[News] A new book from the Freedom Archives - Out of Control - coming next month

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Dec 21 17:31:36 EST 2012

*December 2012

Dear Friends,
Your support has made this an international breakthrough year for the 
Freedom Archives!

Many of you have sent in contributions, thanks!
We are almost there reaching our year-end goal, but need still your 
help. You can also donate securely on-line
HERE! <https://co.clickandpledge.com/sp/d1/default.aspx?wid=33005>*

/*Available January 2013*/

In January the Freedom Archives is pleased and honored to release an 
important new book entitled /Out of Control: A 15-Year Battle Against 
Control Unit Prisons /by Nancy Kurshan, one of the founders of the 
Committee to End the Marion Lockdown (CEML). CEML was founded in 1985 to 
organize against control unit prisons, beginning at the infamous federal 
prison in Marion, Illinois, and over the next 15 years its work and 
influence spread nationwide.

In an engaging first-person narrative, this 248-page book tells the 
inspiring story of how CEML organized hundreds of educational programs 
and demonstrations and developed new ways of analyzing and fighting 
against the prison industrial complex.  The book faces difficulties and 
defeats honestly, delves into the human and political realities 
involved, and seeks to draw lessons that will be helpful in current 

As Lucy Rodriguez, Puerto Rican patriot and ex-political prisoner says, 
"Nancy weaves a human story despite the difficult work. As someone who 
experienced solitary confinement for almost a year, I urge everyone to 
read and distribute this book."

/Out of Control/ also features an eloquent foreword by Sundiata Acoli, a 
longtime political prisoner who worked closely with CEML. The foreword 
concludes: "Over the years CEML fought many bouts against control units 
and the reader will thoroughly enjoy this moving journal of CEML's 
battles against the Leviathan. This book is also Nancy's legacy to a 
movement in the midst of a renaissance, rising this time from a wider 
more popular base. Such a resurgence was inevitable---control 
units/prisons are inherently inhumane. They destroy the soul, mind, and 
body of their captives---and, in the end, long-term confinement under 
such conditions is a crime against humanity."

At the same time, we are excited to be launching a website that goes 
along with the book. In a web narrative by Nancy Kurshan, when a 
leaflet, pamphlet, article or other document is mentioned, there is a 
direct link to it. The website includes audio and video materials and 
numerous scanned documents that can be downloaded and are not available 
anywhere else; they are a result of countless staff and volunteer hours, 
relentless work by Nancy Kurshan and Steve Whitman, and the generosity 
of many others who scoured basements and old files to unearth these 
crucial and illuminating documents and tapes. We are confident this will 
amount to a significant resource for the current---and 
growing---movement to end mass imprisonment and prolonged isolation. 
This history becomes even more important in light of the hunger strikes 
in Georgia, Ohio, and California over the last many months.

*Work like this can only be accomplished with your contributions!
You can securely donate on line HERE! 

Freedom Archives 522 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA 94110 415 
863.9977 www.freedomarchives.org
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