[News] Oak, March 18, 7pm - Palestinian Film - Where Should the Birds Fly

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Mar 8 15:24:41 EST 2013

In honor of *International Women's Day* and all of the women who

strengthen, protect, defend and maintain our families, communities and

movements for justice and liberation:

Join us for Bay Area exclusive screening of *Where Should the Birds Fly*

by Palestinian film maker *Fida Qishta* ? an account of her and Mona

Samouni's experiences in Gaza during the Israeli attacks in December 2008

and January 2009 and the  on-going struggle of the people of Gaza to survive

and find freedom.

*Monday, March 18 @ 7 PM*

*New Parkway Theater*

*474 24th Street, Oakland*

The screening will be followed by a panel discussion with the film 
maker, Fida

Qishta, and local activists confronting violence in their communities.

Tickets are $10 and can be purchased online at:


?Where should the Birds Fly? documents the Iraeli invasion of Gaza in 
December 2008 and January 2009, brutally repeated in November, 2012. It 
tells the story of two courageous young Palestinian Women: Mona Samouni, 
now 12 years old, and the filmmaker, Fida Qishta, now 27. It is also 
about the struggle of these two women to find human and hope, and some 
sense of normality in a world that is anything but normal. Through the 
lens of the camera, we see the different sides of Gaza?the border, the 
lives of farmers and fishermen, the impact of military attack, and the 
effort to pic, up shattered lives and maintain humanity.

* *

*Sponsors:* Middle East Children's Alliance, Arab Resource and Organizing

Center, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, Global Women's 
Strike, Arab Cultural and Community Center, Arab and Muslim

Ethnicities & Diasporas (AMED) @ San Francisco State Univ., Bay Area

Women in Black, Break the Silence Media and Art Project, East Side Arts

Alliance, Freedom Archives, US Palestinian Community Network

*About the filmmaker:*

Fida Qishta is a Palestinian camerawoman, editor, and filmmaker. Since 
2006, she has worked as a journalist, producing news stories and 
documentaries in the Gaza Strip. Her articles appeared in the U.K. 
Observer and Guardian newspapers and the International Herald Tribune. 
She is a qualified teacher and in 2004 founded the Life Makers Center in 
Rafah, Gaza, teaching English and drama to traumatized children.

?When I started to film in Gaza, it wasn?t a film. In my mind, it was 
news. But when I came to the US with all these materials, I thought this 
is my history. Nearly five years of work filming that I couldn?t leave 
behind. Mona?s stories made me think a lot. I couldn?t leave Mona?s 
story in a drawer. It was a reflection of all the work I did in Gaza 
with the Lifemakers Center, helping children. Being a woman, it was 
difficult to film in Gaza. I would go to events where all the men were 
filming and the women would stand behind holding the microphone, or come 
to say just a few words. I wanted to be part of the whole thing, not 
standing behind? ?Fida Qishta

Freedom Archives 522 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA 94110 415 
863.9977 www.freedomarchives.org

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