[News] Letter from Fidel Castro to Hugo Chavez upon Chavez’s Departure from Cuba

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Mon Feb 18 11:49:19 EST 2013

  Letter from Fidel Castro to Hugo Chavez upon Chavez’s Departure from Cuba

By Fidel Castro, February 18th 2013


/Venezuenalysis.com translates the letter written to Hugo Chavez by 
Fidel Castro just before Chavez’s return to Venezuela in the early hours 
of Monday 18 February. /

Dear Hugo,

I am extremely satisfied that you have been able to return to that piece 
of American land which you love so much, and to our brother people who 
support you so much.

A long and agonising wait, as well as your astonishing capacity for 
physical resistance and the total dedication of a team of doctors, as 
has been the case over the last 10 years, were necessary to achieve this 

It would be totally unfair not to mention the insurmountable dedication 
of your closest family members, your colleagues in the revolutionary 
leadership, the Bolivarian Armed Forces, who were re-armed and 
re-equipped by you, and the honest people of the world who have shown 
their support.

The breath the Venezuelan people offered you also deserves a special 
mention, who saluted you with their daily demonstrations of enthusiastic 
and unshakeable support. It is to this which your happy return to 
Venezuela is owed.

You learned a lot about life, Hugo, in those difficult days of suffering 
and sacrifice. Now that we will not have the privilege of receiving news 
of you on a daily basis, we will go back to the method of correspondence 
which we have used for many years.

We will always live to fight for justice for human beings, consciously 
and humbly, without fear of the years, months, days or hours that we 
might have left to live in the most critical era of the history of our 

Our people, who are also your people, will know tomorrow of your return 
to Venezuelan via this message. Everything had to be done with much 
discretion, so as not to give an opportunity to the fascist groups to 
plan any of their cynical actions against the Bolivarian revolutionary 

When the socialist camp collapsed and the USSR disintegrated, and 
imperialism with its sharpened knife tried to drown the Cuban Revolution 
in blood, Venezuela, a relatively small country in divided America, was 
capable of preventing that. Due to time restraints, I have not mentioned 
the numerous countries in the Antilles, Central and South America that 
Venezuela has helped, on top of its great economic and social 
programmes. That is why all honest people of the world have followed 
closely the “health and news of Chavez”.

Until victory always!

A firm hug!

Fidel Castro Ruz
8.35 p.m.
February 17 2013

/Translated by Rachael Boothroyd for Venezuelanalysis.com/

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