[News] Yes to Aristide's Return - No to Fraudulent Elections

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Mar 15 10:26:54 EDT 2011

from Haiti Action Committee

As President Aristide and his family prepare to return to Haiti, the 
US State Department has once again released a statement aimed at 
blocking the return of the former Haitian President to his 
homeland.  It is clear that the United States is exerting enormous 
pressure on the government of South Africa:

"We would urge former President Aristide to delay his return until 
after the electoral process has concluded, to permit the Haitian 
people to cast their ballots in a peaceful atmosphere. A return prior 
to the election may potentially be destabilizing to the political 
process. We encourage the South African government, as a committed 
partner to Haiti's stability, to urge former President Aristide to 
delay his return until after the elections." - US State Department 
spokesperson, Mark Toner

It is crucial to keep up the pressure and support the demands we hear 
consistently from the grassroots in Haiti!

--Former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide must be allowed to return 
to Haiti immediately

--The fraudulent November 2010 election must be annulled and new 
elections that are free, fair and inclusive of all parties (including 
Haiti's largest party, Fanmi Lavalas) must be scheduled

<tel:%28202-456-1111>Please call President Obama 
<tel:%28202-456-1111>(202-456-1111<tel:%28202-647-4000>) and 
Secretary of State Clinton 
<tel:%28202-647-4000>(202-647-4000<tel:%28202-224-3121>), as well as 
your member of Congress <tel:%28202-224-3121>(202-224-3121) and ask 
them to support these two demands.

For timely updates, friend Haiti Action Committee on Facebook, sign 
up for our e-mail list 
at  <<mailto:action.haiti at gmail.com>action.haiti at gmail.com> and visit 
<http://www.haitisolidarity.net/>Haiti Action Committee website

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