[News] Occupation Forces - campaign of detention against journalists in the West Bank and Jerusalem‪

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Mar 14 19:36:19 EDT 2013

  Occupation Forces embark on campaign of arbitrary detention against
  journalists and media in the West Bank and Jerusalem‪, fire on them
  during their work

/Occupied Ramallah‪, 14 March 2013

/‪Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association is deeply 
concerned by the sharp increase in the Israeli Occupying Forces (IOF)’s 
detention of reporters and journalists in the West Bank and Occupied 
Jerusalem, particularly since the beginning of 2013‪. The IOF has been 
arresting journalists and reporters without clear and specific charges 
in an attempt to silence their voices and deprive them of their rights 
to free speech and expression‪.
Addameer has documented 13 cases in which journalists have been detained 
in the Occupation‪'s prisons‪. The majority of detained journalists were 
arrested this year, with 6 journalists detained during the first three 
months of 2013, compared with 2 such detentions in 2012. This is in 
addition to a journalist being held under house arrest in Jerusalem. 
This journalist has also been banned from entering the West Bank.
The names of detained journalists‪, listed chronologically in terms of 
date of arrest‪, are as follows‪:
Journalist and prisoner *Yaseen Abu Khadeer*‪, from Shofat‪/Jerusalem‪. 
He is the longest‪-serving detained Palestinian journalist‪. He was 
arrested on 27 December 1987 and faces a prison sentence of 28 years‪. 
At the time of his arrest, he worked for Al‪-Quds newspaper‪.
Journalist and prisoner *Mahmoud Issa*‪, from Anata‪/Jerusalem‪. He 
faces the longest sentence of all detained journalists‪. He was arrested 
on 6 March 1993 and was dealt three life sentences and a sentence of 41 
years‪. He used to work for the newspaper ‪"Right and Freedom‪," which 
is published in the 1948 Territories‪.
Journalist and prisoner *Muhammad Al‪-Taj*‪, Tubas‪/Jenin‪. He has been 
detained since 19 November 2003 and was sentenced to 14 years 
imprisonment. He worked as a writer and journalist with the Palestinian 
Liberation Front‪.
Journalist and prisoner *Ahmad Al‪-Sifi*‪, from Birzeit‪/Ramallah‪. He 
is a student at Birzeit University and was studying journalism and media 
until he was detained on 19 August 2009‪. He is currently serving a 19 
year sentence‪.
Journalist and detainee *Amer Abu Arfa*‪, from Al‪-Khalil ‪(Hebron‪). He 
has been held in administrative detention since 20 August 2011 without 
charge or trial‪, and worked as a correspondent for Shehab News Agency‪.
Journalist and detainee *Sharif Al‪-Rujoob*‪, from Al‪-Khalil 
‪(Hebron‪). Detained since 3 June 2012‪, he is still awaiting trial‪. 
Before his arrest‪, he worked for the radio station ‪"Voice of 
Al‪-Aqsa‪" in Al‪-Khalil‪.
Journalist and detainee *Murad Abu Al‪-Bahaa*‪, from Ramallah‪. Detained 
since 15 June 2012‪, he is still awaiting trial‪. He was a reporter in 
the Palestinian Legislative Council office in Ramallah‪.
Journalist and detainee *Anan Ajawi* ‪(28 years old‪), from 
‪'Aja‪/Jenin‪. He was detained on 16 January 2013 while passing through 
Al‪-Karamah crossing as he was returning from Egypt‪, where he was 
working as a journalist for a number of associations‪. He is currently 
being held without charge or trial‪.
Journalist and detainee *Muhammad Sabana*‪, from Qabatiya‪/Jenin‪. He 
was detained on 17 February 2013 at Al‪-Karamah crossing as he was 
returning from Jordan‪. He is currently being held in interrogation and 
works as a cartoonist‪.
Journalist and detainee *Musab Shawer*‪, from Al‪-Khalil ‪(Hebron‪). He 
was detained on 25 February 2013 and currently remains in detention 
without charge or trial‪. Before his arrest‪, he worked as a broadcaster 
for a special radio show about prisoners on Al‪-Khalil Radio‪.
Journalist and detainee *Baker Atili* ‪(27 years old‪), from Nablus‪. He 
was detained on 6 March 2013 and is currently being held without charge 
or trial‪. Before his arrest‪, he worked as an independent photographer‪ 
and producer for a number of satellite and television channels.
Journalist and detainee *Tareq Abu Zaid*‪, from Jenin‪. He was detained 
on 8 March 2013 and is currently being held for interrogation‪. Before 
his arrest‪, he worked as a correspondent for Al‪-Aqsa satellite channel‪.
Journalist and detainee *Waleed Khaled*‪, from Sakaka‪/Salfit‪. He was 
detained on 10 March 2013 and is currently being held for 
interrogation‪. Before his arrest‪, he worked as office manager for the 
newspaper Palestine Today‪.
It is also worth mentioning that journalist Rasim Abeedat has been 
denied entry to the West Bank since 30 January 2012‪. No reasons have 
been given for this ban, which is in stark violation of international 
laws and conventions concerning the freedom of journalists.
This is all in addition to the permanent targeting of journalists during 
their coverage of events in the occupied Palestinian territories‪. It 
has been noted in the recent past that IOF soldiers are evidently and 
systematically aiming to injure journalists‪, photographers‪, and 
cameramen in order to prevent them from transmitting the realities of 
Occupation to the international community‪. It is worth mentioning here 
the cases of journalist photographer Atta Eweesat and reporter Mahfouz 
Abu Turk‪, who were directly fired upon with tear gas canisters and 
rubber bullets by IOF soldiers in occupied Jerusalem last Friday‪, 8 
March 2013‪. Photographer Haythem Al‪-Khateeb also suffered direct 
injuries in the village of Bil‪'in‪, West of Ramallah‪. Journalist 
photographer Jihad Al‪-Khateeb was also shot in his stomach during his 
coverage of clashes at Ofer checkpoint‪, near Ramallah‪.
Addameer strongly condemns the IOF‪'s continuous persecution of 
journalists‪, affirming that this constitutes a clear violation of their 
legal‪, professional‪, and humanitarian rights‪. This campaign also 
represents a flagrant infringement of all laws and international norms 
and conventions which guarantee freedom of opinion and expression‪. 
Addameer believes that the targeting of Palestinian journalists by the 
IOF is part of a deliberate plan to create a lack of Palestinian 
journalists in the field of media‪, both on local and global scales‪.
Addameer deplores the silence of international institutions regarding 
the direct targeting and detention of Palestinian journalists‪, and 
calls for the application of increased pressure on the Occupation to 
immediately release reporters and journalists detained in the 
Occupation‪'s jails‪.
*Write to the Israeli government, military and legal authorities and 
demand the release of Palestinian journalists.

    * Brigadier General Danny Efroni
      Military Judge Advocate General
      6 David Elazar Street
      Harkiya, Tel Aviv
      Fax: +972 3 608 0366; +972 3 569 4526
      Email: arbel at mail.idf.il; avimn at idf.gov.il
    * Maj. Gen. Nitzan Alon
      OC Central Command Nehemia Base, Central Command
      Neveh Yaacov, Jerusalam
      Fax: +972 2 530 5741
    * Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Ehud Barak
      Ministry of Defense
      37 Kaplan Street, Hakirya
      Tel Aviv 61909, Israel
      Fax: +972 3 691 6940 / 696 2757
    * Col. Eli Bar On
      Legal Advisor of Judea and Samaria PO Box 5
      Beth El 90631
      Fax: +972 2 9977326

*Write to your own elected representatives urging them to pressure 
Israel to release Palestinian journalists.
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