[News] Palestinians in Shatat Say NO to Resumption of Negotiations: Sign On

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Aug 1 10:15:13 EDT 2013

*Statement: Palestinians in Shatat Say NO to Resumption of Negotiations: 
Sign On*

/The following statement was initiated by Palestinian activists in North 

*SIGN ON: Email NoToNegotiations at gmail.com 
<mailto:NoToNegotiations at gmail.com> or use the form: 
http://bit.ly/NoToNegotiations <http://bit.ly/NoToNegotiations>*

We, the undersigned Palestinians and Palestinian organizations in shatat 
and exile, write today to express our firm opposition to the resumption 
of bilateral Israeli/Palestinian negotiations under U.S. auspices in 
Washington DC, today, July 29.

For twenty years, the negotiations have not served Palestinian 
interests. Through countless sessions of futile negotiations, Israeli 
settlement construction has escalated, thousands of Palestinian 
political prisoners are held behind bars and Palestinian rights - 
including Palestinian refugees' right to return - are no closer to 
implementation. While the Netanyahu government is planning the massive 
dispossession of Palestinians in the Naqab via the Prawer Plan, the 
negotiations serve only to provide a thin veneer of legitimacy to the 
aggressive policies of Israeli occupation and apartheid.

Our rights - the rights of the Palestinian people - and our land - the 
entire land of Palestine - are not for sale or bartering at the 
negotiations table. That this process is presided over by the United 
States government, which provides $3 billion annually in military aid to 
Israel, and specifically by Martin Indyk, former research director at 
infamous Israel lobby organization the America Israel Public Affairs 
Committe, only adds insult to injury and makes clear that these 
negotiations will bring nothing of value or benefit to the Palestinian 

Today, we say: PA President Mahmoud Abbas does not represent us! Our 
rights cannot and will not be bargained away at a negotiating table in 
Washington, DC.

Instead, we affirm that the Palestinian people are one people and our 
cause is one cause. Our people have struggled for 65 years in order to 
achieve the liberation of the land and people of Palestine and the 
implementation of the right of Palestinian refugees to return their homes.

As Palestinians in shatat/diaspora, we are not being represented here, 
and we demand to reclaim our voice and role. We do not accept these 
negotiations, and our rights, our people and our land are not for sale!

*SIGN ON: Email NoToNegotiations at gmail.com 
<mailto:NoToNegotiations at gmail.com> or use the form: 
http://bit.ly/NoToNegotiations <http://bit.ly/NoToNegotiations>*

*/Initiating Signatories/*

Al-Awda NY - Palestine Right to Return Coalition
Canada Palestine Association
Canadian Students' Coalition for Palestine
Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa'adat
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Students for Justice in Palestine at Florida Atlantic University
Students for Justice in Palestine at Brooklyn College
Students for Justice in Palestine at Hunter College
Students for Justice in Palestine at College of Staten Island
Students for Justice in Palestine at John Jay College
Toronto Students for Justice in Palestine
US Palestinian Community Network
Voice of Palestine

Abdullah Khalifeh, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Amani Barakat, Moorpark, California
Amer Taha, Houston, Texas
Amin Husain, New York City
Aya Dama, London
Dr. C. Nureddin Awad, Cuba
Cynthia George Taha, Bellingham
Dina Omar, New Haven, CT
Fadi Shbita, Montreal, Canada
Falastine As-Saleh, Palestine
Faten Toubasi, Toronto, Canada
Feras Al-Hefnawi, USA
Fuad Abboud, Calgary, Canada
Ghada Talhami, Evanston, Illinois, US
Ghasan Taha, Bellingham
Ghassan Al-Sahli
Gihad Ali, Chicago, IL
Haitham Salawdeh, Wauwatisa, WI
Hanaa Yosef, Lebanon
Hanna Kawas, chairperson, Canada Palestine Association and co-host, 
Voice of Palestine
Hatem Abudayyeh, Chicago, IL
Hazem Ghanam, Coquitlam, BC, Canada
Ida Audeh, Colorado
Imad Shalbak, Bayshore, NY, USA
Issam Al-Yamani, Toronto, Canada
Jadallah Safa, Brazil
Khaled Barakat, Vancouver, Canada
Lamis J. Deek, J.D., NY/ Huwarra Nablus Palestine
Marsilio Salem
May Abboud, Bethesda, MD, USA
Mazin Al Nahawi
Monadel Herzallah, California
Nahla Abdo, Canada
Rabab Abdulhadi, California
Rajai Ghattas, Vernon, BC, Canada
Rami Alsaqqa, Vancouver, Canada
Randa Kamal, San Francisco, California
Rena Zuabi, Palestine
Sabrina Azraq, Toronto, Canada
Salma Abu Ayyash, Cambridge, MA
Sana Ibrahim, USA
Suleiman Hodali, Los Angeles, CA
Talal A. Kanaan
Yara Erian, London, Ontario
Yasmeen Daher, Montreal, Canada
Ziyad Zaitoun, Seattle

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