[News] ALBA summit approves declaration regarding PR independence

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Thu Feb 9 11:08:04 EST 2012

ALBA summit approves declaration regarding PR independence

February 7, 2012

Inter News Service

Heads of state from the Bolivarian Alliance for 
the People’s of Our America (ALBA, in Spanish) 
approved on Sunday a special declaration 
regarding the inalienable right of the people of 
Puerto Rico to self determination and full 
independence at the second session of the XI ALBA summit.

The declaration, read by the Venezuela President 
Hugo Chávez, established Puerto Rico as a Latin 
American and Caribbean nation, with its own and 
unmistakable history, and whose sovereign rights 
have been violated due to the colonial presence 
imposed by the United States for over a century.

It was also determined that the cause for the 
independence of Puerto Rico was an affair that 
should concern the Latin American and Caribbean 
region, and its organizations as well as 
politically cooperative entities, such as the 
Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, 
according to the Venezuelan News Agency.

The document also manifests demands regarding 
freedom for political prisoners currently serving 
sentences due to their fight for independence and 
the self determination of Puerto Rico, as is the 
case with Oscar López Rivera, who has been 
incarcerated for over three decades, as well as 
the Avelino brothers and Norberto González 
Claudio, who have been linked with the 
clandestine Boricua Popular Army (EPB-Macheteros, 
as they are known in Spanish).

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