[News] Hands Off Assata - Eyes of the Rainbow - SF, Thursday, August 8, 7pm

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Jul 16 12:01:06 EDT 2013

*The California Coalition for Women Prisoners and
The Freedom Archives present*

*Eyes of the Rainbow*

*Thursday, August 8th, 7pm
518 Valencia Street
$10 donation, no one turned away*

*Eyes of the Rainbow, the 1997 classic film about Black revolutionary 
leader Assata Shakur, is directed by Cuban filmmaker, Gloria Rolando. 
The film visits with Assata in Cuba where she has lived in political 
exile since 1984, and tells the story of her herstory and life.*

*Poetry by devorah major
Discussion after the film*

*On May 2, The FBI added Assata Shakur to its "Most Wanted Terrorist" 
list and doubled the reward for her capture to $2 million. Now is the 
time to educate our communities about who Assata is and why she still 
poses such a threat to the US government 40 years after she was first 
captured on the New Jersey Turnpike in 1973. Together we must be clear - 

Freedom Archives 522 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA 94110 415 
863.9977 www.freedomarchives.org
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