[News] Cointelplro 101 - Jubilee Film Festival - Selma 3/3 & NY OWS 3/9

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Feb 27 10:56:35 EST 2012

Cointelpro 101 will screen at the Jubilee Film Festival

Saturday, March 3rd at 11:00 AM

<http://www.jubileefilmfestival.com/>Selma University Theater/Gymnasium
Lapsley & Minter Ave.

Repression and Resistance From the Panthers to OWS

A night of Training, Information and Discussion 
on the issue of state repression against Leftist 
political movements in history and today

5:00-9:00 PM, Friday March 9th, Judson Memorial Church
55 Washington Square South, NYC

COINTELPRO may not be a well-understood acronym 
but its meaning and continuing impact are 
absolutely central to understanding the 
government’s wars and repression against 
progressive movements. COINTELPRO represents the 
state’s strategy to prevent movements and 
communities from overturning white supremacy and 
creating racial justice. COINTELPRO is both a 
formal program of the FBI and a term frequently 
used to describe a conspiracy among government 
agencies­local, state, and federal­to destroy 
movements for self-determination and liberation 
for Black, Brown, Asian, and Indigenous 
struggles, as well as mount an institutionalized 
attack against allies of these movements and other progressive organizations.

COINTELPRO 101 is a 56-minute educational film 
that will open the door to understanding this 
history. This documentary will introduce viewers 
new to this history to the basics and direct them 
to other resources where they can learn more. The 
intended audiences are the generations that did 
not experience the social justice movements of the sixties and seventies.

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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