[News] Black people against Zionism, Black people against Apartheid

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Wed Mar 7 12:24:40 EST 2012

Black people against Zionism, Black people against Apartheid

Submitted by Jalal Abukhater on Tue, 03/06/2012 - 20:37

Yesterday, Aljazeera Stream's episode was titled 
and the Israel lobby, it hosted Journalist Max Blumenthal and 
BreitBart.com editor Ben Shapiro. You can watch the whole episode on 
The Stream and see Shapiro trying to evade the topic at hand and 
purposelessly attacking Blumenthal, the episode was very interesting, 
it is embedded here:

The term "blackwashing" is now being used after AIPAC started to 
exploit young people of African ancestry for propaganda purposes in 
order to beautify Israel's image. AIPAC's attempts barely succeed but 
are certainly worth paying attention to. AIPAC hosted young Africans 
to speak against the term "Apartheid" being used to describe the 
state of Israel, but only last week we listened to this 
and informative 10 minutes speech by South African PhD candidate and 
activist leader Mbuyiseni Ndlozi who spoke about Israel becoming a 
worse apartheid state than South Africa ever was, if you haven't 
listened to that speech, I also advise doing so now.

1970: Appeal by Black Americans against US support for Zionism

And now we come to read a snippet from history; 
stumbled upon this appeal published on the New York Times 1 November 
1970 edition, it is titled "An appeal by Black Americans against 
United States support of the Zionist government of Israel," it was 
sponsored by Committee of Black Americans for truth about the Middle 
East. The appeal is explicitly described in a 1972 Journal of 
Palestine Studies article by Lewis Young titled 
Blacks and the Arab-Israeli Conflict."

In this excellent appeal, we read about the Palestinian cause for 
justice being connected to the African-American fight for equal 
rights and complete abolishment for the racist system, we read about 
it connected to the global fight against imperialism, colonialism, 
racism, and for justice, freedom, and dignity.

The appeal starts with the signatories stating that they're in 
complete solidarity with their Palestinian brothers and sisters who 
are also struggling for self-determination and an end to racist oppression.

The appeal ends with a demand for the United States government to 
stop all military aid or assistance of any kind to Israel; it also 
states that Imperialism and Zionism must get out of the Middle East. 
It concludes with a call for Afro-American solidarity with the 
Palestinian people's struggle for national liberation and to regain 
all of their stolen land.

You can read the complete appeal below:

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