[News] Palestine - 650 Kidnapped In November Including 85 Children, 7 women

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Dec 3 15:11:33 EST 2012

  Report: " 650, Including 85 Children, 7 women, Kidnapped In November"

Sunday December 02, 2012 07:59author by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC News

The Palestinian Detainees Research Center published a report on Sunday 
revealing that Israeli soldiers kidnapped 650 Palestinians in November; 
adding that 85 women and 7 children were among the kidnapped Palestinians.

The center said that the army carried out more than 300 invasions into 
Palestinian cities, towns, villages and refugee camps in November, and 
kidnapped the 650 Palestinians, including 12 Palestinian fishermen who 
were kidnapped in Palestinian territorial waters, near the Gaza shore.

Three more Palestinians were kidnapped in Palestinian lands, near the 
fence separating between Gaza and Israel.

The center added that the army kidnapped 85 children and seven women in 
the occupied West Bank, in addition to six Palestinian legislators; the 
number of kidnapped democratically-elected legislators is now 14.

Most of the arrests that were carried out in November were conducted in 
the northern West Bank district of Nablus as the army kidnapped 120 
Palestinians, while 95 Palestinians were kidnapped in occupied Jerusalem 
and the rest were kidnapped in different parts of the West Bank, and the 
Gaza Strip.

Furthermore, the Israeli Prison Administration at the Ofer prison, near 
the central West Bank city of Ramallah, informed the detainees that it 
intends to increase the number of detainees per room due to the large 
number of arrests, and also installed tents in the prison compound.

Detention rooms at the Huwwara prison, in the northern part of the West 
Bank, are now overcrowded due to the sharp increase of arrests carried 
out by the military.

It is worth mentioning that three detainees are still ongoing with their 
open-ended hunger strike protesting their illegal imprisonment without 
charges; detainee Ayman Ash-Sharawna started his strike 153 days ago, 
detainee Samer Al-Esawy started his strike 123 days ago, and detainee 
Odai Keelani started his strike 38 days ago.

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