10:53:16 EDT 2013

  Israel Demolishes Al-Araqeeb Village In The Negev

author Friday May 10, 2013 07:34author by Saed Bannoura

    Thursday May 9 2013, for the fiftieth time in two years, the Israeli
    Authorities demolished the Bedouin Arab village of Al-Araqeeb, in
    the Negev, displacing dozens of families as part of the so-called
    "Negev Development Plan" that aims at building shopping centers and
    Jewish communities.

The Maan News Agency has reported that dozens of Israeli police jeeps 
and vehicles invaded the village, and demolished the homes.

Resident Aziz At-Toury, told Maan that the residents are determined to 
remain steadfast is their lands despite the ongoing Israeli aggression.

"Despite the aggression, injustice and tyranny, we will stay here", 
At-Toury told Maan, "We will rebuild our homes again, even if they 
demolish them a thousand times".

Furthermore, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI"), 
reported that the Israeli government approved a plan that would cause 
the forced removal of dozens of Bedouin communities in the Negev, in a 
move that would deprive them from their historical rights in their lands.

ACRI lawyer, Rawiya Abu Rabia, stated that the Israeli violations are 
robbing the residents of their historic rights and destroying the social 
fabric of these communities in the Negev, and added that these illegal 
policies would push thousands of families into unemployment and poverty.

Abu Rabia added that, while Israeli is displacing the Bedouin Arab 
families, and continuously demolishing their homes and villages, 
"Israel's government continued to promote the development of Jewish 
communities in the area, some of these communities will be built on the 
ruins of those Bedouin villagers". Maan said.

The ACRI said 36 out of 46 Bedouin villages in the Negev, home to more 
than 90.000 persons, are not recognized by Israel, therefore, the 
residents continue to face displacement and violations depriving them 
from their basic rights.

The villages, unrecognized by Israel, do not have infrastructure, 
therefore are without basic services including water, electricity, 
sewage systems or even health services.

On Monday, the Israeli government, approved the framework for the 
eviction and removal of all "unrecognized" villahes in the Negev despite 
the fact that these villages existed even before the state of Israel was 
established in the historic land of Palestine in 1948.


In 2005, Israel approved the so-called "Negev Development Plan" aiming 
at building shopping centers and tourist areas, but at the same time 
displacing around some 65.000 Bedouins living in what Israel refers to 
as "unrecognized villages".

Al-Araqeeb village in the Negev is one of the most impacted 
"unrecognized villages" in the Negev.

The plan calls for annexing more than 700.000 Dunams (185329 acres) and 
displacing the residents by demolishing 14 villages in the area.

All unrecognized villages in the Negev are under continuing Israeli 
attacks and violations, as Tel Aviv does not recognize the residents' 
right to live on their land -- land they inhabited long before the 1948 
creation of the state of Israel in historic Palestine.

Unrecognized villages in the Negev are under continuing Israeli attacks 
and violations, as Tel Aviv does not recognize the residents' right to 
live on their land -- land they inhabited long before the 1948 creation 
of the state of Israel in historic Palestine.

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