[News] 9 killed as Israeli forces attack Nakba marches on northern, southern and central borders

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sun May 15 11:56:08 EDT 2011

9 killed as Israeli forces attack Nakba marches 
on northern, southern and central borders


  Sunday May 15, 2011 16:35
 by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC News

An estimated four people were killed Sunday on 
the Syria-Israel border, five killed on the 
Lebanon-Israel border, 52 injured in Gaza, and at 
least 24 injured in the West Bank as Israeli 
forces attacked Palestinian refugees trying to 
re-enter their former homes in what is now 
Israel. The day of protests was a commemoration 
of the ‘Nakba’ or ‘Catastrophe’, the day when 
Israel was created on Palestinian land 63 years ago.

The Israeli military confirmed firing at 
protesters on the Israel-Syrian border, as 
thousands of refugees tried to cross into the 
Golan Heights – a territory that was 
traditionally Palestinian, but is now a disputed 
territory claimed by both Israel and Syria. Many 
Palestinians who lived in the area found their 
towns and families split in half by the border.

Initial reports indicate that four people were 
killed by Israeli gunfire on the Syrian border, 
and dozens were wounded, as Palestinians crossed 
dangerous unmapped minefields to cross into the 
Israeli-controlled Golan Heights.

Thousands of Palestinian refugees in southern 
Lebanon also tried to cross the border with 
Israel Sunday morning, and were met with gunfire 
from Israeli troops stationed at the border. 
Local sources report that at least five people 
were killed, and ten wounded by Israeli gunfire in the Maroun al-Ras area.

In Gaza, according to local sources, around 1,000 
Palestinian refugees and supporters from the Gaza 
Strip marched on the Erez border crossing between 
Israel and the Gaza Strip, where they were fired 
on by Israeli troops, injuring at least 52 people.

Palestinian refugees from the West Bank also 
marched to the Qalandia checkpoint established by 
Israeli forces as the main border crossing 
between the West Bank and what is now Israel, 
although Qalandia’s location is far east of the 
internationally-agreed armistice line of 1967, 
and indicates a possible land grab by Israel if 
established as an actual border.

At least five Palestinian youth were injured when 
Israeli forces fired live rounds at a group of 
youth throwing stones during the largely peaceful 
demonstration of several thousand people at 
Qalandia. Dozens more were injured by 
rubber-coated steel bullets and tear gas inhalation.

In Issawiya, in east Jerusalem, Israeli forces 
fired on a group of youth throwing stones during 
a march held in that neighborhood. Four people were detained.

Elsewhere in the West Bank, students from Bir 
Zeit university, near Ramallah, set tires on fire 
as some youth threw stones at Israeli soldiers at the Atara checkpoint.

In al-Walaja village, a site known for 
non-violent anti-Wall protests, several hundred 
Palestinians, internationals and Israelis marched 
to the site of Wall construction in the center of 
the village – at least five were detained – three 
internationals and two Palestinians.

At least 63 Palestinians have been detained by 
Israeli forces at protests in the West Bank and Jerusalem since Friday.

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